YAY 9: The Battle of Death vs Death

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3rd Person's POV:

Irene stood up looking terrified while staring at Y/n who strucked at a wall with wounds.

"We need to save her atleast!" Sana said nudging at Jihyo's robe. She looked at their leader, but she's nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Nayeon?"


"So tell me lucky student...you ready to die?" Asmodeus said, the King of Demons.
Y/n chuckled spitting out blood from her mouth
"Before I die, i'll kill you first" she said coughing. He laughed before looking intensely at Y/n then lifted her by the collar slamming her body at the ground.

"Let's see if you will..." he said before kicking Y/n at her stomach vomiting out blood.

"Chaeyoung, what's the possibility that Y/n will die?" Jeongyeon asked.
"89% and counting..." she said unsurely.
"And counting? What does that mean?" Jihyo asked, Mina's eyes turned into realization.
"Her rate of death is increasing Jihyo! It means the chance of her to dying is high!" Mina snapped shaking Jihyo's shoulder.

Jeongyeon looked around observing the surroundings. She suddenly saw Professor Jessica panicking then running away when she saw Jeongyeon looking at her.

"Momo, come with me! We need to stop Prof. Jessica hurry!" Jeongyeon said grabbing Momo's hand before dunning away to their professor.

"Chaeyoung, can you say about the time Y/n will last atleast?" Sana asked her eyes building tears.
"I can't quite pinpoint about when she'll last. But I know she'll hold it off" Chaeyoung said proudly while looking at Y/n trying to stand up from the ground.

"We need Rosé for this...she's figure it on how to save y/n somehow.." Jihyo said looking around to find the certain brunette.

Meanwhile, Jeongyeon and Momo were still chasing their suspicious professor.

"Momo can you just use your speed? So we can fricking catch her!" Jeongyeon yelled as Momo just groaned before activating her powers catching up to their professor. She tackled her as Jeongyeon came a little later panting.

"P-please please! Don't hurt me!" Their professor nervously said. Jeongyeon kneeled down as she lifted her fist to the air.
"Do you have anything to do with this?! Did you set Y/n for this?!" Jeongyeon asked while she threatened the Professor with her hands that can break a wall.
"Y-yes! Now please don't hurt me!" She said as she placed her hands to shield her face with fear.

"Spill everything you know"


Y/n is getting beaten up by Asmodeus, she felt some energy inside her. She even released her familiar but it didn't work. She looked around, half of the students are still here but she didn't saw that particular person she is looking for.

She chuckled over and over again while the punched and kicks were delivered to her body by the demon king.

"Why are you laughing?! Fight you weakling!" He demandingly said, before he threw y/n everywhere.

She was thrown at the stands, good thing there were no students at that part.

She's trying to stand but she didn't suceed. She chuckled, she asked herself. Why would Irene even choose a weakling, a mere human to be exact?

"Get up" she suddenly heard a voice inside her head. She chuckled at the voice.
"I said get up pabo..." the voice said coldly again, she looked up before standing up weakly.
"There I got up grandma" Y/n teasingly said before smirking.
"You're stronger than you think Min. What?.. I thought you were strong, you even defeated Seulgi and Eunbi which are one of the strongest here" Nayeon said still cold, Y/n looked around trying to find her but failed.

"Irene wouldn't pick somebody who is a weakling." She continued. Y/n smiled before trying to straighten her posture with a fierce face looking at the Demon king.

"I believe in you" Nayeon continued watching by the roof of the stadium. Y/n smiled before rushing to Asmodeus who didn't see Y/n attacking him.


/n's eyes glowed staring at this Demon infront ofbher who is rubbing its face because of the punch's impact

"Now...it is on" Asmodeus said before charging at Y/n which she quickly blocked it..barely.

She quickly dodge all of the upcoming attacks but she barely survived. Her eyes glowed, now its color red. The Demon King smirked.

"I see...a Death Celestial like me" he chuckled while looking intensely at Y/n's eyes.
"Don't you compare me to the likes of you" she said preparing to attack. Suddenly, Asmodeus chuckled then sticking out his left hand infront of y/n a black ball starts to form.

Y/n immediately fell to her knees, she looked weak. She looked up at Asmodeus, he was smirking.

Suddenly, she saw a white light coming behind of Asmodeus.
Then, he disappeared. The only thing she saw was a white barrier encasing the whole school before passing out.

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