YAY 10: Warning

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3rd Person's POV:

Nayeon casted a spell to protect the school if the demons think they are coming again. But, her eyebrows furrowed when the Demon King said something more like a warning before disappearing into thin air.

Y/n woke up at their dorm, all of her body hurts like hell. But she noticed the bandages wrapped around her. Her familiar is asleep but it has bandages at its head. She looked around as the sunlight shone at their window. She tried to sit but a sharp pain at her stomach stopped her from doing so.

The door opened revealing Jihyo and the othere looking shocked and worried.

"Y/n!! Your awake!" Sana screamed with tears at her eyes running to hug you. She was extremely worried since you just battled a Demon King.
You yelped a little because her hug is really tight.

"How are you?" Jihyo asked with concern. Y/n just smiled reassuring that she's fine.
"I'm fine,my body is a little sore.." Y/n said trying to stand up as Dahyun and Chaeyoung help her.

"How long am I out?" Y/n continued asking questions.
"For...2 days I think?" Jeongyeon said with her hand at her chin.

"Good thing you held it off, we really thought you're gonna die!" Chaeyoung said wiping her tear.
Y/n looked around, Nayeon wasn't here.

"Where's Nayeon?" She asked.
"We don't know either, even when you were fighting we didn't saw her." Sana stated.

"Do you guys know who saved me?" Y/n asked bombarding them with questions. They all shooked their head.
She tried to stand up with Jeongyeon helping her.
"J-jyp nim said you can't go to classe--"

"No, I can handle it." Y/n cutted Jihyo before grabbing her robe.
The others looked at each other before sighing.

"Fine..its still early why won't you rest a little?" Chaeyoung asked. Y/n just shooked her head, she wants to take a breather.


She went to the open field again before carefully lying.

She closed her eyes breathing in and out before she got teleported to Irene's void. She saw her pacing back and forth until Irene saw her sucessor with bandages. She run to Y/n before bombarding her with questions.

"Y/n...don't you ever fight with him again." Irene warned her sucessor who looked confused.
"Why?" Y/n asked tilting her head.
"That black ball he made before you fell unconscious...don't you get close to it." Irene explained looking down.

"Why? Tell me why?" Y/n said a little scared. Irene looked at Y/n hesitantly before sighing, she thinks that maybe she needs to know about it.


Meanwhile, at the student council Twice are gathered together.

"Ms. Jessica confessed about something" Jeongyeon said with a serious face.


"You what?!" Momo asked surprised.
"Yes, I know she'll win. So the Demon King summoned me and make him to pass the b-border." Prof. Jessica said.
"But why does that Demon wants her?" Jeongyeon asked threathening Prof. Jessica with her fist.
"T-that's all I know! Please don't k-kill me!" She said shielding her face with her hands, terrified.

Flashback end

"So, Asmodeus wants to kill Y/n?" Sana asked looking confused.
"But...why?" Jihyo asked. Nayeon puts her hand at her chin thinking.

"He once said to me before vanishing," Nayeon said seriously.

'She'll die once darkness will consume her. Like me.'

"What does that mean?? Chaeyoung?!" Sana asked panicking.
"I don't know what he meant..." The cub said sadly.
"Nayeon...do you know anything about it?" Jihyo asked. Nayeon looked up, eyeing at them intensely.


"Irene unnie please tell me!" Y/n pleaded to the goddess who is still contemplating to her mind whether she will say it or not.
"Promise me you will not freak out..." Irene said both of her hands infront of Y/n. She just nodded vigorously.

"If you get closer to that ball...you'll be lifeless." Irene explained taking deep breath.
"W-what do you mean?" Y/n asked with a hint of nervousness and confusion.

"Y/n...you'll be a demon when your body consumed too much darkness. Or worse...you'll die" Irene explained. Y/n just looked at the void blankly like her soul left her body...

Y/n gasped when she opened her eyes but a sharp pain at her back and stomach made her groan.

She looked around, then sighed.

She has this death future waiting for her......

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