YAY 17: Dragons vs Phoenix

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Y/n's POV:

I went to our changing room. I'm getting nervous and cautious. I guess I activated my intuitive skill.

Jungkook became quiet and rather became irritative because of what I said in the library. It made me proud of myself actually.

Oh by the way, while reading the book about the rules. I came across at the houses. So basically they have elements;

Tigers are fire, which they are called Firery tigers.

Snakes are Earth, but they're called Cunnings Snakes.

Dragons are water, they're called as Water dragons

And Phoenix are Air obviously, we're called as Soaring Birds.

Its a little cool. But I'm nervous as hell!

While daydreaming, Nayeon passed at me with fierce eyes. That's scary...


In 5 minutes, the game will start so we went to our positions. I looked at Nayeon at our hoop, she looked at me as well which made me to turn my head and focused.

"I want a clean game.." Madam Hooch said looking at Jungkook and Dragon's Chaser, Xiumin.
Hooch put her whistle at her mouth then whistling before tossing the quaffle at the air.

"Phoenix's Captain and Chaser caught the quaffle! He tossed it to Solar as she kicked and it went in!!" Sana excitedly said, well she's the MC. She's uhh...a bit loud.

While they're busy for the quaffle, I kept on looking for the snitch but failed. Suddenly, it appeared infront of me! I almost grabbed it but my broom suddenly starts to jiggle.

A jinx?!

Wait, Snape's jinxing me? He's robe suddenly starts to burn now my broom stopped!

I dive to the snitch with the Dragon's seeker. Suddenly, a bludger came and almost made us to fall!

The snitch went under the stands, but the Dragon's seeker stopped and flew back. As I kept on stretching my hand a bludger is following me.

As the bludger went close, my hand was close to grasp the snitch. As we're out of the stands, the bludger hit my broom as the snitch disappeared. I fell and landed on the grass.

The crowds stood up as Madam Hooch went to me ensuring if I was okay. I suddenly had the feel to throw up.

The snitch landed at my hand with my saliva.

"Ms. Min, caught the snitch, 150 points for Phoenix! They'll advance to the final round!" Sana announced happily as Phoenix jumped happily.

When we went to our common room, the others starts to cheer me nonstop. Jungkook's face made me want to laugh my ass off.

I slumped back at my bed, I saw Mallow sleeping. Seriously?

"Hey mallow you want to eat? Your master just won!" I said shaking my familiar. She just roared at me making me whimper and groan. Beside her was a tray of food with a bunny symbol. Don't tell me Nayeon's feeding her?!

"What a good way to win Ms. Min huh? Throwing up the snitch?" I heard Nayeon beside me.
"Shut up! You're to talk! You even looked worried when I fell at the ground!" I snapped back as a tint of red was visible at her cheeks.

"Im Nayeon, is blushing? That's new.." I teased as she pushed me at the bed making me to hit the head board knocking me out cold.

3rd Person's POV:

Nayeon who was blushing a while ago suddenly saw that Y/n wasn't waking up. She then approached the latter and shaked her. She's burning up!

"You're burning!" She exclaimed before grabbing a wet towel and placed it at her head. Y/n opened her eyes before smiling weakly.
"Its because of you, Nayeon." Y/n said as Nayeon suddenly felt something she can't understand but shrugged it off.

"Get some rest...i'll be back." Nayeon said before rushing outside.
Y/n chuckled, she suddenly thought that Nayeon's tone is different than before. Maybe she feels guilty for pushing her?

"Here's a soup. Eat it." Nayeon said with a bowl of chicken soup. Y/n tasted it, it was good!!
"Don't rush, you might choke." Nayeon said sighing before sitting beside her bed.

"Were you giving Mallow food?" Y/n asked after finishing her soup. Nayeon was shocked but nodded.
"Your tone is different today Nayeon ssi." Y/n said staring at Nayeon.
"You're showing your emotions...that's new." Y/n continued.

"Its...I'm just like this when I'm with you." Nayeon said looking down while fiddling her fingers.
Y/n chuckled before tucking herself in.
"Thank you for taking care of me, Im Nayeon." Y/n sincerely said making Nayeon's heart beat.

"And thanks for worrying at the match." Y/n continued before smiling sincerely then closing her eyes. Nayeon just sat there shocked, still staring at Y/n and thought, 'Thanks, for making me lively again. Min Y/n.'

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