YAY 14: Exams (2)

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Y/n's POV:

I lazily walked to Defense against Demon arts. Even tho I'm a Yang, I can't go close to a demon. *chuckles* even tho I'm a demon myself.

I sat at the back beside the window. I like it when I can go daydreaming here if the class gets boring.

Nayeon, is beside me again looking cold. I just sighed, I tried to call Irene unnie but she's not responding.

"Good morning class!" I suddenly heard a familiar but goofy voice. *sighs* don't tell me..

Why is Irene here?!?

Let's just see her teaching skills but she looks like a Terror Teacher. Since she always yells at students who got the wrong answer. She looks like a goddess but a demon inside. Damn...

"Ms. Min, care to say the 3 Death curses that Ms. Jennie said?" Irene said with a sly smile at her face. I cursed mentally, why is she even here teaching as my defense against demon arts teacher?!

"U-uhh...Cruciatus curse, Imperio curse and...the Killing curse." I said nervously trying to remember the death spells that our study group studied.

"Very good...does any of you knows why I'm saying this?" She asked walking infront.
"The Demon King, Asmodeus. Because he almost used the Cruciatus curse to a student right?" Nayeon said her head low.

"Yes, very good Ms. Im. The Cruciatus, Tortures the victim. The victim will feel weak, like being burned inside, being teared apart!" Irene said her eyes widening.

"The Imperio curse when casted to the victim, you can move it around wherever you want! Up, down, left and right." She said demonstrating it with her wand. Where did that came from?!

This is seriously Hogwarts.

"Now, the most unforgivable and the Demon's favorite curse. AVADA KEDAVRA!" She casted to the spider. It immediately died!
"Simply, its the Killing curse." She plainly said, silence engulf us. No one dared to speak. We were all shocked and scared.

"That is all, class dismissed. Oh and Y/n, please meet me later at the west tower." She said before disappearing. I sighed and started to grab my books.


I went to what Irene said. Oh, isn't this our common room? Why didn't I know that?!

"Kiddo, you heard what Nayeon said right?" She said holding my shoulder. I nodded unsurely.
"Good thing, a student stopped Asmodeus from doing a Cruciatus to you." She said her hand crossed. Wait, I haven't know who's the one who saved me! Maybe thanking the student?

"W-wait, unnie who is the student who saved me?" I asked, as she put her hand at her chin thinking.
"I don't know, but its a she, and she has a long hazelnut hair." She stated.

"Hey, you have History right?" She continued, widening my eyes I bowed at her before dashing to the History room.

I arrived panting, okay not late good!

I sat at my seat, with Nayeon beside me again. To be honest, we've been seatmates for 4 classes everyday.

"Goodmorning students!" Ms. IU said cheerfully.
"Today, our lesson is about the Demon King." She stated opening her book as well as ours.

"Anybody, remembers the Yin and Yang?" She asked looking around as we said a yes.
"The Yang, also known as the Demon. Its work in the world is to extract darkness, and give darkness." She explained, they know me as a demon in this world. It means I'm evil...

"If the Yang absorbs too much darkness, it may turn into a Demonic creature." She explained as I shivered.
"That's why, many of the Yangs Sacrificed but.." she stopped.
"When the Yang sacrifices, all of the Demons will disappear. But millions of years, no one succeeded. It means they're not deserving to be a Yang." She explained, wow she knows about The Yang so much!

"The Yin, known as the Angel. Just like The Yang, she gives and extracts Light. You know why? Since, I know everybody knows that Light is good right?" She said looking around but nobody raised their hand.

"People turn too greedy, they became selfish which turns into darkness." She explained. Now I know why the Yin and Yang need to help each other. And no one should die....

"Now, anybody knows what's the connection of this to the Demon king?" She asked looking around. Until, I raised my hand.
"Oh, yes! Ms. Min!"

"The Demon King, is a corrupted Yang?" I said unsurely.
"Correct! 10 points for Phoenix!!" She yelled cheerfully. Ms. Iu, sometimes she gets really scary and sarcastic. Like my situation right now.

"A Demon King, sometimes chooses a mortal. Mostly its a corrupted Yang. But, after the last Yang, who died at the hands of the Late Demon King. The world is unbalance since today." She explained as we were just silent.

"Darkness is getting getting stronger by day...."


I went to the Great hall for lunch. It really made me scared and nervous but, Irene trusts me about this.

"You must be Y/n right?" A girl asked.
"Huh? U-uhh yeah.." I said surprised.
"I'm Yuna by the way! The unnies are going here later." She said cheerfully as I looked at her confused.
"Well, I saw you looking scared and nervous for some reason. Jihyo unnie and the others aren't here too so I thought to go and introduce myself to you." She explained with a big smile on her face. Aww....cute.

"Heheh...alright dongsaeng" I said patting her head. She pouted like a child.
"I'm not a kid anymore!" She sulked. While teasing her, I felt my body heating up.

I looked around before I felt loke somebody is drilling a hole at my head. Then, a voice ringed at my head.

"Don't flirt with her Y/n she's still a kid." I heard a cold voice inside my head.
"Why do you care?" I asked as I heard her scoffed.

"Yah! Y/nie!" Yuna said tugging on my robe. Wait, what's her power anyway?
"Hey, Yuna what's your power tho? Your tie where is it?!" I asked as she chuckled.
"Telekinesis, and I'm a gold tier. Oh, my tie's at Lia unnie's room!! I need to go bye!!" She said standing up running to the corridor.

I sighed before finishing my food going to Herbology class.

Jeongyeon and the others are here as we started to put the mandrakes to its new pots.

But, Jihyo's the one who broke my eardrums from shouting faster faster! I think my ears is bleeding.

I was about to turn around when Nayeon was close to my face.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!!" I yelled preparing my wand.

"Don't be startled, its just a boggart." Professor Sprout said.
"Riddikulus!!" Sprout casted as it turned into a rabbit ears and she's now eating a carrot as it disappeared.

"A Boggart transforms to the hosts greatest fear." Professor Sprout explained.
"Oh, so Nayeon's your greatest fear?!" Jeongyeon yelled before bursting into laughter.

"S-shut up!!" I said nervously.
As the others kept on teasing me, I heard Jihyo mumble.
"You guys are ridiculous." She sarcastically said rolling her eyes before going outside of the Herbology classroom.

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