YAY 11:Back to Normal?

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3rd Person's POV:

Y/n was still in a shock state, but she was...much quiet than before.

Even the others were looking at her back and forth looking concern. They were at the Great Hall eating lunch since the Headmaster will be having an announcement regarding the disaster yesterday.

"Hey...you alright?" Jeongyeon asked while putting her hand at the girl's back.
"Y-yeah..just my body's still hurts.." y/n said looking down. Then, Headmaster went infront where all houses can see him.

"Students...I know all of you were shocked after that...unexpected attack by the Demon King himself" He said with a sigh. Then, he looked at Phoenix table glancing at Y/n.

"One student were extremely hurt, but thanks to Ms. IU she managed to make her better somehow." He continued looking at each of the students.

"That's why, curfew will be 8 pm to 5 am so no one can go out. I expect good things, you may now eat!" He announced as everybody starts to dig in. But not Y/n, she was still shocked and scared about...the dreadful future waiting for her.

"Y/n...you should eat, your body is weak for now. You need energy" Mina said pushing a plate of food infront of Y/n. She sighed before digging in silently.


Y/n's at the open field again lying down at the grassy field. She sighed sitting with a groan.. suddenly, she remembered the Yang book with scribbles in its cover. She snapped her fingers as the book appeared infront of her.

She opened it and saw the scribbles she can't understand.

She puts her hand at her chin, how can she understand this?

"AHH! Rosè can! Her powers can reveal what this means! But hell her IQ is much higher than mine." She said with a snap of her fingers. But her face turned into a frown.

"But...aishh! How can I find her? I heard that its really REALLY hard to find her." Y/n groaned in frustration. When she stands up turning around she met someone's face that is so close that maybe when she breathes they'll touch lips.

She looks at those cold eyes staring back at her, now she understands that's why Nayeon is known. She's so beautiful...

Y/n suddenly looked down feeling scared, she bowed before running away. While Nayeon looked back at her scoffing more like...an annoyed way?

"Aishh....I'm going crazy because of her!!"


Y/n went to their common room finding Jeongyeon to help her go to Dragon's common room to find Rosé even though its forbidden. Maybe they'll ask their Prefect, which is Wendy.

"Uhh...hey Yeri! Can we see your Prefect? It's something important" Jeongyeon asked the Red Velvet's maknae.
"Oh, yeah. You guys can come in just be quick" Yeri said before smiling then bowing.

"Oh, Phoenix. What are you guys doing here?" Jimin asked.
"Uhh...can we see your Prefect first? We have something to ask" Y/n asked politely.
"What do you guys want?" They heard a voice behind them which is Wendy her arms crossed.

"Do you guys perhaps saw Rosé? We have something to talk about" Jeongyeon asked. The Dragon's Prefect pointed at an empty chair, Y/n and Jeongyeon looked at each other before looking back at the Prefect.

"What do you need?" They heard a soft voice with a hint of Australian accent. They looked at the chair and saw Rosé appearing slowly her legs crossed.
"Uhh...we need to know what does this scribbles mean at this book. Well, we know you're one of the wisest student here in Friar.." Y/n said a little nervous.

"I see...can I see it?" Rosé asked softly reaching out her hand for Y/n to place it.

Sacrificium est responsum

Rosé's eyebrows furrowed, because yes she knows what it means but she doesn't know what is the REAL meaning behind it. She looked up at Y/n and Jeongyeon.

"Sacrifice....is the the answer"

"Maybe you should ask who is the most wisest than me or maybe the whole school to know what is the real meaning behind this" Rosé suggested handing the book to Y/n.

"But...who?" Jeongyeon asked looking at Y/n.

"The one and only...Myoui Mina"

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