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finally I'm doing the epilogue after 4 months. I will give a wonderful ending for one of my favorite story that I wrote.


Everyone step out to the gateway. And their all saw a hallway that looks really ancient.

"Is this really, the elder gods realms?" Ask namjoon

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"Is this really, the elder gods realms?" Ask namjoon.

"Yes" Astrid reply.

"We have to move fast, we have to find him" said hoseok.

"Don't worry, I know we're they are. Follow me" astrid said. She signal us to follow her.

their near at the said chamber of that Gilgamesh. They could here loud moans and spanking in that room. The alpha's all clench their fist. There fangs are all showing together with there red eye's. The moon goddess and his alpha are also mad right now.

(((Mature theme)))

"You all can come in, I know your all out there. I can smell you blood is boiling" said the voice that made them all mad. They slowly all went in. And to there all gasp when they came to view seokjin.

Seokjin is all four and his ass up in the air and is all red, he's has small bat like wings and a devil like tail. His mother tear felt down.

"What did you done to my son" ji-woon said.

"Nothing much" Gilgamesh sarcastically answer. He sit up and turn seokjin. He carry seokjin into his lap. And lick his neck. Seokjin has a very big stomach, he has a breast now. And small pink horns and a jet black eyes. And his all naked.

All the alpha eyes turn maroon, there all ready to tear up the elder vampire.

"What have you done to our mate" teahyung growled.

"I make him, a beautiful bride. Isn't he pretty" Gilgamesh smirk. He caress seokjin two breast earning a loud moans.

"Lets, remove this, so I can fuck you. In front of your parent's and alphas." He whisper in seokjin ears while he remove his butt plug.

"Ahhh, yes.."seokjin moans as Gilgamesh seed flows out to his hole.

All the alpha can't take it anymore. They attack Gilgamesh. With the sharp nails. Seokjin was grab by his mother, her mother cry. While seokjin is still out of his mind he's still caressing his breast and he's still moaning. All the alphas had killed Gilgamesh, his bones are just the only insight.

"It's finish now" said jungkook.

The there heard a clapping sound, there eyes went to the source.

They were all shocked to see Gilgamesh on the corner of the room.

"You all really want to kill me, huh!!! I'm sorry your no match to an elder god like me" Gilgamesh said mocking the alpha. Astrid clench his fist.

"Stop this nonsense, let them go. I will just stay here with you" shouted Astrid.

"How can you be sure that I still want you, Astrid?"

"I know, I'm the one that you love, from the beginning. Please let them go. Special my son" he begged the elder god.

The elder god, was thinking about it. He signal the goddess to come to him. The goddess nod. She left seokjin and went to the elder god. The elder god hug her. But she shiver at the elder god said.

"Do you think I would let them go just likw that" he's going to signal the other gods to killed the alpha. But Astrid stab Gilgamesh using her sharp claw.

"I won't let you hurt the important people in my life. You might forget I'm a goddess. That you thought you created. But I'm not one of your pitiful creatures." Said Astrid as he stab deeper her claw to Gilgamesh. Her eyes is blazing yellow.

Gilgamesh though he created the goddess but it's not. The goddess is created by a higher gods. To maintain the balance of the world. GILGAMESH died as a vampire. He just became an ash. The other gods he created became an ash also. As for seokjin he became a delta again. Seokjin was hug by his alphas and ji-woo hug his mate.

"Your, you feisty my love. I love when you do the action"

"Thank you. You all have to get out here" she reply.

"Let's go" he hold her wrist and ready to go. But Astrid didn't move an inch.

"What's wrong my love? We have to go" ji-woo ask. Astrid shake his head.

"I'm sorry, I can't be with you. I have to maintain the balance, especially now that the elder good is gone." He kiss his mate one more time. Then he carry seokjin out of the realm. Were ji-woo father is waiting for him.

"Clean you mate" he said to namjoon. And he nod. The other alpha follow namjoon.

Then he went to my father. He cry because he will never see his mate again.

"Don't cry my son, even you didn't she her. She will always watch you from her realm"


I didn't saw my mother, but I still feel her warmth when she hug me for the last time. I didn't know what happened. I couldn't remember anything. I just remembered I was having sex with my mates. Then after that it isn't clear. I all ask them what happened but they said, it's better if I didn't know. I thrust my mate's so I didn't ask about it.

today is our wedding day, I'm quite nervous and I'm happy at the same time. I can't believe I'm going to marry my childhood sweet heart's.

I'm wearing my white suite.

"Don't be nervous jinnie, I can't believe my little boy Is going to marry his alphas right now" father kiss my temple

"Don't cry father, these is a happy day" I said. And then we stared to wake at the isle full of roses. And at the end of the isle is my handsome and brave alpha's. My tear fell because of the happiness.

And when were at the end of the isle my alphas bow to my father and they lead to the altar.


at the altar. There's glowing light that came from the heaven to the ground, the light slowly faded reveling the moon goddess her self.

The moon goddess bind the alphas and there delta to live a peaceful and happy life forever. And as for ji-woon he didn't let his luna return to her realm alone. He came with her into the gods realm.

Seokjin and his alphas lead there clan to a peaceful and prosperous life.


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