🧜PINK TAIL chapter 2🧜 (m)

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I was waiting in the living room for, the moment to arrive. She's gonna give birth to my friend's child. I'm planning to get his mermaid lover, I'm still not decided whether i will sell her to the black market or put her into show. I'm not really planning to get his child, I will let the child to live with daniel.

But when I saw him, I don't know what's got into me, I felt in love with the child, all my plans instantly wash away. I don't know why, but I feel like I want to hide him to the world and even to his parents, he's too precious.

So I grab put him in the bed, I clean him, I grab the baby things that daniel buy for him. After I pack I bring the baby with me, good thing I bring my own car here.

"It will be a long drive, baby" I said to the sleeping baby that I carry in my arms.

"I will bring you to your new home, I will give you a beautiful life, I will take care of you from now on.

We had a long drive, almost 4 hours. Good thing my baby seokjin is a sleepy baby.

I name him seokjin next to my name woo-jin. From now on you name will be park seokjin. I think he like it, cause he smile.

We went to my mother's house in busan. "Were here seokjin," he open his eyes. he has hazel eyes, he is smiling. I open car door and step out the car. We walk towards the house.



I heard my mother inside the house she said "I'm coming" then she open the door.

"Woo-jin, why are you hear you said your coming home next month. And is that a baby?

"Change of plan mom, I would like you to meet my son seokjin." She is speechless, she just let us in.

I told here my girlfriend die after giving birth to our son And his family is against us, that's why they ask us to leave. I think my mother believe me.

"Uncle, wo that? I turn to the little voice coming. It came from my 4 years old nephew. My sister left him here.

"Come here jimin meet your cousin." Jimin came to see the baby he was awe by my baby.

"She so pwety,"

"Baby! he is a boy, you should say handsome"

Jimin swing his head in disagreement from his uncle "Nooo! no he so pwety, I like him."

Then seokjin cry.

"Baby, seokjin needs to rest, goodnight baby." I kiss my nephew and go to my room. I lay seokjin in the bed I try to feed him milk but he doesn't want it and he's still crying. I don't know what to do,

then I remember seokjin is not a normal baby. So I put warm water with salt into his baby bottle. I hope this works.

I put the bottle into his mouth, then he stop crying. Thanks god it works. Then after my baby finish the whole bottle. I let him burp and clean him up so he can sleep. Seokjin sleep in my arms. I also felt asleep because this is very exhausting day for me and my baby.

After 3 year.

Seokjin is now a 3 year old. He eats human food but he always drink warm water with salt. That's why I have tons of rock salt in our house.

I work in an office at the near town, it only took 30 minutes drive from the house. I had an offered in overseas but decline it all cause I don't want to left my seokjin behind. I want to be there in seokjin every moments in his life.

I'm glad my mother, support me all the way. As an exchange I support there needs.

I can feel I change, seokjin open my eyes to be a better person and a responsible father.

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