✝️BLOODY CROSS chapter 4✝️

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"Dad I need your help,"

you heard it right, our parents is still alive.

Those vampire take the bate which is seokjin.

I'm from a family of hunters, this is all according to our parents plan from the beginning.

To terminate the bagtan clan the most powerful clan of vampires even thou there only few in their family. They still the powerful enough to end a battalion of humans.

My parents also know that seokjin destined to be mated with two vampires in the bagtan clan. They saw the mark in his arm and neck when he was born. That's why they made a plan, they want the destruction of the powerful vampires. They set there own rumors that they are dead, but the truth they just go in the u.s. And they support us from there. I really don't want to this plan, I don't want my jinnie to get hurt, I also don't wanna lie to him. But I'm too young that time, that's why I can't stop this. But maybe I can still save him.




I admit I had a bit of shock, when the door is open then jungkook, taehyung with a human. They dash to the guess room. I close the door and lock the door. I also went to the guess room.

"Is he your mate taehyung." I ask and jk give me a glare.

"No, his our mate" jk said and his still glaring at me.

"What! You have the same mate.? Taehyung just nod.

"How can this hap.. " I was cut by there mate moaning because of the pain.

"A-hhhh please god make the pain go away." He said while his eyes is still close and he start crying.

Jk and tae move to the two the side of bed, they sit on the edge, tae remove those tears using his thumb, jk lean and kiss their mate temple.

"Yoongi, come here, I wanna see you and your mate,when we welcome our newest member of the family." I was smiling just by looking at them. I wish I have my mate with me. I'm kind of jealous to them.


I was waiting for hoseok. I'm in the car right now, park in the cafe.

"Holy shit!! hoseok you scared me." Hoseok came knocking the window of my car.

"Im, sorry to scare you, what is the problem.? He ask while entering my car.

Im not use to this, hoseok is my child hood friend that is now a vampire.

"They found him?

"What? How? Tell me everything.

I tell hoseok every thing. " I really didn't realize that bleeding is the symptoms of awakening. I know seokjin is going to be one of them.

"What clan?"

"The bagtan" I look him the eyes.

"What!!! that is our clan!

"I know hoseok, that's why I came to you I need your help. My parents wants to destroy your clan. I don't want jinnie to get hurt in this battle. My parents hate vampires, even if its their own son.

"Namjoon, my clan is not a bad vampire, like you think. We live in peace. We interupt by hoseok answering the call.

"Hello baby, ok I will be there in a thirty minutes, I'm going to bring someone. Ok bye love you," hoseok

"Drive," hoseok command me

"Where? And what you think that I'm coming with you? I ask.

"Do you want to see your little brother or not." I didn't answer I just follow hoseok direction. Then we arrive in a large mansion.

"Were going to make a plan with them. Trust me namjoon bagtan is not a bad vampire like you think." Hoseok said and we both came out the car. He held my hand. " Don't worry they won't do anything to you" I just nod.

We enter the mansion, it so huge I follow hoseok to the living room where there I saw five person and should I say vampire's.

My tears fall went I see my little brother, his pale and has a red eyes. "Seokjin" I run towards him but a vampire block me. "He's a new born, he can't control his thirst,He might kill you" I look up to where's the sweet voice came and it came from a small vampire. I smile at him and he blush.
Wow he's cute. I introduce my self

"Hi I'm namjoon," I sake his hand. He offer me a long chair so we can sit together, I was mesmerized by him. I never thought I will want a vampire to be my boyfriend.

"Im jimin, yes I wanna be your boy friend." His blushing to much. Wait did he just answer the question in my mind.

He smile " yes, I've reading your mind since you came.

I also blush my god, this is embarrassing.

"Namjoon stop flirting, tell us about the plan." Hoseok said

I look back to seokjin, his rested his head to one of the vampire I assume that his mate. He still have red eyes. Then he slowly close his eyes and lean more to his mate neck.

" I need to protect my brother, there coming to find your clan."

"Protect from what.?

"From hunter's, like us.

"Hunters? Jungkook ask. I explain to the everything, I also need to tell my father knows that these vampires took seokjin, I want to them to believe that im still one of them and I will proceed to the plan. Good thing I change seokjin clothes before these guys came in to my condo and broke my door. Cause there is a tracking device in his clothes before.


wait a revelation my of my soon to be brother in law. He said he want to protect his brother, I believe him.

"We have get out from here." I said and all of them agree. We pack our things, and ready to get out. But

"Bagtan , surrender now."

Shit! There here.

minjoon, thank good jimin found his love. He wouldn't be jealous.

So this is a small update,I've been writing this since this morning, gosh its already evening.

I will just edit this tommorow.
Thanks for reading

Good night. Please vote and comment.

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