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Dylan's POV

"So, why're you taking her side?" She blurted out. Now, where was this coming from? Why was she being difficult? I just didn't want any unnecessary drama.

I looked away. "Don't do this Tes. I'm not taking sides. I just want to settle everything." I tried my best to keep her calm cause she looked like she was about to explode.

"Is anyone paying you to settle arguments? She was very mean to me and you expect me to smile back at her and say thank you. I wouldn't do that. If you didn't want a girl who'd stand up for herself then you shouldn't have asked me to be your date."

I said it. Now, she has exploded. The only thing I could do now is to apologize so I nodded. "I'm sorry Tes. Don't take things this way. That's why we should change our table."

She shook her head in disbelief. "I've told you that we're not changing our table. Just leave. I'll meet you outside."

Damn it.


"Just go." She shrugged. I wanted to hug her and apologize properly but I couldn't. I had to just leave. I would never understand women.

"I'm really sorry." I apologized again and left the toilet. That was what she wanted so I did. I walked back to the table to the blonde and said to her. "I don't know who you are but I am Dylan Farassis..." The woman trembled and this time, her boyfriend was paying attention. "I wouldn't condone any disrespect towards me or my girl. I was being calm at first but I can't take such rubbish. When she comes back, you'll apologize to her for calling her a negro. Are we clear?"

Her man looked at her in surprise. "You called his girl a negro?"

She looked down. "I...I..."

"I said...are we clear?" I repeated in a harsher tone and she nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry. I didn't know your identity. I could lose my job for this since your dad is Edwin's best friend. Please, forgive me. Babe, I'm also sorry. Would never be racist to anyone ever again."

"Babe I'm fucking disappointed." He said and I added. "Save the apology for when Tes gets here."

All through the conversation, I was standing so I could prove my point. Teresa was right. She never deserved whatever that happened to her and it was my fault for not understanding. Guess, Blondie wasn't the only one apologizing tonight.

Then, I heard a gun shot and got scared immediately! What was happening?! People started screaming and running for their lives. I looked at my hands and they were already shaking uncontrollably. It was happening again. Fuck! This shit was happening again. I tried to get myself together but I heard another gunshot which worsened everything. Now, I regretted stopping my medications.

The couple in front of me had already disappeared. No one could help me. My bodyguards would be searching for me at the VIP so they wouldn't find me fast enough. I fell to the floor and thought of Tes. I couldn't even help her. I felt useless.

The screams of people reminded me of hers. I needed to get it off my head. Her voice screaming for saving. "No!" I shouted and closed my ears. I curled up on the ground screaming "No! No! Stop! Stop shooting! Don't kill her!"

I needed to get her screams off my head. I hated this. I hated everything.

"There he is!" I heard Baldwin's voice and got relieved a little. He laid on the floor and hugged me. "Don't worry Dylan...don't worry. Those screams you're hearing are just illusions. Calm down. It's gonna be alright. It's gonna be alright." He kept repeating.

"Let's go to the car." He said as one of the guards lifted me from the floor.

"Don't worry. I'd walk." I said. The guards surrounded me as we walked out of the building. I thought of Tes but at that moment, I needed saving too.

I wondered why people started firing shots in such honoured dinner. I couldn't comprehend at all. I entered the car and laid on the seat. I wish I could help her but I couldn't even order any of my guards to rescue her.

"What of Tes?" Baldwin asked but then realized that I couldn't really talk in my state. He just needed to get me out of there as fast as possible.

I knew where she was. I'm sure she'd be waiting in the toilet for her hero but I couldn't do anything. Years ago, I also couldn't save her. I can't save anyone...

Hi! It's me again. So commentttt, vote and shareee this story! Thank you!

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