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Jess POV

After taking some deep breaths I open my eyes and see they are all looking at me. I feel Maggie squeeze my hand and I smile. "I was 3 when I got put up for adoption, my parents were young, stupid redneck alcoholics." I state glaring at Daryl next to me. "The couple that picked me were okay to me. Up until the age of 6. The man got drunk alot a beat me. When I turned 8 he would beat me even when he was sober." I say as tears begin to well up. "About 5 months before all this started he would rape me." I stutter and the women gasp while Maggies hand squeezes mine more. "The woman never harmed me. She was nice. When he wasnt there we would bond. He did the same to her." I breath out. "Before this happened. I was on a school trip in Atlanta. Before I left she handed me this, saying it was my real dads pistol and that I should escape from them and try to find him." I say unbuckling the gun from is holder. I place it on the table and Daryls eyes light up. "She kept it?" He asks and I nod. "She told me to find you or mum. But mums probably dead and you wouldnt care less anyway." I say back to him. I look back to the others. "I was in the woods feeding off of worms and river water for months. Turns out it was years." I say. "Then I guess. Dad found me." I say squeezing his hand and smiling. He looks down at me confused but then his face instantly softens. Then I decide to say something unpredictable. "So wheres uncle Merle." I grin.

Everyone was silent, meaning something happened. I look around and see Ricks head drop. I stand up on my seat and walk over the table and swing my legs down infront of me. "Care to explain?" I ask him. He looks up with sorrow in his eyes. "We found him and he was a danger. We handcuffed him to a roof. Your dad god pissed so we went back for him. He wasnt there and his hand was chopped of. Havent seen him since." He explains looking more sad and I just hug him. "It was the right thing to do. Whether hes my uncle or not he was still a loud ass dumb redneck like all of us." I state as I rub his back as much as I can. I let go and he just smiles at me. "So wheres my room?" I ask getting off the table. "You'll be staying with me." Daryl says and I nod. I take my pistol back and follow him as he gets up. "I took the perch but, I always had a room ready for me when I wanted to." He explains as we get to the top of the stairs and I nod. He walks into a room and I follow. Theres one bed but its quite big. Daryl hands me some clothes and I take them. I can tell they are Carls but they fit and are comfy to sleep in. I get into the bed and cover myself with the blanket. Daryl walks in and lays down next to me. Soon I hear soft snores and I turn so im facing him. "I love you Dad." I say as I sob into his chest. "Im sorry." I breath out. I feel his arm wrap around me as he still sleeps. Soon I fall asleep too.

I wake up and Daryls up sharpening his knife. "Morning daddy." I yawn and his head turns to me quickly. I realized what I said. "Sorry." I mumble. "Its fine princess." He says grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I stand up on the bed I wrap my arms round his neck. "Whatcha doing?" I ask and I feel him smile. "Sharpening ma knife." He says. I kiss his hair before jumping down. "Feels good to be loved doesnt it?" I ask and his eyes shoot up to me. "Mum told me, I remember even though I was 3. Atleast I wasnt the only one." I say smiling. He slowly smiles back. He gets up and ruffles my hair. "Come on you got to brush that and then keep guard with Carl when we leave." He says pointing to my hair and then the door. "Where ya going?" I ask following him down the steps. "Only to find more things like food and such." He says kissing my forehead and walking off. I smile and walk to Maggies room. "Auntie Maggie!" I yell and her and Glenn stop kissing. "Sorry to interrupt. Can you cut my hair. Like shoulder length. Its annoying being down to my butt." I ask. She blushes and nods. "Sit misses Dixon." She commands and I sit infront of her. "Your lucky ive cut a lot of peoples hair." She says as I hear the scissors snip. "I just want the same length hair as Daddy." I say grinning. "We really do have a little Dixon huh." Glenn says putting on a shirt. "Not that one Glenn. The red one, less blood will show when you kill the walkers." I say pointing to a different shirt. He looks down and smiles at me while changing shirts. "Dixons arent normally that smart." Carl says walking in. "Excuse me Grimes." I say standing up as Maggie finishes cutting my hair. "Dixons are everything you dont expect." I say pushing past him. I see him smirk. Damn boy.

I walk up to Carol and see her smirking too. "Someone has a crush on you." She sings and I scoff. "As if. Im a Dixon, no one cares about us but us." I say reciting Merles words. "No sweetie. We all care about you, and your father." Carol says handing me my oatmeal. "If you say so." I say walking into the cafeteria. "Woah?" Beth says while eating. Everyone turns to me. "What happened to your hair?" Lori asks. "I cut it. If its down to my butt then walkers could grab it, ya get me?" I say sitting down next to them. "Plus now I look like a mini Daddy." I say smiling. Daryls ears pick that up and I see him smiling into his food. "Aw thats so cute." Beth says smiling at me. I smile back at her while I finish my oatmeal. "Oh shit Dad." I say remembering something from my bag. His eyes turn to me instantly. "I have something that Merle made me when I was younger too. Wanna see?" I ask him and he nods putting his bowl in the sink.

I find this a v cute tbh. :)

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