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Jess POV

The RV stops and Daryl walks out first with Calebs body. "We bury him here." I say and he nods. I get out a shovel and start digging. Once I dig a big enough hole we place him in. "Ill miss you lil bro." I say smiling weakly at the sky. We go into the building and see someone. "Hey im Eric, Aarons partner." He says. Maggie and him talk. "Im so sorry about your brother." Eric says and I shrug. "Just another body to fill the empty earth." I say frowning. Eric looks shocked. "Someone always dies. It just changes on the level on how much we care about them." I say looking up at him. I hear a bang on the door and I know they're here. Carl runs to the door to tell them what happened. "Im so-" Rick starts. "Dont. It doesnt matter. Someone always dies. It happens." I say shrugging and he nods. Daryl walks back in and he locks the door. He lays down and I lay next to him. "Dont let it be you next." I whisper to him and he hugs me. "It wont." He says kissing my forehead. "Like Beth said. Ill be the last man standing." He explains and I nod before falling asleep.

I wake up and everyones packing up their things to get ready to go to Alexandria. I grab my bag and go to grab Caleb but then remember what happened last night. "Did you just try and reach for Caleb?" Carl asks and I nod. He frowns at me and hands me Judith. She coos at me and then frowns when she sees tears. She puts her hand on my face and tries to kiss my head but fails. "Okay baby girl." I say kissing her head. She giggles and smiles. Carl takes my bag in one hand and my hand in his other. He walks me out to the RV and we get inside. "You okay?" Rosita asks and I nod sitting between Daryl and Carl. "Anyone else missing twinkies?" Noah blurts out. "Yeah actually." I laugh and he smiles at me. "If Alexandria has macaroni cheese. Im not leaving." I say and Carl laughs with some others. The RV stops and we step out. I hold Judith closer just in case and Aaron opens the gate. 2 men stand there. Rick talks to them about handing over our weapons. "We'll hand the over after we talk to Deanna." Rick finally says and we all walk in. They close the gate behind us. We get taken to a house and Rick goes in first. Then Carl, Maggie, Glenn. I walk in with Daryl and Judith. "Hi Im Deanna." The woman says. "Mind if I record this?" I shake my head and sit down. Daryls pacing around the room. "Dad sit." I say snd he does so. I had him Judith so she stays sitting. "Daryl do you wanna be here?" Deanna asks him. "Boy, the baby, my girl. They deserve a roof. I guess." He says bluntly. "Jess what about you." Deanna asks. "What about me?" I ask. "Do you wanna be here." She asks and I shrug. "Wish some others got to see this place." I mumble and Daryls hand goes to my arm. "This one your?" Deanna asks about Judith. "No, shes Ricks. Jess looks after her most of the time. It takes her mind off the ones weve lost." Daryl explains. Theres silence for a while.

"Who have you lost?" Deanna asks. "Its a long list." I warn and she just nods. "We lost Lori, giving birth to Judith. We lost Hershal to a dickhead. Lost Axel to him to and Oscar." I start. "Lost Uncle Merle. Andrea. T-dog." I continue. "Lizzie, Luke, Molly, Mika, Patrick, Karen, David, Tyrese." Daryl starts listening. "Beth." We both say. I cover my mouth to hold in a sob. "Whos Beth?" Deanna asks. "She was my best friend since this began. Shes the reason I get called the happiness of the group. I hold faith and hope like she did." I explain sniffing. "She gave me her necklace, rag and scruchie. Im a mini her." I continue. "She told me she loved me before she died. Shot to the head by her kidnapper. Dad shot her kidnapper and I stabbed her until she was unrecognizable." I say. "So Beth had a big impact on the both of you?" Deanna asks and we both nod. "Maggies sister. Thats who she is." Daryl says. Judith starts crying so I take her and she calms down. "Hershal would have loved this place. For his daughters to live." Daryl comments. "I heard you lost someone last night too?" Deanna says. "Caleb." I say my voice breaking. The door opens and Rick and Carl walk in. Rick takes Judith from me and I hug Carl. "Shh its okay. Theyre safe. Were safe." He whispers while rubbing my back. "I heard Grixon get yelled a couple of times?" Deanna says trying to change the subject. "Daryl and Jess Dixon. Rick, Carl and Judith Grimes. Grixon." Daryl says laughing a bit. "Its what Maggie and Glenn yell when they see these two kissing." Rick smiles. "How old are you two?" Deanna asks Carl. "Do you have a calender?" He asks and she nods getting up and grabbing it. "Its the 5th of February 2013." Deanna says smiling. "Were 15." Carl says. Deanna nods and continue to talk to the parents.

Aaron leads us to 2 houses after we hand our weapons in. "Both yours." He says as we stand infront of them. "Wow." I mumble leaving Carls grasp. "Which one?" I ask Rick and he points to the one were all staying in. He doesnt wanna split up which I understand. I grab Carls hand and run into the house. "Were gonna have to share a room with Judith." Carl says. "Im okay with that." I say smiling. He nods as we look around the house. We walk back into the living room and see everyone setting up sleeping bags. "We found the kids room." Carl says smiling. Rick just nods and we walk onto the deck. "Can we go look in the other one?" I ask Daryl. "Be quick." Rick says and Daryl nods. Me and Carl run over to the other house and unlock the door. "Woah." I say as the door opens. We look into every room until we get to the attic. "Some kids have been chillin in here." I say picking up the comics. Carl just nods as he picks them up. We leave the house and go to our one.

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