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Jess POV

I wake up and see Daryl next to me. "Daddy." I say turning over and jumping on him till he wakes up. Once his eyes open I lay on his chest. "Morning to you to Princess." He groans and I smile. "I missed you." I groan and he wraps his arms around me. "I had to deal with Carl. Which isnt always s bad thing but." I say shrugging my shoulders. He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "Isnt always a bad thing?" He asks and I gulp. "Yeah hes annoying but funny. Weird but cute. Moody but adorable." I say melting at the thought if him. "Do you have feelings for him." Daryl asks sitting up causing me to sit next to him. "I think so." I gasp at myself. "Get with him." Daryl suggests. "What?" I ask. "Youd think id be mad. Go on instead of have seperate mini Grimes and Dixon. Have little Grixons." He says encouraging me. Even though I know were already dating. "Did you just. Grixons." I laugh. He joins in. Beth walks by with Judith trying to calm her. I get up and stop her. I get her to hand Judith over. I hold her and she stops. "What were you laughing about?" She asks. I just roll my eyes and walk off with Judith. "In that case you should make a boy Dixon for Judith." I hear Beth say and Daryl chokes on air. "That wouldnt work because then their children would be nephews and yeah." I hear Daryl try to explain. "It could work just make sure we arent married." I yell so they can hear but so did Carl. He looks over at me when I say 'married' and he smiles.

I hand Judith over to Glenn as he feeds her and I eat my oatmeal. Maggie comes rushing in. "Walker, Fence, Many." Is all I hear her say before I rush outside with my knife. I get to the fence and start stabbing them all. But it all gets to much. Carl takes me away from the fence. "The piglets?" Sasha says. "Dixon get the truck while me and your dad load them up." Rick says. "No shes not going out there she could black out." Sasha says. "Im the only other one here that can drive. Ill just drive it to the fence and dad can take over Sash. Ill be okay." I say reassuring her. I do just that. Once me and Daryl swap places I run back over to the others. Rick cuts the pig and lures the walkers away. "What the fuck." I say looking down. Half eaten rats. "Someones been feeding them." Tyrese yells. "Same person that killed Karen and David." He says. "Doubtful." I say not caring about the people I dont know. "How do you know." He growls at me towering over me. I stand up and go on my tippy toes. I hold up a rat and point to its tail. "Little finger print dumbass." I say looking at the small imprints made on the rats skin. He backs down and steps back. "Lizzie." I mumble to myself before walking away.

I walk into Cell block D. "Samuels!" I yell and Lizzie runs out. "Yeah?" She asks. "Why are you feeding them?" I ask in a whisper. "There still people." She argues. "No they arent. You could chop their heads off and they would still turn." I explain and she shakes her head. I leave her standing there and walk out. I walk back into the yard and see Carl. "Grimes!" I yell. Rick stands in front of him angry. "You told your dad about us." Carl yells. "No he said I should ask you out. Said we could make little Grixons." I say and stare at Rick. "Hes okay with this." Rick asks and I nod. "I mean they would be the most badass kids." Rick says and I laugh. Most definitely. "Were out now." Carl says and I nod. He hugs me and kisses my face. I smile and push him away. "PDA!" I hear Glenn yell. I smirk and take Carls face in my hands and kiss him. His hands go on my waist and he smiles into the kiss. We let our tongues dance. "Ewww PDA!" Maggie yells and one of Carls hands off my waist, my hand goes of his cheek. I take a peak and were both flipping them off. We part and I hug him again. "Ive missed this." He says into my hair. "What?" I ask. "Correction. Ive missed you." He says looking into my eyes. "Corny." I whisper before kissing him again and he just smiles.

Suddenly theres a crash through the gate. A motherfucking tank. We all get our guns and run to the gate. Rick runs down. They yell. "I could end it all." Carl says. "I know relax." I say also thinking the same thing. He holds Michonne and Hershal out. Then Michonnes katana to Hershals neck. "No." I whisper. It goes into it. I scream and I hear Beth and Maggie scream too. We all start shooting and Carl drags me back. "Lets go." He says and we follow after his dad. I see Lizzie, Judith, Mika and Tyrese go in a different direction. I follow after Carl and think of Daryl. Hes smart and capable. Ill see him again. Soon we stop running and Carl and Rick stare at me. I just cry. Ricks pretty beat up and I just cry. We start walking again and Carl walks off in front. I start singing one of Beth songs that she taught me.

Its unclear now what we intend
We're alone in our own world
And you don't want to be my boyfriend
And i don't want to be your girl
And that, that's a relief
We'll drink up our grief
And pine for summer
And we'll buy, beer to shot gun
And we'll lay in the lawn
And We'll be good

Now I'm laughing at my boredom
And my string of failed attempts
Cause you think that its important
And i welcome the sentiment
And we talk on the phone at night
Until its daylight and i feel clever
And i hear the slow in your speech
Yeah you're half asleep
Say goodnight

We stop off infront of a house and Rick and him empty it before we go in. Once were in they block the door with a sofa.

Ooh Ahh Ooh Ahh
Now I've got friendships to mend
And I'm selfishly dispossessed
You don't wanna be my boyfriend
And that's probably for the best
Cause that, that gets messy
And you will hurt me
Or I'll disappear
So we will drink beer all day
And our guards will give way

And we'll be good
And we'll be good

Carl turns to me and sighs. He brings be into a hug and I fall asleep.

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