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Jess POV

Days pass, I was meant to start my period the day Glenn and Abraham died but didnt happen. I dont know what to think and weve been doing jobs, running around for the saviours. Daryl tried to escape the other day but he got caught. It was fake. Until one day commotion is heard outside my cells. My cell opens and I get dragged out. My hair covers my face and I get handed a food palet. I get pushed into a room with women. Negans Women. He talks to one while the guard leaves me there. I look around as Negan takes some fruit. He pushes my hair out of my face. "You okay sweetheart?" He asks. "You want the truth?" I ask him and he nods. I put the food palet down and go over to one of the women. "Can I have a hairband please?" I ask and they give me one. I put my hair in a ponytail and notice Carl at the door. "Carl, what are you?" I ask and Negan steps infront of me. "Are you feeling better after you killed Dennis." Negan asks. I finish putting my hair up. I walk around Negan and hug Carl. "Jess you know the ru-" Negan starts. "Shut up prick." I hiss as my grip increases on my boyfriend. "I missed my period again. I dont know what to do." I cry. Carl hugs me and kisses my head. "Aw cute." Negan says and he grab my hair and pulls me away. I yelp. Thats the reason I cut it, but after 3 years its grown alot.

I get shoved back into my cell and Dwight appears. "Dwight!" I yell, he stops and looks over at me. "Can I see a doctor?" I ask and he tilts his head in confusion. "Please." I cry, he nods and the guard lets me go. Not again, I dont want to deal with this again. I get to the doctor. "Hello Jess Im Dr Carson." He introduces himself. Dwight leaves standing by the door. "Whatcha here for?" He asks. "Are you related to the Doctor at Hilltop?" I ask and he nods. I smile. "I went to him when I was first at hilltop, I was pregnant but misscarried." I say frowning. "But Ive missed my period again and I think im just paranoid, but I want to make sure." I explain. He nods and hands me a test, I go into the toilet that joins the room. I pee on the stick like I have done before. I walk out with it and place it on the table. We wait 15 minutes before I look at it. "If its positive whos the dad?" Dr Carson asks. "Ricks son, Carl. The one thats here now." I state. "The one eyed boy?" He asks and I nod. "Ill have to tell him. Or can you slip him the test?" I ask Dr and he nods. "Thank you." I say. "Youll also have to tell Negan, he doesnt like to hurt women and he hates rapists, as you know." Dr says and I shiver at the thought. "He'll upgrade you cell for a proper bed if we tell him." He says and I nod. Dr Carson looks at the test first and then hands it to me. Positive. It reads. "Fuck." I mutter. I put it in my pocket. I thank Dr Carson before leaving. I walk right past Dwight. "Jess." He calls. "Can I see the boy that was here with Negan, and my dad, and Negan in one room please." I ask him pleading. "Your asking alot." Dwight mutters. "Please." I beg. He nods and takes me to a room.

I stand there twiddling my thumbs a bit and the door opens. Negan walks in, Carl behind him with his eye unbandaged. I cringe at his eye. Negan notices. "See even she hates it." He booms. "Shut up, I think its badass. It may look gross but lools dont always matter, you cant help what happened to change someones looks." I shout. Negan shuts up and sits down. Carl beside him. "Whyd you call a meeting or whatever anyway?" Negan asks. "Ill tell you when dad gets here." I mutter. Just as I finish Daryls pushed through the door. "Jess." He gasps. I sit down on the sofa while all 3 of them sit on the one in front of me. I place the test on the table and sit back. Negan looks at it and scoffs. Daryl looks at it and frowns. Carl looks at it and smiles. "Is it mine?" Carl asks and Negan stares at him with his mouth open. "Yep." I say smiling. He goes around the table and hugs me. "Try not to lose this one okay. Itll hurt me more than last time." He whispers and I nod. "We need a different name." I whisper back. "How about, Beri?" Carl says after thinking for a while. "Beri?" I whisper. "Beth and Lori." He states and I nod. "Plus sounds like a dudes name or a girls name." I say and he smiles. "Love you." I smirk and he nods. "Break it up you 2, all this whispering." Negan growls. Daryl hugs me next. "Beri." I whisper and he chuckles a bit. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." I say back. Daryl gets pulled from me. "Gonna have to move you in with one of my wives." Negan states. "How about Sherry?" Dwight asks. "Shes always wanted a kid. Jess can be her for her." He continues. Negan nods. Daryl gets dragged away and Carl stays beside Negan. I get pushed out of the room and into another where I see a woman. The door shuts and I get handed clothes. "I heard the news. Im Sherry, Dwights wife but Negan wants him to be a slave of his so he keeps me here as a. As a leverage." Sherry explains. I get changed out of the sweatpants and jumper and put on some jeans and a top. The same clothes I wore here. But washed. I put Daryls vest back on and shrink into it. "Your bed will be moved in here soon." Sherry says and I nod.

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