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Jess POV

I lay down and stare up at the stars one last time before going inside. "Never knew you could sing." I hear Carl say from the doorway of the cafeteria. "Never knew you liked being nosey." I say smiling and he rolls his eyes. He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me. "Im scared." He admits. I hug him back and nod. "Me too." I say. He pulls away. "A Dixon. Scared? I thought I'd never see it." He says. I playfully punch him. "You wont. Youll just hear it." I say walking into the cell block. "Dixon!!" I hear Rick yell. I see Daryl already with him but he stares at me. I walk over to him. "Yeah." I say kinda nervous. "Your moving into Cell block D." Rick says. I look around confused. "What why?" I ask. Carl walks in and notices me with them. "Because they need someone to protect them. You also need to say hi to the adults too." Rick says folding his arms. Carl runs over and puts his arms around my neck. "Can I go with her?" He asks. Rick shskes his head. "Then Im not doing it." I say with my hands on Carls arms. "Its not a choice." Rick says. "Everythings a choice. And ill rather be teared apart by walkers then sleep in the same room as people I dont know." I growl. "You done it with us." Rick smirks thinking hes got somewhere. "Because I was safe with my dad. Im alone in there." I hiss. Rick looks from Carl to Daryl and then back to me. "Theres only one bed though." Daryl says. "Thats fine. Thank you daddy." I say smiling. Carl loses his grip on me and they talk while I go and pack my things. "Rick, you just lost the only two people that can soothe Judith." Carol yells. "Beth has learnt from Jess havent you?" I hear Rick ask and Carl comes in with his bag. "Ready to get seperated from our family?" I ask. "Im with you so I know im safe." He says smirking. "Corny." I smile. I pick up my bag and we walk out.

Once we get to Cell block D everyones in their own rooms doing something. "Jess!" I hear Molly yell and she runs over. I put my bag down and lean down to hug her. I soon see Luke run over with Lizzie, Mika and Patrick. "Oh so these are the protectors we have. Children." I hear someone say. "Were better then you think." I growl and they turn and its a teen about 16 years old. "Jess?" They say. I put Molly down and wrap my arm around Carl. "Ive changed my mind you have seen a Dixon scared." I whisper and he wraps his arm round my waist. "And you are?" Carl says to him. "Im Max. Jess' best friend from school. Remember me Jess." He says smirking trying to get me too. "We were never best friends." I hiss. "You were just as bad as my adoptive dad. I thought you were dead." He starts laughing. "Cant get rid of me that easy. How about you and me go into that cell of yours." He asks. "That wont be happening." Two people say. I look to my side and see Daryl there. "And who are you?" Max asks him. "Her dad." Daryl growls. "Ah the one thatbput her up for adoption." Max smiles. It all gets too much for me so I grab Carls gun and shoot him. He falls limp to the group. A group of 3 women come up to me and hug me, taking me away from Carls grasp. Theyre all thanking me. I guess he did to them what he did to me. I nod and smile at them and then go back to Carl as his arms are open for me. "Understand why I didnt want to come here." I say to Daryl and he nods picking up our bags. "Lets get you back to us." He says smiling down at me as Carl rubs my back. I wave to the kids who just saw that and we walk off.

"What happened, we heard a shot." Rick yells. "Why are they back." He yells again. "Unless you want your child to sleep with a rapist. Shut your god damn mouth." Daryl snaps as he drops our bags. Carls grip tightens on me as our dads get closer to hutting heads. Glenn intercepts. "Hey Daryl, just tell us what happened and why Carl is holding a shaking Jess." He says. I look down and notice I am shaking. Daryl explains it with venom on his tongue, everyone expression changes. Even Ricks. Carl is still rubbing my back but ive stopped shaking. After a while im okay and I act like my normal self. I give Carl a kiss on the cheek infront of everyone. "Thanks for being there." I say smiling and I leave him stunned as I grab my bag and walk into mine and Daryls cell.

Days pass, weeks even and were all doing our part. Beth has a boyfriend, no one has asked about me and Carl. Im on the fence nost days or with Judith. Today is the day of a big run. Daryl is going with a bunch of people. "Be safe okay dad." I say to him and he nods. "Always." He says smiling. I walk off. "What no goodbye?" He yells. "Nope." I say back. "Beths had an impact on you hasnt she." He says and I smile. "Shes like my older sister." I say and I see him nod before I turn the corner. I walk into the prison field and see all the children. "Heyyy." I yell and they all turn and smile at me. "Carls yelling at us for naming the walkers." Luke says sadly. Carl frowns at me. "Really. Well they did have names before this. But you shouldnt think theyre friends." I say as I get closer. "But they are." Lizzie says. I shake my head. "Lizzie they will kill you one day, and when they do your brain will stop working and only you brain stem will work. It will get your body up and moving, looking for food. But your soul will be dead and gone. No memories, no life. They arent safe." I growl at her. "How do you know that?" She growls back. "I was at the CDC until there was a massive flow of people coming in. So I slipped out as they slipped in. I soon realised it was my dad and Carl." I say. "Its true what shes saying." Carl agrees. "You can name them but you dont ever get to close, or feed them. Okay." I say and everyone nods but Lizzie. She is the second oldest girl so I understand were gonna have spouts. "Come on guys, readings going to start soon." Lizzie says staring at me.

The illness isnt for 2 more chapters so this is just a little thing

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