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Jess POV

Daryl opens the door and we all pile out of the bus and Rick introduces everyone to the bigger group. I walk over to the fence and see everyone mingling. Carl walks over to me. "There are more kids here now." He says. "Better not go round kissing other girls." I smirk. "Only you." He says kissing my cheek. "What are we anyway?" He asks frowning. "What do you wanna be." I ask him. "In a relationship. We probably wont get a chance because we could die." He explains frowning. "Okay then. Wanna be my boyfriend?" I ask him. His eyes light up and he nods. "Alright babe. Im gonna go tell my dad." I say walking off and he stops me. "Maybe, keep it a secret? Our dads may be pissed." He says smiling weakly. I giggle, hug him and nod into his neck as hes a little taller than me. I kiss his cheek. "You know its been a couple of weeks since my birthday, it could be yours soon." I say and walk over to everyone else. "Someones happy now." Beth says at me smirking. "Yeah, I got my daddy." I say smiling back. Daryls arms hug me. "Im sorry, princess." He whispers still thinking of when he shut my out because of Merle. "Its okay. Can I punch you?" I ask and he grins at me. All the men walk off with all the newbies. Carl walks up behind me. "Can I get a kiss before I get dragged off." He asks rolling his eyes. I nod and give him a peck. He smiles and kisses me forehead before leaving. "So its true. Dixon and Grimes brotherhood and a Dixon and Grimes relationship." Carol says and I roll my eyes. "Dont tell our dads till were ready to get yelled at." I tell her sternly and she nods.

I walk into the prison and see Cell block D cleared. I walk in and see all the people from Woodbury walking around finding cells. A boy starts to walk up to me. "Hi Miss Dixon im Patrick." He says introducing himself. "Jess is fine." I say smiling at him. "Your much more nice then your brother." He says. "My brother?" I ask. "Crossbow man." He says and I snicker at the nickname. "Thats my dad." I say and his eyes grow wide. "Do you have a sibling." He asks and I shake my head. "Mini Dixon." I hear someone call and turn. I get handed Judith as they run off. Shes crying. "Oh hello gorgeous." I say smiling. I do the normal check and she just wants attention. "Whos a cutie pie. Your a cutie pie." I say bouncing her on my hip. "Whos that?" Patrick asks. "Judith. My bo- my friends little sister." I say stopping myself before I expose myself. Patrick smiles at her and she coos. Rick walks out. "She being a hassle? I heard her crying." Rick says. "Its like shes magic. She was crying when someone handed Jess, Judith and now Judiths not crying." Patrick says completely starstuck. "Thats because shes had practise." Daryl says coming up behind me and I nod. "Daddy can you take her, I wanna meet the other children." I say smiling. He nods and carries Judith away as I walk with Patrick towards the other children. I walk over and see 3 girls and a boy by Carl. "Hey Dixon." He says smiling. "Grimes." I say smiling back. "This is Lizzie, Mika, Molly and Luke." Carl says introducing me. "This is Patrick." I say introducing him. "Yay another girl." Molly says smiling. She runs to me and hugs me and I tense up. "Chill." Carl says noticing me. I slowly relax and she squeezes my waist. "Im only used to you, Beth  Dad and Judith hugging me." I say laughing a bit and he smiles at me.

We all walk into the cafeteria and sit on a seperate table to everyone. "Wheres your mum?" Luke asks me and I shrug. "What about yours?" I ask and he also shrugs. "Wheres your mum?" Lizzie asks Carl. He tenses up. I grab his hand and squeeze it. "I had to shoot her. She died giving birth to Judith." He explains and I smile at him. "Mini Dixon!" I hear someone yell again. I turn and find Beth standing away  with Judith. Everyone stops eating and watches me. "She wont eat." Beth complains. I rub my knuckle against her lips. "Shes not hungry. Have you checked her?" I ask and Beth nods. I take her out of Beth hands snd she instantly stops crying, like all the other times. I walk back over to the table and she coos at me. Everyone starts eating again. I sit her up on my leg as I sit down. "Shes so cute." Mika says smiling and I nod. "This is your sister?" Lizzie asks Carl and he nods. "How come she likes Jess more?" Lizzie says. "I like to think its because shes a girl." Carl says chuckling a bit and I smile at him. "You guys are close?" Luke asks pointing at us and we nod. "Weve been stuck together for almost a year, I hope were close." I say smiling. Carl laughs a bit and Judith starts stirring again and her hands reach over to Carl. "Your timr to shine Grimes." I say smiling handing her over. Carl hold Judith in his arms and she bounces on his leg. "Hello Judy." He says smiling. I finish my food and take her back so Carl can finish his. "Big Grimes. Time?" I ask without looking. "7pm." He yells back. I stand up say goodnight to all the kids and walk into the cell block. I walk into Carls cell and place her down into the crib. She starts fussing. "You want me to sing." I coo at her and she coos back. I try and think of a child appropriate song.

Find table spaces, say your social graces
Bow your head, they're pious here
But you and I, we're pioneers, we make our own rules
Our own room, no bias here
Let 'em sell what they are sellin', there are no buyers here
So gather all the rebels now, we'll rebel-rouse and sing aloud
We don't care what they say no way, no way
And we will leave the empty chairs to those who say we can't sit there
We're fine all by ourselves

So hey, we brought our drum and this is how we dance
No mistakin', we make our breaks, if you don't like our 808s
Then leave us alone, 'cause we don't need your policies
We have no apologies for being

Find me where the wild things are (oh my, we'll be alright, don't mind us)
Find me where the wild things are (oh my, we'll be just fine, don't mind us, yeah)
Find me where the wild things are

I lose my balance on these eggshells
You tell me to tread, I'd rather be a wild one instead
Don't wanna hang around the in-crowd
The cool kids aren't cool to me
They're not cooler than we are

I look into the crib and see that shes asleep. I walk out back into the cafeteria. "Go check on her in an hour." I say to Rick and he nods. I walk out of the cafeteria into the yard and I sit by the gate. I continue singing

So hey, we brought our drum and this is how we dance
No mistakin', we make our breaks, if you don't like our 808s
Then leave us alone, cause we don't need your policies
We have no apologies for being

Find me where the wild things are (oh my, we'll be alright, don't mind us)
Find me where the wild things are (oh my, we'll be just fine, don't mind us, yeah)

We will carve our place into time and space
We will find our way, or we'll make a way (say hey, hey, hey)
Find you're great, don't you hide your face
Let it shine, shine, shine, shine, shine, shine

So hey, we brought our drum and this is how we dance
No mistakin', we make our breaks, if you don't like our 808s
Then leave us alone, 'cause we don't need your policies
We have no apologies for being

Find me where the wild things are (oh my, we'll be alright, don't mind us)
Find me where the wild things are (oh my, we'll be just fine, don't mind us, yeah)
Find me where the wild things are

So Jess is a singer hmmm.

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