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Jess POV

I wake up back in the train cart. "Cunts." I growl putting my hand on my head. "Why did you do that kid." Abraham asks. "Im not a kid, and to try and save our asses you dumbass." I growl at him. "Babe. Relax okay." I hear Carl say. I lean up against the wall of the cart. "They'll be back. They always are." Carl says as I lean on him and I just nod. "Better not lose my knife." I hiss and he laughs. Everyone else goes back to making weapons. "Eugene. You know the cure. Wanna tell us?" Sasha says. "He what?" I say. Sasha just nods. "Its classified." Eugene says. I go to stand up but Carls hand on my legs stops me. "Its okay. Well find out one day." Carl says kissing my face. I smile as he kisses me. "Once this place is gone we'll be safe." Rosita says. "Hey, did anyone see Beth." Maggie asks and I gulp. "She was with Dad. She got taken. He ran after her but the car was too fast." I explain trying to stop the tears. Carl hugs me. "I miss her." I sob and Maggie sits next to me trying to soothe me. "I miss her too. Even though we arent as close as you too." Maggie says. "Yeah but your blood." I say and she nods. "Well your like a mini her and a mini dixon mixed." She says. "Why does everyone keep saying that." I laugh. She shrugs and just rubs my back while Carl runs his hands through my hair.

Theres a huge noise and it shakes the train cart. We all stay still for a bit and then the door opens and Ricks there. Im the first up and out. He hands me my knife and I start killing the mass amount of walkers around us. I see Daryl and Glenn killing some up ahead. Once we get through them all we all jump the fence again. Im the first over. Then Rick. He immediately runs to the bag of guns. "We need to kill them all." Rick growls. "Its fine, theyll either die or run." Michonne says. "We need to run." Maggie says. We hear leaves russling and Carol stands there. Im the first too her. Daryl follows shortly after and we both engulf her in a hug. "Hello Dixons." She says smiling. I squeeze her tighter and she does the same to us. We then pull away and I hug Daryl. "Did you do that?" Rick asks and she nods. Everyone hugs her. "You need to follow me." She says so we do. We follow her up a road and theres a cabin at the top. Tyrese stands there with Judith and a little boy. Around 7. "Whos that?" I ask and Carol looks to me. "Caleb." She answers. My eyes look to Daryl. "Hes a Dixon too." Carol says. Caleb waves as we get closer. "I have a brother?" I ask snd Daryl nods smiling. I see Carl and Rick run to Judith, Sasha to Tyrese. I then grab Daryls hand and run to Caleb. "Are you Jess?" He asks and I nod hugging him and he hugs back. "Daddy!" He yells and Daryl gets closer. "Hello baby boy." He says and I smile. "Whered you find him?" I ask Carol. "With your mother. She was bit." Carol explains. "But i thought. Hes 7 years yonger, did you have a one night stand?" I ask Daryl and he just nods sheepishly. "She wanted to keep him though." Daryl explains and I nod. "Im so happy I have a sibling." I say smiling and hugging him. "We gotta go. So enough reunions." Abraham says. We all nod and start walking. I hold Calebs hand as we walk along the road still. Soon night time hits and we stop somewhere in the woods. Carol makes a fire and Rick places the string with tin cans around us. "What that for?" Caleb asks. "So we know when the bad guys are here, when they bump into it, it makes noise." I explain as Daryl sits next to me. "Im sorry about mum." I say to Caleb. "Its okay. Her last words were. 'Nothing can kill a Dixon but a Dixon.' And then, she shot herself." He explains. I look over at Daryl. "She liked the name so she kept it. Lucy Dixon." Daryl explains and I smile. I go back to Caleb. "Whats your middle name?" I ask and he thinks for a bit. "Caleb William Dixon." He says and I tense up at the name. I look back over at Daryl. "Her dad had the same name. Its after him not mine." He says snd I relax a bit. I knew about Grandad Will, he used to hurt Daryl and was a dickhead. He died of alcohol posioning when I was 5, I got the letter. Nanna Amelia on tbe other hand, died by setting the house alight. She fell asleep with a cigarette in her hand. When Daryl was only 6. "I miss them all." I say as Caleb falls asleep on me. "Go to sleep princess. Ill keep watch." Daryl says ignoring my statement. I nod and fall asleep on his chest.

I wake up and Calebs sitting next to me eating rabbit. "Daddy caught it." He says smiling. I rub my eyes and kiss his head. "Did he now?" I ask and Caleb nods. "Carl has some for you. He wants to talk." Caleb says pointing over at the tree where Carls waiting. I stand up and dust myself off. I then stretch. Rosita and Tara watch me. "What?" I ask. "How old are you?" They ask. "14." I smile. "You look and act like 18." They say and I grin. "Well in this world you have to mature quickly. Unless your a baby like Judy. She has no choice." I say and they nod. I step over the fire to Carl. I see him duck underneath the string and he holds it up for me. "Aw thanks." I say smiling. He smiles back and takes my hand. He drags me off to a different tree far away from the camp. "Whats up." I ask and he smiles at me. I tilt my head. "Your dad gave me this." He says taking out a bracelet. "Its not diamonds or anything, its literally just a rainbow band but. Its all we can get out here." He says. "Its a promise band actually." I say inspecting it and he laughs. "Well im glad, thats what I was gonna use it for." He explains. I look up at him. "Your. Oh my god." I say smiling. He smiles back at me. "Promise to wear this and show your mine?" He asks and I nod. "I dont know the rest of the speech." He says. "I do. Dont worry." I say smiling. He kisses me and wraps his arms around my waist. I kiss back and wrap my arms round his neck. We part. "Ready to head off?" He asks and I nod. I put the band on and tighten it. I then put Beths rag beneath it. We walk back to camp and Caleb runs to me. "Judiths been crying since you left." He groans. "Okay, Sash give." I say holding my arms out. Sasha hands me Judith and she immediately quiets down. Judith starts cooing but then cries again. I do the usual checks. "Bottle." I say snd Tyrese hands me one. Carl wraps his arms round my waist and leans his head on my shoulder. "I love you." He whispers. I put the bottle to Judiths mouth. "I love you too." I whisper and kiss his cheek. "Grixon!" Maggie yells and everyone laughs.


Ahhhh first i love youss

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