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Jess POV

Daryl talks to Denise and soom enough its quiet again. Rosita walks with me as were ahead of them. We hear a scream and Denise has a walker on her by a car. "The fuck?" I ask and I stay rooted to my spot. Rosita and Daryl run over to her and I roll my eyes. "Thats why you dont stay in a group your whole life. You get weak." I spit as they come back over. "Youve been in a group." Denise says back. "Yeah, but we were hiding behind fences the whole time. We went outside and faced it." I answer back before Daryl comes over to me. "Be quiet princess youll attract more." He says seriously. I groan and keep walking. I hear shouting behind me. "You wanna live, you take chances. That's how it works. That's what I did." Denise growls. "For a couple of damn sodas?" Daryl asks. "Nope. Just this one. Are you seriously that stupid? Are you? I mean it. Are you? Do you have any clue what that was to me, what this whole thing is to me? See, I have training in this shit. I'm not making it up as I go along, like with the stitches and the surgery and the... I asked you to come with me because you're brave like my brother and sometimes you actually make me feel safe. And I wanted you here because you're alone. Probably for the first time in your life. And because you're stronger than you think you are, which gives me hope that maybe I can be, too. I could've gone with Tara. I could've told her I loved her, but I didn't because I was afraid. That's what's stupid. Not coming out here, not facing my shit. And it makes me sick that you guys aren't even trying because you're strong and you're smart and you're both really good people, and if you don't wake... up... and face your..." Denise stops and I turn to see an arrow through her eye. One of Daryls arrows, but he lost his crossbow.

I turn again and see some men with Eugene at their side. "Hello again." A blonde man says looking at Daryl. "Eugene?" I ask and the mens heads snap to me. "Oh we got a young one? How old are you sweetie?" The blonde man asks. "Im 16." I stutter. Gotta play the innocent card. "Oh sweetie. You scared?" He says smirking. "Shut up prick." Rosita growls. "Anyway. Gonna clean the air?" The blondie says to Daryl. "I shoulda killed ya." He whispers. "What was that?" "I should of killed you." Daryl replies. A man walks over to me and grabs my hands. "Hands off!" I yell kicking his stomach and running closer to Daryl. "Oh shes fiesty. Kinda reminds me of-" Blondie stops. "Oh. Oh ho ho." He grins. "Shes your kid." He says to Daryl. His eyes move from me to Daryl. "Yeah, she is isnt she. I can see the resemblance." He keeps saying. "Well anyway. Sorry for killing your friend. I havent got the hang of her." He says holding up Daryls crossbow. I breathe out and Daryls hand grasps mine. "How the fuck did you get that?" I ask stepping forward. "Oh did Daddy not tell you?" Blondie asks. "Well considering its my crossbow. I want to know." I lie folding my arms staring at the man. He smirks. "Now!" I growl. "Am I gonna have to kill you too?" He asks. "If you must." I say instantly. His mouth drops open. "Wow. You sucidal?" He asks. "Ask anymore questions and Ill kill you." I say smiling sweetly. He laughs and I grab one of my knives chucking it past his head and it lands beside his head in a tree. "Woah your quick." He says and I smirk. "Gotta be." I say walking past him to grab him. No one touches me or gets in my way. I feel something go in my pocket. I walk back to beside Daryl and Rosita and they look at me.

"If you have to kill anyone, start with our companion behind those barrels." Eugene pipes up. We all look to the barrels and I see a bit of ginger. "Abraham." I whisper and nudge Rosita. She just nods and looks back at the men. "Well. Go look." The blonde man says. Eugene uses the chance and bites his dick. Everyone starts shooting and Eugene gets shot in the shoulder. A couple of their people get shot and then they retreat. "Whyd you do that?!" Daryl says yelling at me. "Do what?!" I yell back. "Act a high and mighty. None of the even touched you how did you do that?" He asks. "Im not as innocent as you think. Im also not scared or stupid. When I do something I know what im doing." I say pulling out the thing in my pocket. "Eugene put this in my pocket incase something happened to him." I say smirking at Daryl. Daryl shakes his head and picks up Denise. Abraham helps up Eugene and put them in the back of the truck when we reach it. Abrahamd stays in the back to put pressure on the wound. "Your never coming out with me again." Daryl says starting up the truck. "Fine by me, but i aint being a housewife and shit like that." I growl. We pull into Alexandria and I dont help them I just storm off. I go and reach Maggie and Glenns house. "Hey." I say smiling at the porch. Maggie sits there and waves. "Can I stay here tonight?" I ask and she nods. I sit down next to her and we talk about how simpler things used to be. We walk into the house. "Hey Glenn." I say smiling and he waves. He places 2 bowls of soup on the table. Me and Maggie start digging in. "Thanks for having me guys." They just nod. I say goodnight and head upstairs to their guest room. I just lay on the bed and instantly pass out.

I try to make Jess as badass as possible so :/

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