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Jess POV

4 weeks later~

I stand around the fire as Beth sings holding Judith. "Your gonna be like a big sister to her." Rick says from behind me and I laugh. "If we dont die before hand." I mumble. Rick hugs me careful of his daughter. "We wont." He whispers. He lets go and walks over to Hershal and Daryl. Everyone heads to bed. The next morning Rick says that theres a chance the governer could attack today so he wanted to get everyone vulnerable safe. "Go with them Princess." Daryl says and I nod lowly. Me, Carl, Beth, Hershal and Judith go out into a cabin in the woods. "I hope everything goes okay." I mumble fiddling with my gun. We hear a crash and duck behind a car. "Oh god." I hear Beth says as Judith starts to squirm. "Give." I say and stare at her with my arms out. Hershal stares at me and I take Judith. "Hello gorgeous." I say rubbing my knuckle to her mouth and she pulls away showing shes not hungry. I lift her up and smell her diaper. Then check in and nothing. "Okay baby. We need you to be quiet. Can you do that." I say to her in a baby voice while moving some clothes to the side so she can hear my heart beat. She soon falls asleep. "How?" Hershal asks. "Before I got adopted I had to help." I see Carl smile. We hear russling and a boy appears. "Weapon down!" Carl demands and the boy drops it. "Im just trying to escape." He says and then he drops to the ground. I turn and see Carls gun up and him panting heavily. "Why?" I ask. "He had his hand on a knife." Carl answers bluntly. He killed the boy for his own gain. The boy was innocent. We pass a bunch of cars as they drive away but they dont see us.

Soon we start walking back to the prison. I hand Judith to Carol and hear the men and Maggie yelling about going after them. "We should." I interrupt. "We?" Maggie asks. "Ill go. With or without you." I growl at all of them. I now understand why the Governor thought I was 17. "Your not going out there." Rick says. "I want this over." I say. "Its not what you want." Glenn argues. "Do you want Maggie to die. Because that could happen if we dont go after them." I argue back. "But they could come back while were out." Rick says. "I highly doubt that." Maggie says and I nod. "Daryl your input please." Rick asks knowing whatever he says would get to me. "We shouldnt go its not safe." I hear Carl say from behind Rick. "I agree." Daryl says. "Fine. Youll end up following me anyway." I say loading my gun and then running out the gate. They call my name but I keep running.

I reach a car I recognize from the fight and I stand on top of it. I look over and find a group with the man that attacked us, the Governer. He shoots all of his men down before getting in a car and driving off. I see a woman wobble back from under a dead body and she runs for me. She wraps me in a hug. "Hey hey Dixons dont hug." I growl pushing her back. "Your related to Merle?" She asks. "Unfortunately." I say. "Daryl too?" She asks again. "Same answer as last time, for the time being." I answer. "Im Karen. We need to get back to Woodbury before he does." Karen says. "He headed left, which ways Woodbury." I ask. "Right..." She says questioning herself. Her hand grips mine and she starts to runs off before I stop her. "Just wait." I say. I soon hear a car and Ricks yelling. I turn and face the car but its a bus. Rick, Daryl and Glenn get out. "Hi guys, was wondering when you'd show up." I say sarcastically. Carl gets out. "Fuck." I whisper. He stomps up to me. "What the hell were you thinking!" He yells at me. "Im tryna save our asses unlike the "reponsible men" who arent!" I yell back. He stumbles back. I knew he hated being shouted at. "I know you dont like shouting, so dont bark at me if you cant handle it back." I growl. I grab Karens hand and take her to the bus. "You guys coming to stop with or what." I hiss. I sit down next to Karen. "I never got your name?" She asks. "Jess." I say loading my gun again. I let Karen explain eveything to the boys as I pick at my fingers.

Once we arrive a guns pointed at us and we let Karen go out first. I stay in the bus while they talk. "You coming Miss Leader." Rick snarls. "Nope. Its in your hands now Grimes." I snap. I sit in the drivers seat and put my hand on the gears. I knew how to drive due to my adoptive mum, she taught me so if things went to bad I could escape quickly. "Ill be waiting." I say smiling. Rick goes to say something else but Daryl stops him as they all walk out. After a few what feels like hours Carl comes back. "Andreas dead." Is all he says and I nod. "Didnt really know her." I say. He shrugs and sits down next to me. "Im sorry." He says. "Im sorry too." I say smiling and he smiles back. Soon people start piling onto the bus. We see a couple of children too. "What we gonna do then?" I ask. "Clear out cell block D." Carl says and I nod. Daryl walks on the bus and closes the doors. I start up the bus and start driving. "Wheres the rest?" I ask Daryl as I make a u turn. "In the 2 cars in front so be careful." He says. "Alright Dad I know how to drive relax." I say as I change the gears to go a bit faster. Sooner than expected were outside the prison. I drive in behind the cars and park.

I screwed up the time line a bit so i had to copy and paste parts into different chapters and yeah.

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