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Jess POV

I lay down on mine and Carls bed. "Jess?" I hear someone ask. I turn and see Carl at the door. "What?" I ask. "Are you okay?" He asks. "No. Your gonna go run to Enid." I say turning my back on him. He sighs and lays down next to me. "Baby. I love you and only you." He says grabbing my hand and kissing it. "Okay." I say kissing him. He puts his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He licks my bottom lip and I let him enter. Our tongues fight for dominance. We pull apart and he looks at me and sits up. I sit up too and he leans over again. We continue kissing and I sit on his lap. He grabs my hips and rubs his thumbs against them. "I really love you." Carl whispers while kissing my neck. "I love you more." I say kissing his forehead. He continues kissing my neck and then we do the unbelieveable.

Judith cries wakes me up. I figit and realize im naked. "Oh shit." I mumble and see the condom on the floor. "Phew." I sigh out. I get dressed and go downstairs. "Did you and Carl make up?" Rick asks trying to feed Judith. "Umm yeah." I mumble. "They did more than make up." I hear Maggie say. "Maggie. Dont." I say. "Why not?" Daryl asks. "Oh shit." I mumble and rest my head in my hands. "They had sex." Maggie says. Daryl and Ricks mouths drop open. "Jessica." Daryl says. "Yes." I say. "Did you use protection?" Rick asks. "Yes!" I hear Carl yell from upstairs. I giggle a bit. He comes down and kisses my forehead. "But youre only 15. How the?" Rick groans. "It happened. Cant change it." I say smiling and Rick nods.

Everyone goes to their jobs. Us kids dont so we stay in one house reading comics or playing games. I told Carl what happened with Mikey and he hasnt left my side. His arm wrapped around me as I lay on his chest and help hold up a comic. We go back to the house and I keep an eye on Judith while Carl makes some food. We both hear a crash and run out the door. I run back in and get Judith because everyone seemed to be crowding round. Daryls gone a run and cant help. I stand next to Carl as I watch Pete, Ron and Sams dad punch the shit out of Rick. Soon Ricks on top. Carl runs to try and get him off of Pete but Rick pushes him away. I hand Carl Judith and Rick knocks Pete out. He has a whole rant about certain people. Deanna just glares at him. "I see that now." She says. "Me, you mean me. You guys are weak and dont know what good people are." He says and my mind goes blank. I walk up to him and hit him round the head with the bottom of my knife. Everyone looks at me. "Go back to your fucking houses." I growl and all their eyes widen and they walk away. I walk back past Carl and he hands me Judith. I walk into the house soon followed by Michonne and Carl carrying Rick. They lay him on the sofa.

I feed Judith as shit hits the fan. Theres a meeting tomorrow night about Rick. Not surprising. Carl walks over to me and kisses me. "Is Dad not back?" I ask him and he shakes his head. I frown and hold Judith closer. I fiddle with Beths necklace and look up smiling. As night hits I put Judith to bed and then go back downstairs. "Howd it feel?" I hear Maggie say and I choke on air. "Good." Carl says. "Did she like it?" Glenn asks. "Sounded like it." Carl says and my body decides to make me choke on more air. "The fuck. You giving him sex tips?" I ask and they laugh as I sit down. "Did you enjoy it." Glenn asks. "Very much." I smirk. Glenn rolls his eyes and Maggie laughs. "You going to the meeting next week? About Rick." Maggie says. I nod. "Well im going to bed." I say smiling. "Night guys, love you." I say to everyone in the house. I get a chorus of 'love you's back before I close the bedroom door. I lay down and let sleep consume me.

I get up and dressed. Its 12pm, how come no one woke me up. I walk out of the house and hear the gate open. People rush in, I see Glenn, Eugene and Tara but not Noah. I rush over to them. "What happened?" I ask and Nicholas stares at me. "What bitch?" I growl at him and Glenn peers over. "Aiden died. I almost did." Nicholas says. "Adien had it coming. Wheres Noah?" I ask walking over to Glenn. "Nicholas, me and Noah were stuck in a revolving door. Nicholas was supposed to keep the door stable while we tried to smash the glass. He didnt and slipped out causing Noah to be grabbed and." Glenn says choking on tears. "He got ripped apart infront of me." He says holding everything back. "I tried to keep hold of me but his leg got bit and his hand slipped." Glen  explains. I run and hug him. "It wasnt your fault. You tried what you could. It was clearly his time." I say sobbing into his chest. He hand runs through my hair and he kisses my head. "Thank you." He says and pulls away. I wipe my eyes and smile at him. "Tara also is seriously injured so im gonna go see if they need help with her." He says and I gasp. "How hurt?" I ask. Glenn explains that Aiden was shooting at a walker who had a grenade on it. The blast push Aiden into a wall with spikes in it. Tara got blasted back and hit her head on a shelf. Rick runs over. I walk back to the house passing him.

Carl and Daryl run up to me as tears still flow. "Whats happened?" Daryl asks hugging me first. "Taras got a head injury. Bleeding out." I say and Carl gasps. "Noahs a walker." I swallow and Daryl starts walking over to the Infirmary. A few hours later I go and see Tara. Shes still asleep but I just sit there. "Im sorry this happened. You were always so nice to me." I say smiling at her. I squeeze her hand before leaving the room.

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