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Jess POV

I see Daryl eat a worm. "What its protien." He says. "Dad. Its okay to be sad. But it wasnt your fault." I say and he looks up at me. "I cant help but feel guilty." He mumbles. "We all do. But we didnt know what she was gonna do. Plus I have her up here." I say pointing to my head. He smiles at me and hugs me. "Here have a worm." He says a little more cheery. "Eww no feed it to Carl or Caleb." I say and he laughs. After looking for food and getting nothing Carols walkie talkie goes. "We made it. Nothings here." Rick says. I sigh. Maggie also sighs. "We need to meet. But keep the children away. They shouldnt have to see this." Ricks voice says through the walkie. I look up at everyone. "Well lets go." Rosita says. Everyone piles into the firetruck. I sit in the back with  Judith and Caleb. "So im the babysitter now." I sarcastically say.  I hear Carl laugh. We all start talking about out past until the firetruck stops. Everyone hops out. I see Rick and hand him Judith. I then pick up Caleb. "Hes buried so its okay." Rick says. "Who?" I ask looking around and I see the beanie on the stick. "Tyrese." I mumble and see Sasha fall to the floor. Gabriel says a few words. I walk up to Rick. "No matter what happens Rick. Someone always dies." I growl at him and walk off with Caleb back to the firetruck. Carl walks towards me with Judith. "Ive been promoted to babysitter to." He says and I laugh. He kisses my forehead. "Ew." Caleb says and I laugh and kiss his forehead. "Lets go." Rick says and all of us pile into the firetruck. I lay on Daryls chest and Caleb lays on mine. Soon I fall asleep.

I wake up and the trucks stopped. "What happened?" I ask. "Ran out of fuel. We gotta go." Eugene says. I get up and see everyone is already outside. "Oh shes awake." Carl says coming over to me. "Im assuming were gonna be walking. I am not on babysitter duty." I say and everyone stares at me. "What? Is that all you expect me to do." I ask. Some cough and look away and others nod. I take out my gun and point it at Eugenes head. "Duck!" I whisper and I shoot the walker behind him. "Babysit your own fucking kids." I growl. I walk off infront of everyone. Caleb runs to Daryl and Carl hands Judith to Rick. I put my hair up in a ponytail with Beth scrunchie and I run off into the woods. I sit by a tree and cry. "I miss you." I whisper to everyone weve lost. Lori, Andrea, Beth, Tyrese, Axel, T-dog, Uncle Merle. I stand up when I see a walker stumbling towards me. I stab it in the head and it falls to the ground. "Son of a bitch." I say as I walk back towards the group who are sitting on the concrete. "Look shes back. Gonna yell again." Tara growls. "Want me to?" I hiss. Carl stands next to me. "Okay. Relax. You have a brother remember. A dad and a boyfriend here. Dont lose them due to your outburst." He says. We hear russling in the bushes and thdn dogs jump out and start barking. Sasha shoots them with her silencer. "Looks like we found dinner." I mumble picking up a dog and taking it to the fire they made.

3 weeks later~

We completly ignored a herd of walkers on out trail and when they go a problem we made them fall off a bridge. Daryls still upset over Beths death. Me and Maggie are too. Carl too. Everyone else is fine though and it hurts. Daryls been harming. I dont think he knows I know. But I can see it when he has a cigarette. He makes marks on his hand with it. Which is why whenever we walk I hold his hand. "Why are you being so clingy?" He asks. "Because I love you and dont wanna lose you." I say smiling. He smiles back at me until we stop. In the road lays bottles of water saying 'from a friend.' The adults start talking about how it might not be safe. Eugene goes to try it but Abraham knocks it out his has. I feel a drop on my nose. I look up and it starts raining. "Oh god." I say smiling. I start dancing around in it. Everyone laughs and dances or lays in it. I pick up Caleb and dance around with him. I see Carl with Judith and the sheriffs hat on her head. I walk over to him. "Ive missed you hair." I say smiling and he rolls his eyes. Soon it starts to thunder and the little ones get scared. "Theres a barn." Daryl yells and we all follow him to the barn.

Once we get there everyone everyone stays outside until its cleared. After it is we all go in. Caleb is still latched onto me as I sit next to Carl and Judith. I soon lay down looking up at the ceiling as Rick and Michonne make a fire next to us. Caleb lays on my chest and Carl lies next to me with Judith in his arms. I look at him and he smiles, I smile back before falling asleep. I hear thunder and wake up. Caleb still asleep I put him next to Carl as I see Daryl struggling to keep the doors closed from something. I move closer and hear groans and I rush next to him to help push. Next is Maggie, Sasha then Michonne, Rick and Carol. Then Eugene, Tara, Rosita and Abraham, Glenn. I see Carl wake up and hand Judith to Caleb whos just woken up. Caleb tries to shush her but it doesnt help. Carl runs up to me and puts his arms beside me pushing on the door as im using my back. His forehead touches mine as we all use all our strength to hold the walkers back. All of a sudden its gets lighter and we all fall onto each other. Carl still has his hands out as we all collapse. I help him up as we move back towards the edge of the barn having to keep and eye on the kids. I hold Judith in my arms and Carl calms Caleb down, she stops crying and falls asleep. "Thank you." I hear a chorus of people say and I smile. Carl grabs my hand and pulls me down with him as we fall asleep in the same position as before.

Thats my favourite scene because it shows them all working together.

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