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Jess POV

4 days later~

Rick spotted a herd. Dozens apon dozens of walkers clumping together. I have to stay home while they do everything. Ive been told to stay with Judith at all costs. "Im just a babysitter." I groan flopping on the bed. "Ill be downstairs. You just gotta stay, upstairs." Carl says. "But I wanna be with you not a defenceless baby. Jessie could take her." I groan. "This is Daryls orders and you know no one will change his mind." Carl explains as he changes for the night. "Theyre going on a dry run tomorrow. Scope it all out. Extra extra." Carl says and I nod. "Without them were weak though. What if something happens, people die." I say having a bad feeling in my gut. "I know someone always dies. Thats your new phrase from 'im not little'." He says mocking my 13 year old voice. He lays down next to me. "Everything will be okay. Just stay with Judith and Ill keep you safe. Ill keep everyone that crosses our paths safe, Ron, Sam, Enid, Jessie, Cale-." He stops himself. "Sorry." He says smiling weakly. "Dont worry. I still feel like hes attached to my leg too." I say before falling asleep.

I get up and Carls gone. I go downstairs and theres a walkie on the table. "Whats this?" I ask him. "To tell us if anything goes wrong." Carl answers changing Judith. "Things have gone wrong. Trucks broke. Herds coming." We hear Rick say from the walkie. I pick it up. "Youll have to do it now. You layed out a plan right?" I ask. "Yeah we have a plan, Sasha, Abraham, Daryl get ready to lead them away." Rick answers. "You did not put my dad incharge of that. If he dies, ill.... ill kill Judith." I threaten. "I wont die princess, and you wont do that you love her too much." I hear Daryls voice from the walkie. I breath a sigh of relief and Carl takes it from me. "I love you." I say into it as Carl holds it. "I love you too princess, stay safe." Daryl says and I smile. Carl talks to them through the walkie as I take Judith back upstairs. I hear a crash and look out the window. "Stay upstairs Jess!" Carl yells and I hear gunshots. I put Judith down and lock the door. Then put a chair against it. I hear Carl talk to someone and then its silent. I keep looking out the window. I see Ron. We'd gotten close after me helping him with Enid. I take the chair away and unlock the door, running downstairs and outside I hug him. "Ron come inside I can keep you safe." I hear Carl say. Ron lets go of me and looks to Enid whos staring back at him. "No." He says. "Why?" I ask and he just frowns at me before running off. "Jess get back in the house!" Enid yells. "I can look after myself!" I yell back.

I run off towards the gate and close it to stop anymore of these people coming in. One more runs through and turns to me. I get my gun out and hes on the floor within seconds. I lock the gate and run back to the house. "Jess!" I hear Carl yell. Someones behind me. I turn and see a knife right by my head. I hear a gunshot and see Ron with a gun. He runs off again and I frown. The mqn on the floor infront of me has a W carved into their heads. I get dragged back into the house. I see Enid with a crying Judith. "Give." I say and she frowns still trying to calm Judith down. "Give." I say a bit more sternly and listens. I hold Judith in my arms and do the regular checks. "I need applesauce, Carl." I say. He just nods and hands it to me. I start feeding her. Soon theres a knock on the door and Carol stands there covered in blood. "Its safe." Is all she says before I rush past her. I see everyone whos alive hug each other in the street.

I push past everyone and find Ron. "Whyd you run off?" I ask as he embraces me. "Enid was safe, I had to keep my family safe." Is all he says. He lets go and runs off to Enid and they kiss. Carl comes over to me. "You okay?" He asks and I nod. We walk off towards home. "Half the herd broke off." I hear from the walkie on Carls waistband. "They're heading towards home." Another voice says. "Daryl, Sasha and Abraham arent responding." Another voice cuts in. My heart sinks. "Carl!" A voice yells. Carl talks to the voice over the walkie. Telling them what happened. Judith crawls over to me. She just sits with me. "Glenns not responding either" I hear from the walkie. "Shits hit the fan." I say as tears begin to leak out. Sasha, Abraham, Daryl and Glenn are MIA. I get up and pick Judith up too. I hand her to Carl who just sits there listening to the walkie like its a radio. I leave the house and walk over to the gate. I climb the post and see Rosita there. I break down. "Hey Jess whats wrong?" She asks. "Rick left a Walkie here so we could listen in. Half the herd broke off and is heading here. Sasha, Abraham, Glenn and." I stop myself and she immediately knows it Daryl. "Theyre MIA. Not responding." I explain. She nods at me and we hear the all too familiar groaning and shouting. "Open the gate!" Rick yells from outside. Rick and a few more people enter as Eugene opens and then closes the gate. He locks it so it never opens on its own. Eugenes good at that stuff. I climb down the ladder and hug Rick. "Hes okay. Hes strong and brave. He'll be okay." Rick says reassuring me. "You always say that but look where its gotten him now. With Abraham. With Sasha. Glenn." I say sobbing and pushing him away. "If you had planned this better then none of this would have happened!" I yell and people start coming out there houses. "There wouldnt be dozens of dead people outside our walls. My father could be one of those fucking dead people!" I yell louder and more people come to inspect the situation. "You dont care. You didnt go looking. You ran back like a scaredy cat. Because thats all you are." I sob. "I lost people out there yes Jess. But they are strong." Rick says calmly. "Bullshit. None of us have been strong since the world went to shit. Weve all broken. You broke when your fucking wife died. I could tell that everyone here was broken." I exclaim. "Maggies broken. Glenns broken. Abrahams broken. Hell Lizzie and Mika were broken. Luke, Molly. Tyrese. Beth!" I say yelling the last name. Ricks expression changes "Beths death broke everyone. Even my dad. You say my dads strong." I say. "But nothings broken me." I growl wiping my eyes. Grabbing Ricks machine gun and climbing the ladder to the post. People stare up at me as I go but no one stops me. I start shooting at all the dead people I can. "Jess stop." Rosita says taking the gun. "I just want to stop losing people." I say taking my hand gun out and putting it to my head. "Nothings worth it anymore not matter how much you try." I whisper taking the safety off. "At the end of it. Someone always dies." I say pulling the trigger.

Woah Jess is really effected by everything. Gonna be honest brought a tear to my eye.

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