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Jess POV

I run into our cell and start digging through my bag. Until I find it. A miniature version of Merles jacket made just for me. Daryl walks in behind me and I show him it. "You saw Merles on me didnt you?" He asks and I nod. I take it back and put it on. "You really are mini me arent you, whether your a boy or a girl." He says ruffling my hair again and I grin. "Dixon!" Rick yells and we both go running. I almost fall down the stairs but Carl stops that. I look up into his deep brown eyes. I let go of him and stand up. "Thanks Sheriff." I say flicking his hat and walking off. I see Daryl and Rick snicker. I go and sit next to Beth and she starts plaiting my hair out of boredem. "See you soon princess." Daryl says to me. I look up at him and smile. He kisses my forehead and walks off with the group. We sit in silence for a bit. "How far along?" I ask Lori without even looking at her. She knows im refering to her huge bump. "Due any day." She says and I nod. Beth stops plaiting my hair and I crawl over to Lori. I feel her bump through her top. "Its a girl." I say smiling at her. She looks down at me and smiles. "Really?" She asks and I nod. "Healthy too." I say grinning wider.

We hear screaming and all jump up. "Carl! Open the gate its Hershal." Rick yells. Carl does so as I stand next to him. They bring Hershal him and put him down on the closest bed. "He got bit. Cut it off. Might of saved him." Rick explains panting. I slip out of the gate behind him and go find Daryl. I go into the cafeteria and see him with 5 men. "Oh whos this?" The leader asks. Daryl goes to speak but I stop him. "Someone whos a better aim then you." I growl holding out my pistol. The man scoffs and I shot just above his head. "Test me I dare you." I growl louder. I see Daryl smirk as I walk forward. "Didnt you hear the man were free." One man says. "Yeah I gotta get to my old lady." Another says. I soon drown out what they're saying until Rick comes out. "Sweetheart, go help Carl please." He says. "If they hurt my dad I want to smash all their heads in. Got it." I growl loud enough for them to hear. I go over to Daryl and kiss his hair and walk back into the cell block.

I run back over to the cell Hershal is in and see Carol and Lori panicking. Beth and Maggie hold onto each other as Glenn sothes them. Carl just stands there shocked. "Hey Grimes. Infirmary, cant be thst hard eh?" I whisper and he instantly nods as we run off down another tunnel. We reach the end and turn and see 2 big doors with the word Infirmary written above it. Carl looks at me with his deep light brown eyes. I cant think like that. I nod at him and he opens the door. 2 walkers walk out and I stab one in the head while Carl takes on the other one. Once they are both down we enter the room. "Got medicine. Alcohol. Bandages. Gauzes, wheres gauzes?" I ask him and he appears next to me. "Got em." He says grinning and putting them in the bag. We grab some towels and some extra things before running back. "Carl where have you been?" Lori exclaims as we run back in. Carl drops the bag. "We found the Infirmary." I announce. "By yourselves!" Carol yells. "Took down 2 walkers." Carl says proud of himself. "Its dangerous!" Lori yells. "Well we got what you needed." I say. "Doesnt make a difference." Lori begins. "So get off my back." Carl yells. "Carl! Shes you mother you dont speak to her that way." Beth states. Carl runs off. "Sorry Lori, we were just trying to help." I mumble twiddling my thumbs. "Its okay sweetheart. Im sorry for yelling, god knows what that brought back for you." She says understanding me. I smile. "Ill go get mini Grimes." I say smiling and running off in the same direction.

I walk put into the prison yard and find Daryl with the prisoners. "Oh shes back." The leader says. "Daddy have you see Carl?" I ask worried. Rick turns to me. "Is he okay?" He whispers. "Yeah just angry, know where he would run too?" I ask. "Guard tower." Daryl points and I nod. I run past the prisoners but not before one catches me. His arm around my waist. I get my knife out and stab him. He quickly drops me. "Told ya not to test me." I grin as I continue running off. I reach the tower and climb up the ladder. "Grimes?" I call out. I hear whimpering. I reach the top and see him huddled in a corner. "Oh Grimes." I say softly. "Dixon." He growls looking up at me. I sit next to him. "Everyone was angry, your mum apologized." I say. He raises his head a bit so he can see. Although his eyes are still teary. "Hey Carl look at me." I command. He turns his head so his eyes lock with mine. "Its gonna be okay." I say wiping his eyes. He smiles wider and wraps his arms around me. I tense up not being used to hugging. "Thank you. For being here. My last friend got bit. But she wasnt trained like you." He says between sobs. We stay like that for a while before I climb back down the guard tower and he follows. We walk back into the cafeteria before entering the cell block. I check Carls eyes and wipe them making sure no more tears are gonna spill. "You okay?" I ask and he nods. He wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head in my neck. I tense up again, before letting go and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Im okay." He says and we walk back into the cell block.

Awww cutiessss

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