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Jess POV

Me and Sherry have been talking about escaping with Daryl for a few days now. Todays the day. Sherry and I are going to get out once Negan is on a run to Hilltop, Im going to slip Daryl the key to his cell and we going to run. "Lets go." Sherry says and she opens the door. I kill the guard and we run. We get to Daryls cell, I kill the guard and place the key under the door. Me and Sherry run out to a car. I start the car and we drive off. "Drop me off here." She says. "What?" I ask. "Right here?" She nods and I stop the car. "Keep going straight to Hilltop." She says and I nod. I see the trucks and then the fences. I hide the car and walk up to the fences. Soon Negans trucks start to leave and I stay hiding until they're fully gone. I wait for around an hour and I stand infront of the gate. I look up and see Sasha. "Jess?" She calls and I nod slowly. The gates open slowly and Enid stands there with Maggie and Sasha. They all run and hug me. "Im so sorry." I say crying again. "It wasnt your fault." Maggie and Sasha say. "It was." I mumble. "It wasnt. Your one of the good things in this world." Maggie says starting to tear up. "Atleast thats what Abraham and Glenn thought." Sasha puts in. I start to cry more. Enid then pipes up and starts crying to. "They thought that, because they were one of the good things too." She says and we all start crying.

Enid takes me to a trailer which has housed all 3 of them. Sasha got the sofa, Maggie got the bed and there was a sleeping bag rolled up. "Welcome to our home." Enid says smiling. Sasha had to go back on lookout and Maggie had to help with the plants. Me and Enid sit down at the table they have. "You wanna plate?" She asks getting a plate of food. I nod slowly and she sets it down infront of me. "Im pregnant again Enid. I know we never got along but, I dont know what to do." I explain sobbing again. She nods and smiles. "Dont worry, everything will be okay." She says. "Just eat, if not for you, that baby will need it." She explains and I nod and start biting into my food. "Do you wanna see Dr Carson?" Enid asks once weve finished eating and I nod. She takes me over to his trailer. "Jess. What a lovely surprise." Harland says and I smile. He reminds me so much of Hershal. I lay down on the chair and clench my fists. "I met your brother. Hes nice." I say and Harland smiles. "You were with the saviours." I nod and put my hand to my belly. "Can we see?" I ask and he nods. "Your baby is 2 weeks old." He states. "Thank you Dr." I say smiling. He wipes my stomach and Enid helps me up. She smiles at me and we leave. "They're going to have a wonderful home." Enid states and I smile. We go back to the trailer and see Maggie and Sasha there with Jesus. "Time to hit the hay." Sasha says grinning. "Jess is pregnant again." Enid booms getting everyones attention. "Thats great." Maggie smiles. "Do you want the sofa?" Sasha asks and I shake my head. "I told you guys we can get 3 more beds in here for you." Jesus says. "Can you?" I ask and he nods. Soon 3 men come up to the door and place the pull out beds in different places. "See, no problem." Jesus says smiling. We all smile back and I grab and blanket before laying on one. "Night guys." I say and they all repeat it back. Jesus locks the trailer from the outside so none of us have to get up and I soon fall into a deep sleep. I wake up and theres note on the table.

Gone to The Sanctuary, be back soon. Jesus.

At the garden, Maggie and Enid.

On watch, Sasha.

I smile and put them in the bin. Im assuming they all had to watch me at some point. I get up and put my boots on. I leave and lock the trailer behind me. I walk over to the post and climb up. "Afternoon." Sasha says once I reach the top. "Its afternoon?" I ask and she nods. "Guess I really needed sleep. With Negan I couldnt really, always playing a stupid song." I groan rubbing my head. "When did Jesus leave?" I ask. "About 7 am." She says and I nod. "Any walkers? People around out here?" I ask looking over the wall. Sasha shakes her head and drinks some water. "Im sorry sbout Abe." I say frowning. "He gave his life for yours kid. Live it to the fullest, dont be scared to have your baby. Just live all you can while the worlds at this state." Sasha says and I nod smiling. "SASHA!" Someone calls. We look over the wall and see Jesus, with Daryl. I climb down the post as Sasha opens the gates.

The gate opens and Daryl stands there in blue jeans, a top and a flannel. Not his clothing at all. "Well?" Enid says budging me. Tears start to form in my eyes. He got out. "Go on." Maggie says smiling at me. I look to all 4 of them before back at Daryl. I sniff and clench my eyes shut to try and stop the tears. Everyone in Hilltop is looking at us, silent. The gates shut and lock, we were safe so I could be as loud as I want. "DADDY!" I yell and run to him. I wrap my arms around his torso, he pushes me away and picks me up. My legs wrap around his waist and I hug his neck. "Your okay." I whisper still crying. "Yes, so are you." He states and I nod into him. He lets me go and Maggie hugs him, then Sasha. He wasnt the one for hugs. I take off his vest. "Here." I say smiling and holding it out to him. "You keep it." He smirks. Theres a sparkle in his eye and I smile.

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