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Jess POV

I wake up next to Carl. "Do you like me?" I ask and his eyes open. "Yeah of course." He says. "Do you love me?" I ask. "Yes. Where is this coming from?" Carl asks. "Enid is prettier and stronger. You were checking her out." I say remembering yesterdays events. "No I wasnt. I was checking you out actually. Never seen you in a dress." He says. "And never again." I say stand up and changing into some jeans and a tank top. "If they ask why Im not at school later tell them im ill." I say walking out of the room. I go downstairs and see Maggie with Judith. "Care to take her?" She asks me. "Why not. I dont wanna do anything else." I say and she frowns. "Why not?" She asks. "New girl. Nice but pretty." I say pointing to the ceiling. "Your scared Carl with leave you for her?" She asks and I simply nod. "No one can take your space in our lives Jess." She says handing me some breakfast. "If you say so." I comment while eating and holding Judith on my lap. Once I finish eating Carl comes downstairs and I hand him Judith. "See ya later guys." I say to everyone. I walk down the the gate with my knife drawn. "Open it." I say to Spencer, Deannas son. "Cant let children out alone." He says. I put the knife to his throat. "Open it or I do it myself." I growl and he opens it. I step put and breath in the air. Feeling free. I see a walker and stab it in the head. Spencer closes the gate.

I continue walking down the road killing walkers as they lunge at me. I walk into another town and see about a dozen walkers. I kill them all but one and a arrow goes through its skull. "The fuck you doing out here." I hear someone yell as I stand up. "Getting my anger out." I yell back. I turn and see Daryl snd Aaron. "Howd you get out. Kids arent allowed out alone." Aaron says. "I threatened Spencer to let me out or ill slit his throat and do it myself." I smirk and walk off down the road. "Do you not like it there?" Aaron asks. "No its an amazing place. I just dont like being trapped." I growl. "Jessica!" I hear Daryl yell. "What!" I yell back turning around. I hear growling and turn again to stab the walker in the head. "Fucking bitch." I say stabbing it repeatedly. I stand up and wipe blood on my face. "Im good now." I say smiling and walking back to the town. "Be safe." Daryl says and I nod. I kill all the walkers on the way back too. I see Carl and Enid climb the fence. I knock on the gate and it reveals Rosita. "Howd you?" She asks. "I threatened Spencer." I say walking in. "Your covered in blood." Eugene says. "Tell me something I dont know." I say walking off. I see Carl and Enid run into the road and then walk calmly. I walk in the opposite direction towards our house. Carl looks over at me. "Jesus Jess." He says looking at all the guts on me. I just walk past him and head in the house. "Jesus." Carol says looking at me too. "Yeah I got angry." I say smiling. She looks out the window and sees Carl and Enid talking. "I see why." She whispers and I just nod.

Once im out of the shower I put the dress back on. "Theres a party tonight to welcome us all. you going?" Glenn asks me. I shrug and sit down on the sofa next to him. "Try?" He asks and I nod. I pick up and book and start reading it. "Jess you need to talk to him." Maggie says walking in. "I did and he ignored it." I say remembering this morning. Maggie sighs. "Wheres Judith?" I ask putting the book down. "With Jessie." Maggie says. I sigh that time. I plait my hair and put put it in a pony tail. I wrap Beths rag around my arm and adjust her necklace. "Have you not taken that off?" Maggie asks pointing to the promise band around my wrist. "Hm I guess not." I say fiddling with it. I walk out of the house down the road and see Sam. "Hey dude." I say sitting on the curb next to him. "Hey." He whispers. "You good?" I ask and he nods. Then he starts crying. "Come here." I say opening my arms and he cries into my clothes. "Whats on your mind?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Okay you dont have to tell me." I say rubbing his back. I then see Jessie rush over with Judith. We swap children and I hold Judith against my chest. "Hello babygirl." I say and she smiles at me. I spin her around and she laughs with me. "Nice twirl." I hear someone say and see Miley. "Thanks." I say smiling. "I see Carls with Enid now." He says. "No they're just friends." I say holding Judith close to me as he steps closer. He shakes his head and tuts. "You dont even know do you?" He asks. "They kissed." He says and I shrug. "Im not gonna date you Mikey. Even if they did." I say and his hand grabs my wrist. Judith starts crying and his other hand goes to her mouth. She soon starts going blue. I knee him in the balls and he falls to the floor. "Judith baby you okay?" I ask and I kiss her to give her some air until she returns to her natural colour. I get my knife out and stab Mikey in the shoulder. "They wont believe you." Mikey says and he hisses out of more pain. "Oh well." I smile and walk back over to the house where Carol watched the whole thing. "Badass." Is all she says as I walk into the house and place Judith in her bed.

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