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Jess POV

Carl starts stiring in my lap so I take my hands of him. He soon sits up and cracks his neck. "Sorry." He mumbles. "Its fine." I say smiling. We hear rushed footsteps and Daryl appears at the doorway and he soon calms down. "Dont worry Daddy im okay." I say smiling at him as he looks over and he nods. I stand uo and take my bowl over to Carol and grab another bowl of oatmeal. I walk back to Carl and hand it to him. "Thought of a name for lil asskicker?" I ask frowning at the name. "Okay. I know why im sad but why are you?" Carl asks me. I stay silent and look down before staring at him. "The way Daryl looked with the baby showed me what I missed out on. Hes always going to have a better relationship with that one then me." I explain looling down again. "But your here now, and that was his choice to let you go." Carl states. "I know. He wont let her go though." I state and Carl frowns. "Im just upset that I dont get the dad that shes getting, considering your dads not suitable right now." I mumble trying to hold back sobs. Carl just nods at me and puts his free hand in mine. "Ill always be here. Always." He says smiling. My mind switches to something else. "Did you know all these people before the world died?" I ask and Carl shakes his head. "It was me, mum and dads best friend Shane first. We thought Dad was dead because he was in a coma." Carl starts explaining and I nod along. "Then we met Carol, her husband and daughter on the road along with others." He continues. "Daryl and Merle came to us. Then Dad arrived." He says smiling. "We were on the road for a bit and we lost Carols daughter, I got shot looking for her. The person that shot me directed us to Hershals place, that soon got overrun and then we were on the road again. Now were here." He says smiling at me. "Wow. Thats alot of shit." I say laughing. "Yeah but its over now. Were safe for the time being." He states taking his hand out of mine. He walks into the cell block as others walk into the cafeteria. I smile at all of them.

I enter the prison yard and find Rick. "Hey big Grimes." I say smiling. His head darts towards me. "What do you want?" He spits. "Okay, I know your not stable right now. But we need you Rick." I say sound sincere when in reality I didnt really care, it was for Carl. "Im sorry sweetheart. Just alot of pressure." He says. "Then make a council." I say smiling and walking off back into the prison. I enter the cell block. "Princess wanna come on a hunt?" I hear Daryl ask. I turn to him and smile. I hug his waist and nod into it. "Can Carl come?" I ask looking up at him. Daryl shakes his head. "He has to stay and help Carol with Judith." Daryl says. "Judith?" I ask backing away. "The baby." Daryl says and I smile. "Thats a pretty name." I say peering over at Carl holding his little sister. "Me and Glenn are going for a run." Maggie says patting Daryl on the back. "Looks like no hunting." I say smirking at him. Daryl rolls his eyes. I start walking over to Carl. "Someone has a crush." I hear Glenn taunt st me so I flip him off.

"Hey Dixon." Carl says rocking Judith. "Hey Grimes. Gotta nane yet?" I ask him smiling and he nods. "Judith, after my 3rd grade teacher." Carl explains feeding her. Carol soon comes and takes her away. "Wanna go to the tower?" I ask him grinning widely. He nods and smiles. I grab his hand and we rush past everyone into the tower. I enter first and we climb up as fast as possible. "Bye Maggie and Glenn!" I yell as I reach the top and they wave to me and Carl. "Ive never been so bored in my life." He admits and I giggle causing him to look up at me again. "What?" I ask. "Your cute." He says smiling at me and I blush. I look away and his hand reaches cheek to pull me back. "Can I kiss you?" He asks looking into my green eyes. "Yes." I mumble and he leans forward and closes his eyes. I gulp and lean forward too. Our lips connect for a moment, my stomach flips and then he moves back. "Sorry." He mumbles. I giggle again and he kisses me to stop me. "What was that one for?" I ask and he just smiles.

For a while we sit there and talk about school and before the apocalypse. "I had a friend in 2nd grade and she always used bring in these little yoghurt things to school and she brought in and extra one for me one day. I tried it." I explain and Carl nods to keep me going. "Lets just say I ended up hating the flavouring of the yoghurt. It was peach." I say laughing a bit. "Did you throw up." Carl asks. I shake my head. "I was gagging though." I say smiling at him. "Its sundown maybe we should head inside." He says smiling at the sunset. I look over in awe and walk onto the balcony. I see something near the gate but ignore it. "Its pretty though." I say and he nods wrapping his arms around my waist with his head on my shoulder. Like was Rick used to do to Lori. "Its like you." He smirks. "Jeez your real corny for a 13 year old." I state and he laughs. I peck him on the lips before climbing down the ladder and entering the cell block.

"Where were you?" Rick yells at us. Carl gets startled. "Jesus your just like your wife. Chill, we wouldnt go far. Guard tower." I explain. "You say that like Lori is still here." Rick growls. "Yes she is, in our hearts." I growl back. "Atleast one Dixon has faith." I hear Hershal say while patting Daryls back. I walk past Rick dragging Carl with me. Rick moves out of the way as I take some rabbit and hand Carl a bowl as well as myself. "Maggie and Glenn arent back?" I ask. My mind travels back to the gate.

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