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Jess POV

Its dark out and were eating beans. Daryl went out looking for Carl and Bobs missing. "Someones outside!" Sasha yells. A few people go outside and bring in Bob but hes missing a leg. I get handed Judith and Caleb runs to me scared. Theres shouting, I go into a serperate room with them both and start reading to them. Soon I hear people leave and others come into the room. Carl has his gun loaded and pointed at the door. Caleb hugs me and I hug him back. Judith coos at me and I kiss her head as she starts to fall asleep. I hear the doors open again and Carl shushes everyone. I realize Amiees not in the room. A gunshot rings out. A body falls to the floor. I hear an unsettling voice. The man from Terminus. Hes yelling and I just block it out as I make sure Judiths still quiet. But she starts to cry. The footsteps get closer until the door opens again. They keep yelling at each other and Tyrese opens the door a bit. Caleb hides his face in my chest as I see Amiee bleeding out on the floor. Pale. Her head has a hole in it. He opens it a bit more and I see Rick, Abraham, Sasha and Rosita stabbing the Terminus people. They drag the bodies out, even Amiees and chuck it in a grave. "Wheres Dad?" I ask and Rick shrugs. He left. Daryl left. My mind thinks badly but then good thoughts arise. "Maybe he found Carol, maybe he found Beth. Beth." I mumble to myself. We all walk out of the room and set up beds.

I wake up and Daryls still not back. Calebs on me and Carl has his arms wrapped around me. I try to get out Carls grip but it just gets tighter on me so I turn and put my fingers through his hair. Its relatively soft. "Morning gorgeous." He says opening his eyes. I smile and kiss his forehead. "Your beautiful." He says. "Really, cant wait for you to see me after I shower." I laugh and he smiles. "How come you never showered at the prison?" He ask. "You didnt either." I point out and he rolls his eyes. I kiss him and get up. Making sure Calebs comfy before leaving. "Whats happening today. I was busy keeping the kid entertained while you all argued." I say to Glenn. I hear Carl chuckle. "Me, Maggie, Tara, Rosita, Abraham and Eugene are heading to Washington today." Glenn explains. "Be safe okay." I say hugging them all and they all nod. Everyone else begins to wake up and say their goodbyes. I walk over to Carl. "I feel like they're gonna get hurt. Whether is physically or mentally." I say and he laughs. "Okay miss psychic." He says kissing my head. I smile and he walks off to say goodbye. Once they leave we dont really do anything just sit and talk.

Its sundown and theres a knock on the door. I go over to it and open it. I see Daryl and a boy. "Beths alive." Daryl says immediately. I hug him and start crying. "This your daughter?" The boy asks and Daryl nods. "Jess. Noah, Noah. Jess." He says and I wipe my tears and wave. I pull out of the hug. "Im going with you to get her." I demand and he nods. He goes into the church and explains it to everyone else. "Shes in a hospital, with Carol." I mumble. Im still crying at the news. My best friend is alive. Even though my other one just died, guess I wasnt as attached. "Shes going to be okay." Noah says sitting next to me. "Someones going to die. Someone always dies." I mumble. "Carol got hit while you were out. Bob died here. Someone always dies." I say a bit louder so he can hear. He just nods. We all fall asleep soon after.

I wake up in the room with the kids and I get up ignoring anything people say. I go outside the church. "When are we leaving?" I ask Daryl. "When this place is protected." He says. "Someones going to die Dad. Someone always dies." I hiss and walk out into the woods. "Princess wait!" I hear him yell. I walk into the road and hear footsteps behind me. Its a walker and I hear a car too. The walker falls on me and I black out.

I wake up in a hospital. "Hello." Someone says. I sit up quickly. Its a doctor. "Whats your name?" They ask. I look around and see Beth by the door. I point to her and they push her in. Im still in my own clothes but im just in bed. Beth sits next to me and I see the tears in her eyes. "Your alive." I say smiling as tears fall from my eyes. She nods and grabs my hand. "Your name?" A woman growls at me. "Bitch Jr." I growl back. "Cuz your the original bitch." I finish. Beth looks over at her. "Dawn. Its okay. She'll talk soon. Let us catch up." Beth says. Dawn nods angrily and everyone leaves. "Its Jess by the way." I say as they leave. They shut the door and its just me and Beth. "Ive missed you so much. Theyre coming to get us. I know they are." Beth says hugging me. "They are. We got Noah." I say and she nods. "Someones going to die though. Someone always dies. No matter how much faith I have. Someones going to die." I say starting to cry again. "I just hope its not you." I say sobbing. Beth tightens the hug. "You got my rag." She says. "Dad gave it to me. I missed you alot." I mumble. She nods and asks about everything. I tell her about Terminus, meeting my brother, Carl giving me a promise band, Eugene knowing the cure. Everything. Dawn walks in. "Lucky you guys. Your group found us. Beth get dressed and help Carol get dressed." Dawn says. "Carols here. Can I see her?" I ask and Dawn nods. I smile and thank her. I go into Carols room.

Beths death next. Im gonna cry. Probably find a way to change the storyline a bit. Or not I dont know :((

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