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Jess POV

Its been a week since that incident. Morgans building a prison. Daryls still going on runs with Aaron. Judiths gotten bigger. Enid and Carl go outside the walls sometimes but he always comes back with something for me. Rick is a little less crazy now. Maggie and Glenn are really happy now they have their own house. Alot of shit basically.

I get up to Judiths cries. "Babe, shes not yours." Carl says from the bed. "I know but. Im a mini Beth." I say back while chucking his clothes at him. "You chose my clothes?" He asked. "Yeah, a flannel and some jeans. Like every other day." I smile at him and he rolls his eyes. "Let me pick your clothes." He says stsnding up in his boxers. "Carl put on some trousers atleast." I smirk at him. "Oh shut up." He says smiling. Judiths cries get louder. "Ill get her!" I yell chucking on Carls flannel quick that reaches my knees. I see Carl search through my draws as I leave the room. I go into Judiths room and see Michonne holding her. "Oh, Chonne you okay?" I ask and she turns around. "Yeah just, tryna figure out whats wrong. Shes been changed and shes not hungry." She explains. I reach my hands out and she hands me Judith who goes silent in my arms. "Shes used to me." I say and Michonne just nods and walks back to her room. "Baby girl why you being so noisy." I say and she giggles at me. I walk back into mine and Carls room. I see hes in his jeans and is putting on his top. Hes quite musclely considering all we do is kill. "Hello Judith." Carl says as he takes her from me. I go over to the pile of clothes that Carl has set me out. I look down and see a pink skirt that goes down to my knees and a white crop top with sunflowers on it. I dress in it, taking his flannel off and look in the mirror. "Really babe. I look like a hoe." I say and he laughs. "No you dont. You look beautiful." He says kissing my cheek. I take Judith back and he wraps his arms round me.

We walk down for breakfast. "Pass me the baby food." I demand to Carol and she slides it to me. Judith starts clapping. I start feeding her and Rick comes down. "Morning everyone." He says and we all smile at him. I finish feeding Judith and hand her over to Rick. "Im gonna go see if anyone needs help around here." I say smilings and exit the house. "Where you think your going dressed like that?" Daryl asks. "Oh hello to you to." I say putting a hand on my chest. He just glares at me. I shrug and sit on the steps. "Its nice here. People dont die as much." I say smiling and Daryl nods. I get up and start walking down the road. The breeze going past me feels nice. Glad I wore less today its too hot. I hear footsteps and Rons next to me. "Hey your a girl?" He says in a question. I giggle a bit. "Yes I have the female counter parts. Whats up?" I ask and he scratches his neck. "I like this girl, but shes so distant and I dont know how to talk to her?" He says. "Im assuming its Enid." I say stopping. He nods and I smile. "Take her out the walls." I say. He shakes his head. "Dad would kill me." Ron says. "Do it anyway. He doesnt have to know. Ill cover for you." I say smiling st him. Ron just nods and walks off. I find the little pond and sit on the bench for a bit before beading home.

Its the time of the meeting. Judiths squirming in my arms. "You could have left her with Sam and Ron." Deanna says. I just glare at her and then Judith claps at me. "Shes fine with Jess." Tara says standing next to me. Deannas silent for a while and looks around. "Well lets get started." She says. "Ricks not here yet?" Carol says. "We need to start its already night." Deanna argues. "He'll be here." Michonne says. "Just want to say the night you guys came in Gabriel came to me and said you werent to be trusted." Deanna starts talking and then the door opens. Ricks standing there with a walker. I see Carol tap me and she takes Judith from me. "The gate was open. It got in." He says dropping it to the floor. "I told Gabriel to shut it." Spencer says. "Go!" Deanna says and Spencer runs out. "Rick?" I whisper and he looks over to me and frowns. Someone else turns up at the door with Michonnes Katana. I squint in the dark and see Pete. "He doesnt belong here!" He yells and swings Michonnes katana. Reg, Deannas husband tries to calm him down. "Reg back off." Pete says and swings the katana again slicing Reg's throat. I gasp and Carol pulls me backwards. Reg falls to the floor gasping for air. Deanna begs for someone to do something then a gunshot rings out and Pete's on the floor bleeding out. "Rick?" I hear someone say and look out the door. "Daddy!" I yell and run towards me and he holds me close. "Its okay princess. Its okay." He whispers to me. He picks me up and takes me home. "Its okay." I hear him say before I fall asleep.

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