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Jess POV

"The gate." I yelp as I drop my bowl and run back out into the prison yard. I open it slightly and the figure walks in. "Hey hey are you okay?" I ask as the men rush towards us. "Im fine. Here." She says handing me a bag. Its filled with formula. "Carl take that bacm to the cell block." Rick demands. "You too misses." Daryl says and I growl at him before following Carl. We walk into the cell block and drop it down. "She had their bag an-" Carl gets interrupted by Rick once again. "Shes been shot. Hershal." Rick calls out. Hershal grabs some things and rushes to the cafeteria. "People need to stop disappearing on us." Carol says. "They didnt disappear. Someone took them." Beth says. Carol just shrugs and takes Judith into Carls cell. "Whered you get the bag!" I hear Rick yell agressively. I walk over and push him away. He tries to push my back but Daryl intercepts. "Hey, sorry about him, his wife died 2 months ago and hes still not over it." I state and the woman smirks. "Whats your name?" I hear Carl ask. "Michonne." She says and I smile. "Whered you get the bag." I ask. "Out of a car, an asian and pretty girl were taken, before they were I heard them talk about a prison a straight shot from where they were." She explains and I nod. "Who took them?" Rick asks more softly understanding what we were trying to do. "Same dick who shot me." Michonne growls. "Well your safe here for now." Hershal says giving her some medicine for the pain. "Shes not staying." Rick says. "You said we have a council now. Me, Daryl and You sre the council. I say she stays. Daryl." Hershal points out while asking for Daryls answer. He looks down at me and I smile. "Not yet. We dont know her well." He says and I frown. "How many walkers you killed?" I ask, knowing the three questions Rick asks people. "Alot." She answers. "What about people." Carl pipes up. "Few." She says. "Why." Rick growls. "Protecting the ones I love." She growls back. I move away from the table and sit on a different one.

Soon after Carl comes up to me. "I trust her. I dont know why." He says and I nod agreeing. "Were going after Maggie and Glenn. Daryl will come with me, Michonne and Oscar." He says pointing to one of the prisoners. "How come I never see them?" I ask Carl. "Different cell block." Carl says smiling at me. "Axel and you two. Keep guard." Rick says pointing over to me and Carl. We nod and holster our weapons. They get some stuff before leaving. "Come back please." I say to Daryl and he nods. "Always princess." He says kissing the top of my head. They leave and we wave them goodbye. We then all go back to chill in the prison. "I found a flip phone!" Beth yells running out. "What day was it when this all went bad?" She asks. "Halloween 2010?" Carol says. "Its been a year its the 7th of November 2011." Beth states. I gasp. "Its my birthday in 3 days." I say smiling. "Im 14 in 3 days." I cheer. "Im 14 in January." Carl says a little displeased. "We need to keep that phone off and safe so then we can know the dates for how many years its been. Or when we find a safe enough place we can make a calender." Carol suggests. I nod furiously.

Suddenly theres a huge bang on a walk that shakes the cell block. Me and Carl grab our guns and head outside where Axel is. Fighting off walkers we see 5 other people. "How did you get in?" Axel asks. "Gates down on south side. We blocked it up but these ones got through before we could." A man yells. The last walker starts making his way towards Carl and I stab it through the eye. "How the?" A black woman asks. "Self taught." I say smirking. We notice one of them have a bite and we take them in and let Hershal look at them. I look the door to the cafeteria after they walk in. Hershal fixes them all up other than the woman thats bit. "Here." I say handing them my knife. They nod and take it before stabbing her in the head. "A friend?" Hershal asks and they nod as I get my knife back. "We'll make sure she gets a proper burial." Hershal says smiling. "Do you think we could stay?" The bigger black man asks. "No Tyrese." Hershal says. "Why not?" Tyrese asks. "We have a council and 2 members arent here so we cant." Hershal says. I go to pipe up to say that me and Cark are their heirs but Carl stops me. He shakes his head and pulls me into the cell block. Judith coos as she sees Carl and Carl smiles instantly. I sigh and lock the door to the cell block. "Little girl. Let us in. We wont be a bother. Let us in." The black woman yells at me. "Sasha, stop look around. This is the best weve gotten in a while. Be thankful." Tyrese says. Sasha backs away from the gate. "We should help them." I hear Beth say. "I did." I say coldly before walking into my cell.

I hear loud footsteps start walking towards my cell. Rick ends up walking in. "What? Here to shout?" I groan and he shakes his head. "We found Glenn and Maggie and Merle." He says and I nod. "Wait Merle?" My head snaps up. He nods. "Your dad went with him. Said you'd understand because it was blood." Rick states. "That jackass! Im blood. Im pretty much all him." I yell. I stomp out of my cell and head to the cafeteria and notice the people are gone. "Where'd Sasha and Tyrese go?" I ask Carol whos in the kitchen sorting dinner. "Rick sent them away. Yelling. I think he was hallucinating again." She says. I nod and run out into the prison field. I grab a crowbar and start killing walkers that are at the fence. "Fucking. Jack. Ass. Dick. Head." I say starting to say every swear in the book. I sit against ghe fence behind me and just cry.

Aww no he left :(
Also made up bday for Carl, it just says in 1998 n i didnt want it the same as his actor so :)

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