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Jess POV

We walk out of the building that gave us shelter for the night and back into the massive room with the King. "We shall not help, but we will give homes to Daryl and Jess as they are escapists of the Saviours." He says. Rick tries to argue but the king refuses. We all leave the building and head towards the exit. "Stay here." Carl says to me. "What no." I argue. "Your safe here. Beri is safe here." Carl says. I clench my teeth and sigh. "Take this time to relax a bit okay." He says and I frown. He hugs me and kisses my forehead. "Ill see you soon okay." He says and leaves a kiss on my lips. I nod and frown. They leave and im left standing there next to Daryl. "Were not gonna relax are we?" Daryl asks. "Nope." I say turning and heading towards the "hospital." Daryl is following. We walk in and I sit down. "Ah you must be Jess." The Doctor starts. "Please just tell me." I say frowning and he nods. "Oh, this baby is 7 months old. Your just so small it doesnt show." The Doctor says. "Thats not possible, I had a miscarriage 4 months ago." I say and he shakes his head. "That was the Placenta detatching." He says. "You will have to stay here for the rest of your pregnancy." The Doctor says.

We walk out of the building and just stand in shock. "Look like 2 months is gonna go by quick." I say. Daryls arms wrap around me. "Maybe." He whispers. I wrap my arms around him and start crying. Its all too overwhelming. "Its a boy though." Daryl says. "Jamie. Dad if anything happens his name is Jamie." I say, Beri just doesnt sound right on a boy. He nods. "Nothing will happen to you. I promise." He says pulling away from me. "Dont make a promise you cant keep." I say and he frowns.


Daryl went out to see people leaving me in the little room we have. A knock is heard and a boy called Henry stands there. "Hey I heard you were umm. Pregnant and wanted to give you these." He stutters handing me some apples. "What are these supposed to do?" I ask sweetly. "I dont know just a, congratulations I guess." He says and I smile and take them. "Thank you Henry." I say. He smiles at me before coming in to give me a hug. "I heard you talking to your dad. If theres anything you need we are here." He says into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him back. "Thank you again." I giggle and he lets go of me. He waves and walks off. I wave back at him and Daryl walkd over. "Carol is here." He says. My eyes widen. "Im gonna go out with Richard. Stay here." He demands. "If your going to see Carol im coming." I growl. "Im not, tryna trap the Saviours." He says and I huff. "Go talk to that Henry boy." He smirks at me. I shake my head and walk arouns the Kingdom. "Liking it?" A voice says and I turn and see King Ezekiel. "Its a beautiful place." I say smiling. Shiva purrs from beside him. "She really likes you." King says. I smile even more. "Babies do too." I say and rest my hand on my stomach. I see him smile as Shiva stands next to me. "Were going to visit a friend, wanna come?" King asks. "Is it Auntie Carol?" I ask smiling brightly. "Shes your aunt?" King asks. "Yeah, not by blood but still family." I explain and he nods. The walk ahead of me over to a little college outside of the Kingdom.

I see her stand and look at the King. The King leaves and winks at me. I rush up and go to knock when someone knocks for me. I look up and see Daryl as his smiles at me. The door opens and Carol stands there. "Daryl?" She asks as he hugs her. I giggle which causes her gaze to land on me. "Jess." She says as tears fill her eyes. Daryl pulls away and I hug her waist. "Ive missed you." I say squeezing her and she laughs a bit hugging me back. We walk into her little house and she makes us some soup. "Im sorry I left I just couldnt do anymore killing." Carol admits and we nod. I lay my head on Daryls shoulder. "Is everyone okay?" She asks. "Did anyone die." She chokes out. Tears fill my eyes. "Everyones fine." He chokes out. I smile at her wiping my eyes and nod. She gives us some soup and we start eating. We fill her in on what she missed, minus the deaths that hurt us all. We couldnt tell her, she would rips herself apart.

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