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Jess POV

Gregory isnt happy with us being here. I dont like being here, I feel useless. Ive been doing nothing for too long. Me and Daryl are sitting on a bench sharpening knives. "Your doing it wrong." Daryl states. "Or are you?" I ask and laugh. He smirks and walks off. "Saviours are here." The person on watch says, Enid runs over and grabs my hand. "What about Dad and Maggie?" I ask as she drags me into our trailer. "Safe, just hide up here." She says pointing to the overhang above the door. "It has a door?" I ask. "It was a hiding space for valuables. I can take the handle off and make it look like a wall." She says and I nod. She helps me climb up and her eyes widen. "What about you?" I ask. She closes the hatch. "Im fine, their different to the ones at Alexandria." I hear her muffled voice. I curl up in a ball and wait. Waiting takes longer than I thought. I hear the door open and footsteps inside the trailer. "Hello?" A manly voice calls. I stay quiet and curl up tighter. Another pair of shoes come in. "Alot of people sleep here. The other residents have 1 or 2 beds." The voice says. "Maybe their a family. Dumbass." The other man says. The footsteps walk out and the door closes causing the tailer to shake. I wait and soon end up sleeping.

I wake uo and the hatch is open. Jesus is sat in the trailer with Daryl. "They should be here soon." Jesus says. I cough and he looks over. He rushes over and helps me down. "You slept a while." Daryl says. "Sorry." I mumble. He hugs me. "Its good to have you back. Im sorry for what Dennis di-" He starts. "Shut up." I growl hugging him tighter. He hugs me tighter. "Alexandria!" Someone yells. Me and Daryl part and I smile. We walk over to the gate and hide behind a trailer. The gate opens and they walk through. I see Jesus smile and me and Daryl come out from behind the trailer. Michonne, Rosita, Rick, Carl and Tara stand there. Rick runs to Daryl and then engulf each other in a hug. Carl gawks at me. "Your okay?" He stutters. I nod and smile with my hand on my stomach. He rushes up to me and hugs me, picking me up in the process. "I love you." He says and I smile kissing him. He kisses back and he puts me down. "I love you more." I say when we part and he chuckles. Michonne comes and hugs me next, then Rosita and Tara. "We missed your crazyness." Rosita says and I laugh. "I lost it at the moment." I smile weakly. "Itll come back, when we beat them." Tara says smiling. I nod.

"I think its time you met Ezekiel, King Ezekiel." Jesus says after a while. "King?" I ask. Carls arm wraps around me and keeps me close to him. Jesus nods and we all go into the RV again. "They have better equipment to see the baby." Jesus whispers to me and I smile. Ill be able to see how long its been alive for. Maybe even get a due date. Carl keeps me close during the whole car ride. We get out of the car and again he keeps me close. "I think im 16 now." He whispers and I giggle. "Im still older." I say sticking my tongue out. "Wheres the kingdom?" Rick asks. "We have to be escorted in." Jesus says and we nod. 2 dudes on horses come down. "Who dare ent- shit Jesus is that you?" One of the men say. "Richard good to see you." Jesus says. "Who are your friends?" Richard asks. "They are from a like minded community. Come to talk about the saviours." Jesus explains. "We would like a sitting with the king." Richard looks at all of us. "The king is a very busy man." Richard says. "Oh jesus, told ya this was a waste of time. Lets go." Daryl says. "Dad wait." I say grabbing his arm and he stops. "Give it a chance." I say and he glares at me and then hugs me, pulling me away from Carl. "Okay. For you." He says and I smile. "Lets go see if you can get a sitting." Richard says. "We need your weapons." We hand over our guns and head into the Kingdom.

We see Morgan. A man tbat was in Alexandria but went after Carol when she left. But that was a while ago now. We enter a massive hall and see the King on his throne with soldiers by his side and a. "A tiger." I squeal. I rush past Jesus to see it. "May I come up and stroke them your majesty." I say smiling and he smiles back and nods. Morgan shows me the stairs and I go up next to the tiger. "Its a her, Shiva." King Ezekiel says. I smile and nod. She lets out a roar once everyone else is in. Rick stares at me and I smile. Shiva lays down and I stroke her. They start their big talk but im occupied by the tiger. "Jess right?" King says. I look up and nod. "Do you want our help to beat the Saviours?" He asks. "Yes your majesty, everything I could say has probably already been said but. My opinion is that I want them gone, I want him gone. Just so this world can atleast be a little safe for when Beri comes around." I say holding my stomach. Shive headbutts it lightly and purrs. I giggle a bit and the King looks down at me. "Your with child?" He asks. "Yes sir, Carls." I say pointing to him and he smiles and waves at the king. "How does your family think of this." The king asks. "Well Carls Dad is Rick and mine is Daryl so, ask them." I say smiling. He looks out to everyone and then goes deep in thought. "I will present my decree in the morn." King says. I stroke Shiva one more time before running down with the others. King starts to walk off the stage. "We are not getting you a tiger." Daryl says. "Aw why not." I say smiling. I see the King still looking at us as we leave.

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