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Jess POV

I wake up in the middle of the night and see Carl get up. He sticks some trousers and a top on. "Whats happening?" I ask. He chucks a top at me and I put it on. I leave the room following Carl and a figure sits on the stairs. "What are you doing in my house?" Carl asks pointing his gun at the figure. I walk out from behind Carl in the shirt he handed to me. "Dont worry. Just waiting for your parents." The man says. "Were not siblings." I point out and his mouth just turns to an o shape. More people turn up including Daryl. Their guns pointed at Jesus. I hide behind Carl and his hand rests on my stomach. Rick and Michonne enter the hallway. "What are you doing here?" Rick asks Jesus. "You said you wanted to talk. Lets talk." Jesus says and stands up. I step closer to Carl. "Im not a threat." Jesus says seeing me cower. Carls hand wraps around me. "Whats your name sweetheart?" Jesus asks. "Jess." I say leaning into Carls chest. Daryl pushes past Jesus and covers me and Carl. "Im assuming shes your daughter Daryl." Jesus says. Daryl nods. I move away from Carl and stand infront of Daryl. I take my knife out of my holder. "You said you wanna talk. Talk." I threaten. Jesus steps back. "Okay." Jesus says. Everyone goes downstairs, guns still pointed at Jesus. I hear Judith whine and go get her quickly. "Hello gorgeous." I say smiling and she giggles at me. I go back into mine and Carls bedroom and lay down on the bed with Judith next to me. "We gonns go to sleep again okay." I say smiling at her. She nods and soon shes asleep again. I look at the time. Its 1 am. I pass out.

I wake up and see no Judith or Carl. I go downstairs and see everyone around a table. "Were going to hilltop." Maggie says to me and I nod. I get my shoes on and see everyone entering the RV. "Ill see you and Jamie later." Carl says kissing me. "Jamie?" I ask. "It could be for a boy or a girl." Carl says smiling. "I love it." I say as I kiss him again. "Grixon!" Glenn yells and we both flip him off. "Stay safe." Carl says and I nod. I walk in behind Maggie and sit next to her on the way there. "So why is everyone protective of you and Jess?" Jesus asks Maggie. "Were both pregnant." Maggie answers bluntly. Jesus looks shocked. "Planned?" He asks and Maggir shakes her head. "Forced?" He says looking over at me and I I shake my head. "If it was anyone elses baby. Id wanna know who, and they would be dead." Daryl says. Jesus just nods. Abraham and Glenn have a conversation about the baby being planned. curses and stops the RV. "Crash up ahead." Rick says. Jesus runs to the front of the RV. "Its one of ours."

They devise a whole plan. Me and Maggie get left outside with Jesus as we are vulnerable. "I feel useless. Before I was pregnant I would kill anything I saw." I complain. "Even people?" Jesus asks. "Not unless they deserved it." I hiss at him. We get Jesus' people out of the building and into the RV. "How come you came instead of Carl?" Abraham asks. "How come you came instead of Rosita?" I ask him and Glenn laughs. "Fair play." Abraham answers. "Names Harland by the way." A man from the crash says. "Maggie." She introduces herself. They keep talking until Glenn pipes up. "You a doctor?" He asks. "Yeah." Harland answers. "Have any pregnancy vitamins." Glenn asks looking back at me slightly. "For you?" Harland asks pointing at Maggie. "And Jess if shes allowed." Maggie says pointing at where im sitting, on Daryls lap. "How old is she. That man looks really old." Harland comments and I giggle. I get up and walk over to them. Glenn helps me slightly when tbe RV swerves. "Jess." I say holding my hand out. He takes it and shakes it. "Im 16." I say sitting next to Maggie. "Accidental?" Harland asks and I nod. We continue talking until we pull up to Hilltop.

We get to the gate and tbey have spears. Daryl pushes me behind him and I huff. Harland sees that and smiles at me. I smile back. I see a walking coming from behind Michonne whos at the back. She turns and looks back at me. I put my hand up and run over to it. I sink my knife into its skull over and over. I wipe my forehead causing blood to go on it. "Better?" Michonne asks getting Beths rag from my back pocket. I wipe it over my face  "Hell yeah." I say smiling. I feel something trickle down my leg as the gates open. "Michonne. Help." I say before I fall just a few feet away from the walker.

I wake up and Harlands next to me. I cover myself up and he frowns. "Its fine princess." I hear Daryl say and I relax a bit. "You lost your baby." He says. "It was 2 months old. Unfortunately I couldnt find out what gender it was." Harland says sadly. "Jamie." I whisper. "Carl wanted them to be called Jamie. Jamie Dixon-Grimes." I say and Daryl smiles. "Well. Jamie is in a better place now." Harland says. "I know. We'll all be there soon." I say smiling. I get up and put my bottom half back on and follow Daryl into the house. "You must be Jess. Very pretty." A man says. "Who the fuck are you?" I ask with my hands on my hips. "Okay who do you belong to?" He asks. "Belong. Im not an object." I growl. "How old are you sweetheart? Lates 20s." The man asks. I here a lot of people laugh. "What?" The man asks. "Gregory." Jesus says and Gregory turns to him. "Shes 16." Jesus says and Gregory turns to me. I nod and he gasps. "Who do you belong to then." Gregory asks looking at all the men. "Who are you scared of?" I ask becoming confident again. Gregory looks around and points to Daryl, Maggie, Rick and Glenn. "The first one you pointed to is my Dad. And a lesson. Dont point its rude." I hiss. "Well okay. Me and Margret have had our chat so you can leave now." He says smiling at everyone. Gregorys name gets called from outside the house.

Oh no. Jamies gone :/ but will they be back?

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