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Jess POV

"They need to get it in their head that they arent safe." Carl sighs. "Yeah they do." I say. I look over at him. Hes grown much taller, longer hair, sheriffs hat is still intact. Weve both matured after hitting 14. "Dads making me farm." He groans. "Thats good." I say putting my hand in his. "Wanna tell them yet?" He asks. "Its up to you. You wanna have my dad shout at you?" I ask him and he shrugs. I smile and kiss his cheek. "Just be careful. Rakes are still sharp." I say smiling and taking his sheriffs hat. "Hey!" He yells and tries to take it back. "Nope your a farmer now. Im the sheriff." I say running. I bump in Rick and take the hat off. "Hi Rick. Need anything." I ask. He takes the hat from me and puts it on my head. "The farmer." He says grinning and I laugh. "Dont worry Grimes youll get it back." I say as I continue to run. I then bump inot Glenn. "Rhee." I say. "Oh hey Car- Jess." He says correcting himself. "Im not talk enough to be mistaken as Carl." I say to him. He just smiles at me. "When should they be back?" I ask looking at Carl and Rick talking to Michonne and Daryl. Carl holds a comic and has a bright grin on his face. "Should be back by dinner time." Glenn says. I nod.

"Jess!" I hear someone yell and its Beth. "Yeah?" I ask. "Wanna get your hair cut." She asks and I shake my head. "Its okay for now. Not as long as it was before I met you guys. Plus I have hair ties now." I say smiling and she nods at me. "Can I put it up. You need to go down with Daddy in a bit." She says and I nod. I walk over to her and take off the hat. She takes one part of my hair and plaits it. Then puts it in a pony tail like hers. I put the sheriffs hat back on and skip down towards the farm after Hershal. "Look what the walkers dragged in." Carl says smirking. "Shut up you." I say putting the hat back on his head. He winks at me and I roll my eyes. "So farmer. What am I doing?" I ask Rick. He hands me a shovel.

I start digging a hole. He gives me some tips and I finish digging. He hands me some seeds and I plant them in. Cover them back up lightly and pour water over them. "Well done Jess." Hershal says smiling at me. I do it again and I get handed the same seeds. Beth then walks down with Judith. "With us farming we need a new sheriff." Rick says taking the hat of Carls head and putting it on Beths. She laughs and moves it up a bit. I hug her and Judith. Judiths hands reach out for me. I hold her. "Farmer." I say and Rick looks over. "Do you think us children will be able to have our own children one day?" I ask. Rick looks to Hershal stunned by the question. "We will. Gotta have faith." Beth says kissing my hair. "Ill name my daughter Faith Bethany whatever the dads last name is." I say smiling at her and she smiles back rubbing my arm. "I hope the last name doesnt end up being 'whatever the dads last name is'." Carl says smiling. Rick and Hershal laugh while me and Beth roll our eyes. Judith starts crying. "Oops. Gotta go feed her." Beth says putting the hat back on my head and taking Judith. "See ya guys in a bit." She says smiling and we all nod.

We farm for a bit longer until lunch time. Carol calls us all over. "Squirrel!" I yell rushing off the farm smiling. I hear the boys laugh so I turn n flip them off still smiling. Carl runs up to me and takes my hand as he runs with me. We stop half way up and wait for Rick and Hershal. "Race ya?" Carl says smirking. I glare at him. Then back at Rick and Hershal who are getting closer. "Your on." I say. "Rick count down from 3!" I yell. He starts counting down. 3.. 2.. 1.. Go! I sprint off towards Carol but Carl passes me so I put more effort into it. I soon pass him and get to her. "Beat yah!" I say and he groans. Carol laughs and hands me some squirrel. I start eating it and sit next to Patrick on the kids table. "You good?" He asks. I nod and catch my breath still. "Raced Carl up the hill and won." I say with a huge grin and he smiles at me. Carl sits on the other side of me.

"Jess your dads back!" I hear someone yell. I bolt of the bench almost falling over and run towards the gate. I see them enter and I run down to them. I immediately hug Daryl and he picks me up. "Who died?" I ask obviously expecting the worst. "Zach." He says at a whisper. I frown thinking of what Beth may act like. He puts me down and kisses my forehead. "Get anything interesting?" I ask as Michonne exits the car. She hands me a purple switch blade and some new shoes. "Oh my jesus thank you." I say hugging her and she smiles at me. "Go give Carl these for me." She says handing me some comics too. "Hes gonns love em." I say smiling at her. She nods and I run back up the to my seat. Carl hears me breathing heavy again and hands me some water. I down half the bottle. "Sorry." I mumble he just smirks and rolls his eyes. I hand him the comics and he smiles at me. I point over to Michonne as I eat my squirrel that they kept covered from flies.

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