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Jess POV

My hand bleeds onto the floor. I feel eyes on me and see Negan peering at me. I growl and rip off a sleeve of my top. I wrap it around my hand wincing. I tie it and move back to Maggie. I wrap my hand around hers and she smiles a bit. "Well. I still need to kill someone." Negan huffs. "How will I decide." He says. He then begins to play the eeny meeny moe game. "And you are it." I hear him say with the bat hung losely infront of me. "The badass huh, didnt see that coming." He says frowning. I see everyone look at me and I look down. "You can scream, you can shout, you can cry. Your gonna be doing alot of that." Negan says raising his bat. No one interrupts him and I wait for it to slam down on me but Im met with blood instead. "Woah ho ho. Someone took the hit for ya." Negan laughs. I look up and see the familiar ginger hair. "Abe." I sob. "Its okay. You gotta live a long life. Make the most of it." He whispers to me. "Hes taking it like a canp though." Negan yells. "Suck... my.... nuts...." Abraham says from infront of me. Dwight puts him back in line so hes next to me instead of infront. I wrap my bandaged hand around his and he smiles at me. "Thank you." I whisper and he nods. Another blow to his head and tears start streaming again. Another blow and another. They just keep coming until his nothing on the floor. "Im sorry." I sob and Rosita looks over at me and just nods. I look over to Sasha and she nods too. I take my hand out of his limp one and cry more.

I just wanted Carl or Daryl by my side. "Yeah. You better be crying. He sacrificed himself for you." Negan laughs. "Shut up!" I yell looking up at him. He looks down at me. "Excuse me." He says. "I said shut up." I growl and the tears stop. Negan laughs and I cover my ears. I see him raise the bat to Rositas face. Then Daryl gets up. "Daddy!" I yell getting up and running to him. I hold his arms away from Negan before geting dragged away. I take out my knife and stab the two people holding me in the neck. Another 2 people grab me and I get forced back down, taking my knife. "Oh, Daddy hm. Nickname? Pet name?" Negan asks me. "Hes my dad shithead. Get your mind out of the fucking gutter." I spit at him. "Swears too. Wow. You just took down 2 of my men and your dad punched me." Negan exclaims. "Should I put him down." Dwight asks with Daryls crossbow to Daryls head. "I said the first ones free. But this time someone dies. So, lets get back to it." He says as his bat slams down onto someone head. I hear Maggie gasp and follow her eye line. Glenn has blood running down his face and an eye popping out. "Maggie.... I...will...find...you." Glenn says before he gets hit again. Maggies hand wraps around mine as she screams. "Im sorry Maggie. Im sorry. Im sorry." I say as I lean into her. She just hugs me and cries. They try to tear us apart but fail. "Im sorry." I whisper. When they doo tear us apart I get put in the middle of everyone. Ricks gone and so is the RV.

Everyones crying and they look at me. "Im sorry." I whisper but everyone hears me. I hear Daryl whimper and everyone else but nothing from Carl. I fall onto my side and just cry. Until I get moved back into line when the RV pulls up. Rick gets pushed out. "Kid. Come here." He says. Carl stands up. "You a southpaw?" Negan asks. "A what?" Carl asks. "Lefty?" He asks. Carl shakes his head, he then gets pushed to the ground. "Carl." I call out and Negan stares at me. "You, caused most of this. Id shut your mouth little girl." Negan says harshly. "Shes not little." I hear Carl growl from the ground. "Oh. OH!" Negan exclaims like hes just one the lottery. "I see whats happening here. Do the parents know?" Negan asks. "Your dating right. Oh well im sorry. He'll only have one arm and one eye now." Negan snickers. "That doesnt matter." I say softly. Negan rolls his eyes and draws something on Carl. I keep trying to get up. Just to run away, not even to help. I dont wanna be here anymore. I just wanna run. Soon enough Negan stops and talks to Rick. "Load him up." I hear Negan say and Daryl is pushed to the truck. "DAD!" I yell and wiggle out of whoevers grip it is. I reach him and just hug him. I dont let go. "I was gonna say her too." Negan snickers. Daryls arms soon wrap round me and we get pushed into the truck. Once the door closes I start crying again. "Im sorry dad. They both died because of me. Its on my hands." I sob and Daryl cries too and its a short way to whereever they take us.

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