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Jess POV

"Keep a look out." Rick says. Carl goes with Michonne and I go with Daryl. We start walking off. "What happened out there?" I ask him. "I was with Beth. Shes gone." He answers bluntly. "Dead?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Just gone." He says looking down. I frown and put my hand in his. "We'll find her. Alive or dead, we'll give her an amazing funeral if shes dead. If shes alive we'll have a party." I say smiling and he looks down at me. "Your a mix of her and me." Daryl says I tilt my head. "Your my blood. Shes rubbed off on you." He says explaining. "Yeah, she told me to have faith. Enough for everyone because no matter what we need it." I say smiling. We stop and look through the fence. "Storage carts?" I ask. Daryl shrugs and we walk back to Rick whis burying weapons. "Just incase." He says and we nod. Carl and Michonne come back, we decide to hop the fence. Ive over first. "This doesnt feel right?" I say. "Yeah, it doesnt." Carl says. I sniff the air. "Is that human flesh." I say holding my nose. "Probably just walkers." Rick says reassuringly. I nod and we walk into the building.

"Hello." Rick says. Everyone turns unexpectedly. "Oh hello." A man says starting to walk over. Him and Rick talk for about a minute. "Put your weapons on the ground." He says. I growl while doing so. "Rick, Carl, Daryl, Jess, Michonne." Rick introduces us. "I dont like this place. Somethings up." I whisper and Michonne just nods. A man comes over to pat us down. "Hate to see the other guy." He says as he reaches Daryl. "Yeah you would." Rick spits. "He deserve it." He asks. "Yes. They all did." Me and Carl both say. The man then starts picking up our weapons and handing them to us. Before he can grab my knife I take it. He stares at me while handing me my gun. I take it and put it in its holder. "Follow me." The man says so we do. We walk out into a big concrete area and people are sitting, cooking. I see a woman wearing a poncho similar to the one Daryl gave Maggie. Then Rick puts a man at gunpoint holding a pocket watch. "Whys he doing that?" Michonne asks me raising her katana. "Its Glenns." I hiss while taking out my gun. I aim it at the man on the roof. They make up lies about where the got the stuff that belonged to our group.

After a while of talking they start shooting at us and I get dragged by someone. We keep running in and out if the buildings. "They're shooting our feet." I mumble. "They arent trying to kill us." Michonne mumbles with me. "They are directing us somewhere." I say and she nods. I keep getting dragged and were out by where we jumped in. "Weapons on the ground!" The man from before yells. I put my gun doen but not my knife. I love my knife. "Ringleader, got to the train cart on your left." He yells. Rick starts walking to it and stands outside. "Then Samurai." He orders. Michonne walks off with Rick. "Archer." The man booms. "Dad." I whispers. "Its okay." Daryl says walking off. "My son!" Rick yells. "Go kid." The man says. Carl grabs my hand. "Her to." He growls. The man nods and I latch myself onto him. "Thank you." I whisper and Carl nods. "Ringleader. Go into the cart." The man yells. "Ill go in with them." Rick says. "Dont make us kill them now." The man says. "Leave my daughter alone." Daryl growls. The man laughs. They start walking in and me and Carl follow shortly. I run to Daryl. He calms me down as I sob into his chest.

"Rick?" Someone asks. I see a man walk into the light. "Your here?" Rick says smiling. I look and see Glenn, Sasha, Bob and Maggie with other people. "Maggie!" I yell and run to her. I hug her and she hugs back. "This is Rosita. Tara. Eugene. Abraham." Glenn says. "They helped us. Our friends." Sasha says. I run back over to Rick and Daryl after hugging everyone. "They're our friends now too." I say smiling. Daryl puts his hand on my shoulder and nod. "Well they're gonna be so screwed." Rick says. "How?" Abraham asks. "When they find your they screwing with the wrong people." Rick says. I see Rick try to sharpen something and I giggle and everyone looks at me. "What?" Carl says. I take out my knife and hand it to Rick. "Lose it and Ill murder you." I growl and he nods. I go and stand next to Daryl. "See abit of me and Beth." He says. "I miss her." I say tearing up. "Here." He says handing me a rag. "It was hers." He says and I nod. I hug him and start crying again. "Why you so emotional?" He asks. "She started her period." Michonne answers. "Fair enough." Daryl says. "It hurts dad." I groan. "Losing people. Its too much." I frown. He nods into my hair and kisses my head. We hear banging on the door. "STEP BACK!" Someone yells. We all do and I keep a grip on Daryl. "Daddy." I whisper. His grip tightens on me and a smoke bomb enters through the roof causing us all to cough. I move closer to Daryl. "Its okay." He says between coughing. Soon his grip is losened. The door shuts and the smokes gone. "Daddy!" I yell and bang on the door. I notice the other people gone. "Rick! Glenn! Bob!" I yell while banging on the door. I get a bang back. "Shut up kid!" They yell. "Make me bitch!" I yell back and the door opens they drag me out and put a knife to my throat infront of everyone. "Wouldnt do that if I were you." I smirk up at him. I tread on his foot, elbow him in the stomach causing him to bend over. I kick him in the balls and knee him in the face. I take the knife from him. The men tying up our group look at me. "What, I may look innocent doesnt mean I am." I say using the knife to stab the man in the head. I start walking towards Daryl until I black out...

Jess is a badasss

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