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Jess POV

Me and Carl sit at the table reading comics as everyone else is occupied. "How long was I in there for?" Michonne asks. Rick looks at his watch. "20 minutes." He says. "I could not stop brushing." Michonne says. Theres a knock on the door and Rick answers it. Deanna steps in. "Rick I- wow. I didnt know what was under there. Sorry to interrupt just wanted to stop by and see how everyone was settling in- oh my. Staying together. Smart." She says as she looks around the room. "No one sais we couldnt." Rick answers. "You said your a family." She says. They start talking about the jobs theyve been set. "Im just tryna figure Mr Dixon out. But I will." She says smiling and leaves. Rick shuts the door. Soon the lights are off and everyones in their own area. I begin to doze off.

I wake up and see Carl strapping Judith into a buggy. "Shes awake." He says kissing my forehead as I stand up. I smile and go shower. I let the hot water run down me as I clean myself. I get out and see some new clothes. A red summer dress with flats. "Oh god." I say putting it on. I dry my hair and put on my vest. Not caring if it looks good. I walk out and see Daryl on the deck. "Take the vest off." He says smiling. "But I like it." I groan. "You look pretty in a dress. Wonder what Carl will think." He smirks. "Thats enough dad." I say taking off my vest and handing it to him. He smiles. "Theres a other girl about 7 houses down go make friends." Daryl says and I nod walking off down the road. I get to the house and knock. A little boy answers. "Hi you must be Jess. Im Sam." He says holding his hand out and I take it as he leads me into the house. We go upstairs and go into a bed room. I see a girl reading a comic book. "Nice book." I say and she looks up at me. "I see you took the dress i stead of the leggings." She smiles at me. "They didnt give me leggings." I frown and sit next to her as she hands me a comic. "I like your hair. Im Enid." She says and I smile at her. "Thank you. First shower in 3 years." I smirk and she smiles. "What do we do here?" I ask. "School. Little kids in the morning. Us in the afternoon." Enid explains. "Im part of the big kids group now." Sam smiles and he walks off back towards the living room. I hear footsteps down the hallway and talking. "Im Mikey. Thats probably Ron with the new boy." Mikey says turning away from the game. Ron and Carl enter the room and Carl looks at me. "Hey guys this is Carl. Carl this is Mikey, Enid and the new girl. Howd you get here so quick." Ron asks. I stand up a bow. "Teleportation." I smirk and Carl smiles. "Nah my dad told me where your house was so I came over." I say snd he nods. "Carl you already know her who is?" He asks. "Jess." I say smiling. Mikey smiles at me and moves closer to me. "Mike. Personal space." I say smiling. He nods and moves back again. "Enids from outside too. Came here a few weeks ago." Ron explains. "Shes really nice." I say to Carl and he nods. He takes out the comic. The boys start talking while I sit down next to Enid again. Enid takes the comic and hands it to me. "Can I read it?" I ask and she nods going quiet. They offer Carl the chance to play video games and he goes silent. "Pull it together sport." Enid says. He looks over at us and I smile. He goes and plays some videos games. "Hope you enjoyed hanging out." Ron says smiling to us as we leave. "We did." I say smiling back and I grab Carls hand. "You okay?" I ask and he nods kissing my forehead. "Just tired. Might go for a nap." He says walking in the direction of our house. I nod and kiss him before he walks off.

2 days later~

I walk out the house and Enid walks out of hers with a bag. "Im coming with." I say immediately. She looks over at me. "Why?" She asks. "I dont wanna grow weak. So ill come with." I say. "Go change and Ill meet you by the wall." She says and I nod. I run back and change into something suitable, not the dress ive worn for 3 days. I run back out with my knife and go over to the wall and see Enid there at the top. "Climb." She says. I nod and start climbing. Once we reach the top she holds my hand and we run through the woods. We soon stop and sit. "This is where I come to get away." She says. I smile and plop down. "Yeah seems quiet." I say taking out my knife. We sit quiet for a while until we hear groans. We run back to the town and climb back over. I see Aiden and Glenn get to close. I walk over. "Whyd you let these people in?" He asks. "Because we actually know what were doing." Glenn says. Aiden tries to punch Glenn but he dodges. Nicholas runs at Glenn as he punches Aiden but Daryl intercepts and pins him to the ground. "Dad!" I yell running closer. Aiden stands up infront of me and tries to get to Daryl. "Wanna end up on your ass again." I growl and he steps back. Rick comes over and gets Daryl off Nicholas. "I want everyone to hear me. Rick and his people are apart of this group." Deanna says and I walk back over to Enid and Carl looks over at us. "What happened?" she asks. "They tie up walkers." I whisper and she gulps. She walks back off towards her house and I go back over to the group. "Cant believe you got scared of a 15 year old." I hear someone scoff to Aiden. "Shes a Dixon. The older one already had Nicholas so I didnt try and see what she could do." I hear Aiden say and I smirk. "A whole lot more than you think." I say walking past them. "What were you doing outside the walls?" Carl asks me. "Why were you following us?" I ask and he shrugs. "Exactly." I say feeling jealous. He might have just followed Enid and I was just out there with her.

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