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Jess POV

The children and elderly get put somewhere else. I still advise them to stay away from me but Lizzie wont. We may have arguements but shes my best friend. "So what was your favourite teacher." She asks while we sit outside our room that the others and Beth are in, all while Carl wanders the halls. "Probably Mr Summers." I say smiling. "Was he cute." She asks and I choke. "I was not worried about that at that age." I answer and I hear Carl scoff from down the hallway. "No it was because he taught me everything I needed to know about knives during detention." I admit. "So hes probably alive." I say smiling. "You got detention." She asks. "Yeah, it got me out of my house for another hour so." I say frowning. I hear the door open and Beth steps out. "We got beans." She says offering. We take 2 cans and start eating as she closes the door. "Okay. Favourite food." Lizzie asks between bite. "Oh definitely macaroni cheese." I answer straight away. Lizzie laughs. "I like chicken." She says and I nod. I hear a door open and Carl walk into the building. "Whats happened?" I ask him as he gets closer. "Hershals gone into the cell block with the infected." He says. I drop the can and stand up. "What?" I ask. His hands reach my arms and he hugs me. I push him away and start coughing. "Oh no." I say as blood comes up on my hand. Carl tries to come closer so does Lizzie. "No. Stay back please." I say. I run down to cell block A, where the infected are. I see Daryl outside. "Hey princess." He says smiling but soon turns to a frown and he sees me stumbling. "Oh no not you too. Glenn just went in there." He says putting on his mask and helping me inside. "Stay safe princess." He says kissing me on the head before heading out. I stand there and Glenn looks at me. "Jess. You too. Come here." He says and I run to him. He hugs me and picks me up with all his strength and takes me to a cell. "You have to lay here. Heres some tea Hershal made. Drink it all please." Glenn says and I smile weakly at him before I fall asleep.

I wake up and Sasha is sharing the cell with me. The only cell with a window to others. Not even sure its a cell. I see Sasha talk to Tyrese. "Were going to get medicine. Hershal told us where it is. Daryls going, me, Bob, Michonne too." Tyrese says. "Daddy?" I say and Sasha turns to me. Tyrese frowns. "Wheres Daddy going?" I ask. "To get you medicine." Sasha says trying to get me back in bed. "I wanna see daddy!" I yell like a 3 year old and Daryl comes to the window. I crawl past Sasha and go to it. "Hi princess." He says grinning. "Hi daddy. You okay?" I ask smiling. "Yeah you?" He asks and I nod. Right before I throw up. I then shake my head and he laughs. "Go sleep some more. Ill see you in the morning." He says. "But its no-" Tyrese begins and Daryl stops him. "Goodnight babygirl." He says and I nod and smile crawling towards Sasha. "Come on Sash. Lets sleep." I say curling up next to her before drinking some tea. Daryl nods at her and she nods back. "Try some." I say handing her the tea. "Taste like strawberries." I mumble. I see Daryl still there and I wave. "You on drugs babygirl." He asks and I shrug. "Would I be in trouble if I was?" I ask and he shakes his head. I smile at him and see him smile back before I black out.

I wake up and see Hershal next to me. "Hey sweetheart." He says. I groan and feel my head. "Fuck me. Dont actually im not that mature." I joke and he smiles. "Seems like we have you back, the medicine did well." He says. I tilt my head off the bed and roll off. "I cant feel my legs though." I groan. "All feeling has gone to my head." I groan again. I hear people yelling. "Oh shut up!" I yell back holding my head and Hershal leaves but not before putting different medication in my IV. That they suddenly have. I pass back out again. I wake up and im on my own bed. "Oh jesus." I say feeling a rush on energy. "Whats wrong?" I hear someone ask. My vision clears and its Carl. "Just pain." I say holding my head and my legs. "Its getting better though. I think it was the tea. Imma go for a whiz." I say. Carl nods and smiles. "What?" I ask still holding my head as I try to get up. "Your still on drugs." He says and I wink. I try to get up but fail. "Carl get Beth." I say. He gets up and gets her. They both enter my cell after 2 minutes. "Whats up?" She asks. "I need a piss but I cant walk properly yet." I say snd she tries to hold in a laugh. I wrap my arm around her head and we walk to the toilets. I sit down and pee and she just stands there. "What?" I ask. "Your not pee shy." She asks and I laugh. "You cant see anything can you?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Then im chill." I say. I finish peeing and she takes me back and puts hand sanitizer in my hands. "We run out toilet water?" Carol says as she sees me tilt my head. I smile and nod. I sit down on a bench and Carl walks over. "You okay?" He asks. "Yeah heads stopped hurting and spinning. Legs ache." I groan and he laughs. Carol gives me some food. "How long was I out?" I ask while eating. "And wheres Dad?" I ask looking around. "3 days and on watch." Carl answers. I finish eating and try to stand up but I fall and Carl catches me. He picks me up bridal style and takes me back to my cell where I fall asleep with him watching me.

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