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Jess POV

I pull the trigger...
I pulled it....
Im dead...

I sit up and look around, the Infirmary. Its 9 am I slept all night. "I cant believe you tried to kill yourself!" I see Carl yell at me. I flip him off and lay back down. "Why?" He asks quietly. "If news comes that my dads dead I wont fail next time." I say bluntly. "What about the rest of us?" Rick asks walking in. "Dads death will be the one to break me. If not, Carls." I say pointing to him. "Glenns death is highly likely too." I say turning away from both of them. They both walk out and I stay laying in the bed for most of the day. Thinking of scenarios thats could go down. Theres a knock on the door and Rositas there. "Hey, you okay?" She asks and I shake my head. "I want my daddy." I say like a 4 year old. "We all want him to come back to. We do." Rosita says. I nod and turn my back to her. "I hope Abraham gets back to. Enid ran out too. Left." Rosita says and I groan. "I just want dad. In a perfect world, Id be doing cheerleading at a school football game and he'd be in the bleachers watching me with Caleb. Afterwards he'd take us to Mcdonalds. Then we would go home and watch movies." I explain holding back tears. "In a world where this didnt happen I would escape my abusive adoptive father and find Daryl. I'd find him and I wouldnt stop." I say crying again. Rosita gets called out of the room. So she leaves.

I finally get up and head back to the house. I hear familiar crying and run over to where its coming from. Its Jessies house. I knock on the door and Ron opens it. My eyes are still red and puffy. I just walk in and find the crib. Judith lays there crying. I pick her up and hug her and start crying myself. She quiets down and just hugs me. I stand there for a while bawling out until a loud crash is heard. I rush out with Judith and see people yelling over the fence. Soon Spencers face arrives from the other side of the fence and I walk back inside the house. I play with Judith some more, all worries completely disappearing. That is another loud crash us heard.

The guard tower has fallen and walkers were entering Alexandria fast than police dogs finding drugs. People run and scream, getting bitten or successfully getting somewhere safe. I pick up Judith and run upstairs to Sam. "Sam turn the music down please." I beg him and he does so. More voices enter the house and I place Judith down in a cot. I run downstairs and see Rick and others holding Deanna. "What do we do?" Gabriel asks. "You go upstairs with Judith." I order and he does so. "Do you have anywhere to lay her?" Rick asks and Jessie nods leading them upstairs. Panic starts settling in and I collapse to the floor. People try to talk to me but nothing works for a good solid 30 minutes when I hear shouting. I run to where it is and see Ron and Carl shouting in the garage. "Your dad was an asshole." Carl says taking his gun out. Ron then takes a gun out. Then continue to argue, a gun drops then the other as they start trying to hit each other. "Stop!" I yell. They both look at me. "Stop this petty arguement and focus on not dying right now." I say in a whisper. I turn around and realize  theres people knocking on the door. I open it and I walk into the house. Carl and Ron make up a big lie. I head upstairs to check on Judith.

As I walk up people rush past me and hide upstairs. "Deannas been bit." Rick says. I look over at her. I may not have known her very well but she let us in. I go into Judiths room and see her whimpering. I pick her up and hold her close. "Its okay baby girl." I say reassuring her and she smiles weakly at me. I hear the door open and Deanna walk in. She falls to the ground. "I wanted to see her one last time." She says and I nod putting Judith down and helping Deanna to the bed. I pick Judith back up and sit next to her on the bed. Rick comes up and rushes in the door. "We gotta go." Rick says. I stand up and smile weakly at Deanna. "Thank you for letting us in. No matter how hard we were to deal with." I whisper and she nods. I let her hold Judiths hand for about 5 seconds before being dragged away. I get a sheet chucked over me and Judith starts to squirm. I put her down as they cover me in walker guts. I pick Judith back up and kiss her forehead before putting her underneath the sheet. I rub her back so she knows shes not alone. "We have to go. Everyone hold hands with someone." Rick says. We slowly pass all the walkers and we make it out of the house, we pass a few more houses before we stop. "We cant make it to the armory. Judith cant be here." Rick says looking at me. "Ill take her to the church." Gabriel says. Rick and Michonne nod. I hand Judith over to Gabriel and he walks off in the other direction. We hold hands again and keep going. We stop again when were almost at our destination. Sam has frozen in place. His mum and brother encouraging him to keep going but he doesnt. Walkers take chuncks out of his head and he falls to the floor. Jessies grip on me and Carl gets tighter as she screams for her son. Soon she gets eaten and me and Carl are trapped by her arms. "Dad." Carl says and Rick starts chopping Jessies arms off with his axe. My wrist is released first, then Carls. "You." I hear someone say, Michonne has her katana through Rons gut. A shot goes off and I turn to Carl. His eye bloody and gone. "Dad." He whispers out. "Carl?" Rick asks and Carl collapses to the floor. Us 3 rush to the Infirmary were people are stil in. "Help him please." Rick says. Denise nods and Rick runs outside again. "Theyre all dead." I whisper. "What?" Michonne asks. "Dads dead." I mumble before grabbing my knife and running outside to help Rick. "Come at us dumbasses!" I yell and see Rick look to me. Walker after walker I stab in the head. Michonne joins us, then Tobin, Carol, Rosita.

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