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Jess POV

We get shoved out the truck. "So Jessica." Negan starts. "How old are you?" He asks. "Im not legal yet if thats what your asking." I spit. He laughs. "Put her in a cell." Negan says. I get dragged in the same direction as Daryl. We stay silent as we get pushed around the building. Daryls guard stops and opens a door. "Strip." I hear the guard say and I see his clothes drop to the floor. "Give Jess my vest please." Daryl pleads. I sigh. The one was like his, I was still wearing. "Nah. She has her own one. Its mine now." Dwight grins. "Give me his one, you can have my one." I plead. Dwight just smiles and chucks it at me. "You strip to." My guard commands. I hesitate but soom start striping. I give my vest to Dwight. Daryl gets shoved into his cell and locked in. "You can keep your panties on, unlike your dad." Dwight laughs. Daryl starts banging on the door. I take my bra off which is the last article of clothing. "Woah ho." A guard grins. I quickly pick up Daryls best and cover myself. "For 16 and not eating you sure are lucky." The guard says. "17." I stutter remembering the other day. I start to tremble and Dwight pushes me into the cell. I sit down in the corner and cry. A radio starts playing and a song comes one. Full blast and it repeats and repeats.

We're on easy street
And it feels so sweet
'Cause the world is 'bout a treat
When you're on easy street

I cry and cry and the song just keeps going.

And we're breaking out the good champagne
We're sitting pretty on the gravy train
And when we sing every sweet refrain repeats
Right here on easy street

I still hear Daryl banging on the door beside me.

It's our moment in the sun
And it's only just begun
It's time to have a little fun
We're inviting you to come and see why you should be

On easy street
Yeah, we got a front row seat
Oh, to a life that can't be beat
Right here on easy street

It's our moment in the sun
And it's only just begun
It's time to have a little fun
And we're inviting you to come and see why you should be

I cover my ears which doesnt help at all. I cant help but think of Glenn and Abraham. Abraham sacrificed himself for me and I caused Glenns death for killing 2 of his people.

On easy street
Yeah, we got a front row seat
Oh, to a life that can't be beat
Right here on easy street

'Cause the world is 'bout a treat
When you're on easy street

'Cause the world is 'bout a treat
When you're on easy street

I caused Maggies pain. Rositas and Sashas. Rick, Carls, Aarons, Michonnes. Uncle Glenn was a best friend. Maggies husband, they have a baby along the way. Abraham was a Sargent. He stuck up for us. When no one else would. I hear the bangs from next door die down over the music. "Daddy!" I yell and he starts banging the door again. I wan his comfort. I bring his vest close to me, covering me up but its up enough I can inhale his scent. The smell of gasoline, cigarettes and sweat. I soon let sleep consume me.

I hear a door unlock and grunts come from next door. "Daddy!" I yell. Grunts come from my door and I cover myself. The door slowly opens and I get something thrown at me. Its bread with dog food on. I cringe and kick it away. The guard chucks something else at me. I look at it and its clothes. Some sweatpants and a jumper. The jumper has a B spray painted on it. I put the jumper over my vest. Not leaving that anywhere. I put on the sweatpants and hide in the corner again. I pick up the bread and push the dog food off of it. I then pick off the bread that still has dog food on. I eat the rest. My stomach then starts to hurt and I throw up in the corner. I move to a different one and pass out while the song still plays.

I wake up and the doors open again. "Come on." The guard says. I get up and walk to the outside where walkers are attached to the fence. We walk into another building and its a canteen. I see Daryl sweeping the floor, hes wearing the same clothes as me but a A spray painted on it, while my guard steps closer to me. His hands go to my waist and slowly go under my jumper. His hand slowly goes up my chest until he reaches my breast. I yelp and Daryl looks over. I freeze as his other hand goes into my sweatpants. I push him away. "Hands off." I growl. I hear a familiar whistle and Negan comes round the corner. "What where you trying to do Dennis?" Negan asks sanding next to me. "She looked cold, so I gave her a hug." Dennis lies. I clench my teeth and looks away. "Bullshit." I hiss. Daryl stares at me and I cover myself up more. Negan stares at me and then Dennis. He hands me a pocket knife. "Wha?" I mumble. He points to Dennis. "I dont like rapists in my group." Negan spits. I see Daryl smirk and nod. I wrap my hand around the pocket knife and walk up to Dennis nervously. "Listen girly im sorry, hear me out." Dennis pleads. Everyone else starts to look over. "No Dennis, im going to stab you in the legs, then the thighs, your dick will be chopped off, then the knife will impale your pancreas, kidneys, stomach. Your lungs, heart and Ill let you turn." I describe to him proudly and I see Negan smirk but Daryl frown with worry in his eyes. "I would normally put an iron to his face but this is so much better." Negan grins. "Shut up asshole." I growl back at him. I start doing what I said I would to Dennis. I reach his heart and leave the knife in him. Everyone gasps as I smirk and look over at Daryl who looks scared of me. I look at him with how im really feeling. I frown and tears start to line up at my eyes. I just want to hug my dad. After a few minutes Dennis turns. I see Negan put him down as I run over to Daryl. "Im so sorry, I was so scared. I didnt know what else to do but act big and scary." I sob into his jumper. He hugs me back dropping the broom and his grip tightens on me as much as possible. We get pulled apart and taken back to our cells.

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