Past - Hoseok & Yoongi

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Min Yoongi's only sin had been loving the wrong alpha too much.

Actually, that wasn't entirely true. Depending on who you asked, his second sin could be considered not caring. Weather the alpha was right or wrong didn't matter nearly as much as how deeply he was in love with him.

That he was entirely too young to be doing everything that he was could probably be considered another, but he didn't care about that either. All he cared about in the entire world was this one single thing.

Such a level of carelessness was bound to get him into trouble eventually. But as it turned out, he hadn't cared about the repercussions or consequences of his actions either.


Sneaking out should have, realistically, grown easier the more he did it. It was a simply equation, honestly, that barely even took any thought.

His mother was in a near constant state of alcohol induced confusion, barely recognizing where she even was, let alone that her own son was technically meant to be in bed and not walking out the front door. And his step father was seemingly always preoccupied with things that were far more important than the well being of his little blended family. If he wasn't, he would probably have realized the magnitude of the sins that were taking place directly beneath his nose.

But each time there was a certain amount of risk. Maybe this would be the one in a hundred chance that his mother would actually, shockingly, be sober. Or perhaps one of the rare moments where his step father had brought over some new client in a desperate attempt to show off how wealthy and successful he was.

It always felt like some sort of victory, making it out of the house successfully and rounding the nearby corner, happiness blooming through his entire being at the sight of the one and only thing that could possibly save him.

If one were to count, to line up all of his many sins and place them into some sort of order, this would definitely be the biggest of them all.


"There's my baby." He was late, a fact which annoyed him endlessly. But his mother had chosen the exact moment he'd opened the front door to wake up from her stupor and start asking questions. Luckily, he had become exceptionally adept at lying, a trait he'd picked up much more easily than quietly sneaking about. "She catch you again?"

"Yeah." Sometimes he honestly thought that she suspected something. After all, his mother hadn't always been this incredibly stupid. Maybe she just didn't care anymore either. "I told her I was going to a friend's house to study."

"I'm guessing you failed to mention what you were gonna be studying."

"I seem to have forgotten what was on the lesson plan tonight."

"Pretty sure it had to do with you being on your knees."

"So that's where we left off."

"Mm." No one on earth could rationally look at this alpha and blame him for what he was doing. Especially when he had that ridiculous little smirk on his face and his hands on his hips and those full lips were against his and suddenly he forgot everything, including his own name. "I can't wait."


There was an endless, painful cycle that continued to occur no matter how hard he tried to stop it. Sometimes, in the dead of night, laying there under the pale beams of moonlight, he would realize just how difficult all of this really was. How unprepared he had been for everything that came from pretending like he didn't care.

He cared. Of course he did. It was completely impossible not to.

This was all so incredibly wrong. Despite how he tried to rationalize it, this was, by far, the biggest of all of his sins, and he had already committed so very many, not even he could keep track of them all. Sure, he could tell himself that no one could actually blame him. But the fault, truthfully, lied entirely with him. A strange hint of desire had transformed slowly into obsession until it was all he could think of. Until he had to have it.

And only once he did could he realize his own mistakes. 

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