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It was impossible to keep track of the time when he was so busy, gathering cushions and pillows, piling up soft blankets and silky sheets, building and tearing down and readjusting everything until it was completely perfect. Until there was a circular fort made out of stolen couch cushions and thick pillows and blankets used for canopies. Until he had scented each and every single inch of it, vanilla wavering so strong in the air it almost made him ill. But it was under cut by the sharp tang of sea salt, and he shivered as it washed over him.

"Alpha." Banishing Jungkook to the living room while he worked had felt ridiculous, but this felt like something he had to carry out in private. A sort of madness that he couldn't allow his alpha to witness. Occasionally the distance would become too much and he would whimper and crawl out into the same space, only ever quieting down and becoming content when he was positively covered in his mates fresh scent.

"There's my pretty boy." Seokjin's heat was coming, he could sense it like a tension in the air. A thick current that flowed around them until it sparked with electricity and threatened to ignite everything. Thankfully he had always kept some supplies on hand, a habit that he never quite fell out of. There were bottles of water and snacks placed upon the low table in front of the couch, where they would be easy to locate once it managed to break enough for them to actually think about those needs. "Can alpha come see our nest now baby?"

"We need to talk first, alpha." Building the nest had allowed the fog that had settled over his mind to lift, for it to catch up and realize what was happening. He had gone on suppressants before he had ever experienced his first heat, something which had felt like a blessing at that moment now felt like an utter curse.

Palms flattened on strong shoulders, one leg lifting as he slowly brought himself onto his mates lap, straddling him carefully, as if he could somehow hide the wetness that had seeped through his clothing and completely wrecked it from the inside out. "I've never had a heat before, alpha. I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"What are your instincts telling you?"

"That I should build a nest and let you breed me in it."

"Then you should listen to them." Wide hands went to subtle thighs, trailing along the backs until they reached the soft curve of the omega's ass, cupping the underside, using the hold to bring their bodies in closer. "Let alpha put pretty pups in you."

"Jungkook." It was so difficult not to just give in to what his omega wanted. At that moment it was screaming at him to allow his alpha to take him, to bring him into their nest and breed him so well and so full that there would never be any doubt of who they belonged to. But there was still one stubborn portion of his mind that was still capable of rational thought which knew that was a really, unspeakably terrible idea. "I'm not letting it take."


"I'm not going to let you breed me. Not yet." There were so many things left that he wanted to do. A degree that he still wanted to achieve, and a career that he still hoped one day to have. An entire life just waiting to be lived, full of travel and adventure and excitement. All of which would be completely ruined by allowing himself to become pregnant right now. "I have pills and once this is over I'm going to take them."

"Seokjin -"

"This isn't a debate. I'm telling you what I'm going to do." If Jungkook truly wanted to argue against it he knew he wouldn't come out on the winning side. If his alpha chose that moment to exert it's power over his omega, he would have no choice but to give in, to go along and hope that the outcome would somehow be favorable.

"You don't want my pups?" There was a hurt contained within his mates voice that he wasn't expecting, and it made his heart tighten within his chest at the sound.

"I do, Kookie. I want your precious babies with all of my heart. Just not right now." Children were something for the future, when he was no longer such a child himself.

"But -" His alpha wanted to argue, wanted to fight and dominate and force this little omega to give into his will. But that wasn't how he wanted their children to be formed, to be brought into this world. He wanted them to be made from love, wanted them both to desire that addition into their lives and hearts. Knew that if didn't give in now, all it would cause was resentment and hate.

And he didn't want that. Couldn't bear the thought of Seokjin looking at him like he was some sort of monster. "Alright, little one. We'll wait until you're ready."

"Such a good alpha." Something within him relaxed and gave at the reaching of their compromise. All of that need and all of that want and all of that desire came rushing forward, hips rolling as he spoke, lips seeking out the expanse of his mates throat, tracing along the cord of muscle, nipping into the heavy adam's apple before sucking along the sharp jaw line. "I'm gonna let you do such sinful things to me."

"Don't make promises you can't keep baby."

"I always keep my promises, alpha." 

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