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Life wasn't fair.

But sometimes, if you were especially lucky, the positives would outweigh the negatives.


"So are we not talking about how you knocked Seokjin all the way up?"

"Kind of ironic coming from you, but okay."

"Alright, point taken. But my omega isn't the one who was trying to prevent it."

"Apparently your omega still doesn't know where babies come from."

"Look, okay, I got him a book and he just smacked me with it."

"I'm honestly surprised that's all he did."

"No one can stay mad at this face."

"Really? Because I distinctly recall Jimin once giving you the cold shoulder for three entire weeks."

"Jimin was a freak of nature. No one that small should have been capable of that much spite."

"Is this where I remind you that you literally mated Yoongi?"

"I know, isn't my baby great?"

"You're hopeless."

"You're one to talk. Tell me you're not loving being mated to Jinnie."

"I could but that would be a lie. Have you seen him lately? He's glowing."

"Oh yeah, sleeplessness and morning sickness is a great look on him."

"That'll pass right?"

"Dude, what makes you think I'm an expert?"

"Sorry, my bad, I thought maybe some of Yoongi's intelligence had rubbed off on you."

"First of all, how dare you, and second of all, why don't you just go ask him?"

"... That's a really good idea."

"And you say I don't have any sense."


"So are we not going to talk about how knocked up you are?"


"But I mean, you are, right?"

"Namjoon, could you honestly just not? It's bad enough I have to smell you right now."

"My scent's never bothered you before?"

"Let's just say Jungkook's baby really, really does not appreciate it."

"You really gotta keep putting his name out there, huh?"


"I always knew you'd be impossible once you got mated, but honestly even I was way off in my estimates."

"Excuse me, mated and knocked up by an insanely fine alpha who is so brave and strong and tall and -"

"I get the point, Seokjin."

"Do you? Do you really? Because I could -" A sharp sound cut him off, vibrations playing against the hard surface of the table in front of him as his phone went off for what felt like the millionth time.

"You're gonna have to answer that eventually."

"What the fuck am I supposed to say, Namjoon? Oh sorry, I know I said I'd still be here when you were ready, but hey, I kind of got mated and super knocked up so I'm not sure this is such a good idea anymore?"

"Pretty much. Look, Jin, I'm pretty sure it's not my place to be giving you advice anymore. But just be honest. Tell him the truth. That shit happened and you're sorry but it is what it is."

"That's terrible advice."

"I bet you a sushi night that Jungkook agrees with me."

"You know I can't have sushi." It came out as a soft whine, the realization of all the things he was going to have to give up slowly creeping in. His hair was going to look awful by the time he got far enough along for it to be really safe for him to do anything about it.

"Fine fine, god just don't whine it sounds so pathetic. Lamb skewers."

"Lamb skewers it is."



Hey Jinnie

I know it's been a while

I'm sorry

It was never my intention to ignore you

Or leave you hanging

I just needed sometime to figure shit out


I think you should know that I told your brother

It actually went pretty well

It took a couple of weeks but now he's getting excited

He keeps asking me questions about you

I showed him your picture

He says it's funny how much you guys look alike

I kind of wondered if you and your alpha might want to come and visit sometime

Or I could come there

I don't know which would be best for you

I just don't want to infringe on your life, you know?

I hope you're doing okay

I love you so much Jinnie


Six weeks was, in the span of an entire life time, absolutely nothing. When compared to all of the weeks that a human being lived, they were truly nothing more than a single drop in a larger bucket.

But it felt like an absolute life time had passed within that span of time, those weeks containing multiple years worth of change and growth. Everything was so different now than it was then.

How could he possibly tell this man, the alpha who had fathered him that he had not only mated the single most amazing person he had ever met, but that he was also carrying his child? How could he let all of that spill out?

How could he break the news that Yoongi had moved on? That he was happy and mated and expecting another little blessing of his own? Under far better and different circumstances than before. That this was the life he should have had all along. That maybe if different choices had been made, this was the future they could have had together.

Maybe it was his own child growing within him that left him feeling less and less understanding. With each hour that passed he seemed to love it more, and just when it seemed like that particular come was ready to overflow, more would pour in, an endless cycle that he couldn't even begin to understand. How something he hadn't even wanted had burrowed so deeply into his heart that he could never imagine his life without it.

Hadn't it been like that for his father? Hadn't he wanted his child? There had to be some other path besides the one he took. Maybe if he found out the other side, maybe if he knew all of the reasons he would be capable of understanding.

Right now all he felt was torn. Like he was being ripped in two different directions all while knowing exactly which one he would chose in the end. Because his loyalty had always lied with that one person, and that was never going to change. 

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