Present - Jungkook & Taehyung

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Life wasn't fair.

And yet he had tried to fight against it.

Unfortunately, he lost.


"You look terrible."

"Thanks, I hadn't noticed."

"You know showers exist, right?"

"I'm aware, Taehyung. I took one before work."

"Um, not to burst your bubble or anything but haven't you had the past four days off?"


"So you have five seconds to get your smelly ass up off that couch and go shower before I make you do it."

"I'd like to see you try little man. I really would."

"Look, just because I'm a beta and you're a big, powerful alpha doesn't mean I can't dead lift your sorry ass, okay."

"What's the point?"'

"The point is it's been fucking months, Jungkook. And all you've done is work and mope around like a teenager."

"I really fail to see how that's your problem."

"Well, let's see, we've been best friend since we were actual fetuses. I'm pretty sure the universe put you on this earth to be my problem."

"Sorry your luck sucks."

"Jeon Jung-fucking-kook, I will drag your ass if I have to."

"I'd like to see you tr - hey!"

Taehyung had used the opportunity of him being distracted to grab a hold of his feet, wrapping his arms around his calves and tugging, using the combination of shock and gravity to tug him completely off the sofa.

"I warned you."


Sometimes he truly wished that he had been intelligent enough to set up a video camera to record his apartment at all times. Considering the parade of absolute hilarity that seemed to currently be happening without fail, it probably would have made for relatively good entertainment for someone.

Or himself, because he was pretty sure being dragged bodily into the bathroom and tossed into the shower by a beta who should not have been capable of such a feat was probably pretty mind blowing to watch.

Truly, he didn't like himself as he currently was. Allowing depression to seep in and completely take over had never been his life's plan. But there was only so much pain and heartache that one could take before those walls broke down and the happiness began to seep out.

And all of his happiness was gone. He had practically hemorrhaged it from every single crack within his heart.


"Better?" Admittedly, he felt better for being clean. Standing under the spray of hot water had felt amazing, allowing it to cleanse away the dirt and oil and sadness, washing it away with the suds of the soap he had used for the task. His clothes weren't exactly flattering - loose pants and an even looser flannel, hair inches longer than he normally kept it, but he really couldn't bring himself to care about how damaged and dry it currently was.

"You still look homeless." Taehying practically whined at his lack of fashion sense, but there came a time when you had to pick and chose your battles and he'd already had his victory for the day.

"I didn't realize there was a dress code for going to pick up pizza."

"Okay, but let's take a moment to consider that I -" His hand moved down over his body in a sweeping motion - he was dressed well, in fitted black pants that edged right on professional but still made him look professional, and a Gucci sweater that showed off his collar bone and made him look like he had far more money than he actually did. "- look like this and you -" He repeated the gesture towards Jungkook. "- look like that."

"Aw, are you embarrassed of me baby?" It was a soft whine, and he moved forward to wrap his arms around Taehyung's shoulders. "But I dressed up just for you."

"Will you get off me? I might catch your ugly."

"Too late." Despite the protest, he rubbed his cheek all over Taehyung's hair, before moving to bury his face in his neck, rinsing and repeating.

"I swear I can't stand you."


"Know what you want?"

"What do I always want?"

"That's disgusting, Jungkook."

"It's delicious."

"Fine. Just. Sit here and try not to scare the locals."


Once upon a time, before the earth had shattered and left him weak and empty, it had been Jungkook who would have flirted his way into free upgrades. It was an endless source of amusement that between the three of them, they could always seem to charm their way into anything.

Now they had to rely entirely on Taehyung who was, as much as he wanted to lie, really ridiculously good looking. Occasionally he would wonder why the universe couldn't have just made his best friend an omega instead of casting him into the role of beta. Literally everything would have been so much simpler if only it had been Taehyung at his side instead.


"Okay so that's one medium pepperoni with extra cheese and - let me see if I have this right - a large with pepperoni, bacon, banana peppers, olives and pineapple."

"Yeah, it's okay, I judge him for it too."

"It's definitely one of the more interesting combinations I've gotten."

"What's the absolute strangest?"

"I think it was probably the guy who wanted shrimp, tomatoes and babeque sauce then asked us to burn it and cut it in fourths."

"Please don't say that too loud. You'll probably give him ideas."

"Well we wouldn't want that. It'll be ready in about twenty minutes. If you want to wait I'll bring it over to you?"

"That would be great."


"What did you say your omega looked like again?"

"Why the fuck do you gotta keep bringing that back up?"

"Because I could be wrong, but the cutie who took my order? Pretty sure his name was Seokjin."


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