Present - Yoongi & Taehyung

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Life wasn't fair.

But sometimes it wasn't meant to be.


Seokjin was always going to grow up. There was a finite amount of time that he had been gifted, and there was no way to add to the top of the house glass. It was always going to quicken, racing towards the finish line of it emptying completely.

Turning it over would restart the process, another march of time towards another goal.

That it would happen so quickly, before the sand had even finished falling seemed like an unfair and cruel twist of fate. That he had only been granted fifteen years to raise and love and care for his son seemed unbearable. But Jungkook was the very definition of the perfect alpha, a match seemingly made in heaven for his child. Seokjin was the very definition of a perfect omega, and they deserved nothing less than each other.

For that he would try to be happy. Would try and accept what he had been given, what he couldn't change. Seokjin would still be close, constantly within reach. They would never be without one another. And that was all that mattered.


"Hello again." Running into Taehyung was an event he had grown accustom to over the previous weeks. First coming and going from the hospital room, visiting Seokjin and taking care of his son, keeping him strong and steady so he could in turn care for his alpha. And now each time he would visit Jungkook, which apparently happened quite often.

"Fancy meeting you here." They were currently in the lobby, and Yoongi was, admittedly, struggling a little, trying to balance bags filled with groceries while attempting to check their mail. But he had once managed similar feats with a toddler on his hip, so maybe he was just falling off his game with old age.

"Strange that I would be in the lobby of my own apartment."

"Anyone ever tell you Seokjin is exactly like you? Except, you know, nicer."

"I've heard that once or twice." More like from every single person who had ever been lucky enough to meet both of them. Seokjin had been blessed with everything, including a sparkling personality.

"Need some help?" Unlike the dynamic's between an alpha and an omega, it wasn't exactly in a betas nature to just some in and assume. Omega's were, normally, far more capable of doing almost everything than alpha's gave them credit for.

"No I've -" Got it. But those words never made it out, because at that exact moment the mail slipped from his hand and fell to a pile at his feet and he realized just how tired he was. All he could do was look down at it before letting his head fall back, questioning everything he had done that day and why these things were happening to him.

"I'll take that as a yes." Reaching forward, he carefully took the bags from where they were lined up and down the omega's arm, hefting them with ease. Taehyung was slightly bigger than you're typical beta, taller than they tended grow with broader shoulders and leaner muscles. Not quite on par with an alpha, but he had spent his youth attempting to keep up with Jungkook, and it had definitely done him some favors.

"Thanks." Kneeling down, he gathered the various envelopes and advertisements, tucking them into his arm before shutting the box and locking it up tight.

The trip up was silent, his feet sore and tired and his body threatening to give out from working hours longer than he should have. Maybe it was time he finally admit that this whole working twevle hour over night shifts just wasn't for him anymore. Maybe he should just listen to Seokjin and find an alpha and allow himself to live a comfortable life.

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