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There was the soft sound of a key scraping against a lock, before the door gave way and opened and he knew without even having to get up who it was. The sharp smell of harsh chemicals flooded his nostrils and they flared at the sensation, burning from the inside out. There wasn't even any hint of underlying vanilla to try and sweeten the disgusting scent, and his stomach coiled at the knowledge that it had been used at all.

Part of him wanted to get up, to open his own door and have this altercation right now, at this very moment, out in the hallway where everyone would know.

But he didn't. Instead he just curled in upon himself further, and waited for the matching sound of the door closing before letting his own tears begin to fall.


Seokjin didn't come to him that night.

Or the next day.

Or the day after that.

And with each passing day it felt more and more like he had lost.


There was a soft little knock on the door, and he barely managed to haul himself up off of the couch to go open it. Part of him was hoping it would be Seokjin standing on the other side, but the rest of him knew it wasn't. Knew that it was probably over and whatever extra added time they had been given was just some sort of anomaly in the programming of fate.

"Hello alpha." That it should be Yoongi was almost ironic, and he wanted, almost desperately, to tell the little omega to leave. But ginger washed over him and it soothed his soul in a way he couldn't describe and the sound he released was half pained whimper half sobbing cry.

Later he would never be able to explain how they managed to get from the opened door back over the couch. How they ended with him curled up with his head buried in Yoongi's lap as he cried, tears flowing freely with no way for them to be stopped. Not when the ache in his chest was so deep and so painful and he didn't know if he was going to be able to survive it.

"Why?" It came out so soft and so filled with hurt that even Yoongi flinched at the sound, fingers twisting and curling into dark strands, gliding through them easily in an attempt to comfort. He knew how Jungkook viewed this. That Seokjin had chosen someone else over him. The ultimate betrayal that they were never going to get past.

"Because he's scared." No matter what Seokjin did now, the chances of him losing his alpha were exceptionally high. It didn't take a genius to figure that out. "Because he knows he messed up."

"I don't understand." And he probably never would.

"I don't either." Sighing softly, Yoongi let his fingers come to a rest upon the other's head, a soft, comforting weight as he pumped out more pheromones. "He's been doing this shit with Namjoon since he was fifteen."

"Tell me about it?" Even he wasn't sure he could take it, but it was better than not knowing, better than letting his mind run wild trying to come up with scenarios.

"He met Namjoon his first year of high school. I only noticed because he came home smelling more and more like that fucker every day. At first I thought he was just being a typical omega, running after some stupid alpha. Then I realized it was the other way around. Namjoon meant absolutely nothing to Seokjin past what he could do for him. It was like for every favor he performed, Jin would pay him back with his time and company. Sometimes I think he was even just banking it away, saving up for some massive thing he was going to need one day.

I'm pretty sure Namjoon was in love with him from the start. But Seokjin didn't even pay attention. We used to joke about it. I would ask when he was gonna give him a chance and he would tell me if I liked him so much maybe I should.

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