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It hurt. A pain so sharp and so sudden that he thought he might die from it. Eyes snapped open as he cried out, head coming forward with the shock, body reacting almost violently as his mind tried to catch up with what his heart already knew. Within the field of blurry vision he could see the form of Yoongi, and he forced himself to focus upon it, until the swirling mass of colors that had blended into stark blacks and dull grays came back to life. Until his heart stopped pounding inside of his chest and he felt himself go limp, relaxing back into the strong arms that held him.

Sweet vanilla blossomed into the surrounding air like a freshly cut bean, brighter and fuller than it had ever been, and he felt the tension seep out of the space between them, until it was filled with something different. Felt tendrils of something he couldn't describe seeping downwards from the wounds created on his neck, like a slow sludge moving through his veins and wrapping around his heart. Could feel those threads tangle, embedded so deep inside of his soul that they had become unbreakable.

Felt teeth slide in practically to the bone, and he wept then from the knowledge that it would scar so beautifully, pale white and pink against unmarred flesh. His whole body convulsed as he felt his omega shift, felt himself being given over to another human life. Felt the bond of an alpha falling into place beside it, and knew that nothing would ever be more important than this.


It felt like his heart was going to pound out of his chest, droplets of blood slipping down from the open wounds as he twisted, lifting himself up high onto his knees, fingers sliding into thick dark strands. Watched as his alpha bared his own throat to him, gave in to his display of dominance for the very first and last time. Growled in satisfaction as his omega preened, fangs growing for their intended purpose.

It was easier than he had ever imagined, breaking through flesh and muscle, to dig in deep and leave the imprint of his teeth behind. To sink his teeth into the unmarked skin of his mates throat, breaking his scent gland and allowing the strong flavor of his blood to flow into his mouth. To drink it down without hesitation and feel the bond that had began fully form. Felt hands on his hips, nails digging into his skin as his jaw clenched and he tightened his grip, counting down the seconds in his head. Laved his tongue over the fresh wound, using his saliva to begin to heal it, before finally taking in a breathe and feeling himself grow stronger with the knowledge that they were one.

They were one.


They were one.

It was different now than it had been before. A sensation he couldn't describe licking it's way up his spinal column and settling within his very bones. An innate sense that this was his mate, his beautiful, tiny little perfect omega. That he had been chosen and that was the beginning and end of everything. That they were as they were meant to be, bonded and secure, pieces of themselves tearing apart and reforming to make one puzzle that could never be destroyed.

Their bond was already so incredibly strong, a thrumming energy that could be felt coursing through both of their beings. And as eyes darkened to black tilted upwards and caught dazzling golden, he knew that it was everything it was meant to be. They were everything they were meant to be. 


Shifting, his hands went to his omega's thighs, grasping and lifting them with ease, displaying a strength that had been hidden away for so long. But his alpha was awake now, alive and ready, needy with desperation to finish their bond. Brought them up until he was standing, those long legs wrapped around his waist and those slender wraps resting on his shoulders and he knew he was holding his entire world. That it was all right there, wrapped up into this one person.

"Alpha." Seokjin's voice was steady now, calm and serene, as if every single negative emotion had been drawn out with the force of their mating. Distantly he was aware that there should be another presence there, but everything felt dulled down in the presence of his alpha. His senses so keyed in to this one man, this one being that nothing else mattered. "Take me. Finish it."

"Omega." His own voice was deep and rough, commanding in a way that only alpha's were capable of. His fingers dug into the flesh of clothed thighs, growling at the way the fabric kept him from touching properly. A sound caught his attention, eyes darting from where they had rested upon his omega to the door, just in time to watch it fall closed and the other two wolves disappear, until they became nothing more than a distant memory. "Alpha loves you so much."

A soft whine rose from within Seokjin's throat, head falling back as Jungkook's lips descending towards his skin, teeth sinking into the flesh and leaving bruises across the expanse. Deep swirling reds and bright pinks that would darken as the morning came.

"Omega loves you with all of his heart." It should have been strange to speak like this, but it was their wolves who were in charge now. Who were guiding them through this. "Please, alpha. You have to finish it. I'll die if you don't."

"Patience, little one. Alpha is going to take such good care of you." 

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