Present - Jungkook

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Sometimes everything felt as though it were only an echo of something else, of what had come before.

Sometimes it felt like those things had happened to someone else. Like he had experienced them through eyes that weren't truly his own.

Sometimes it was difficult to remember that his life hadn't actually began the moment Seokjin had walked into it.


"Tell me about your support system." That he had actually managed to return for a second session of therapy was a testament to how incredible Seokjin's influence over him truly was. The first had been so emotionally draining that he had considered simply never returning. In theory he only needed it to receive his final clearances to return to work, but finding a completely different career sounded easy compared to what he was currently being put through.

"Well it's -" Tiny. Once it had consisted of the entirety of two families and numerous friends. Now it was comprised of two single omegas and a beta. "- kind of small."

"That's alright." His therapist had a gentle voice, soothing and soft in the same way as Seokjin's, except it was feminine and quiet. "The quantity doesn't matter as much as the quality."

"I like that." It sounded like something Seokjin would say, and he wondered silently when he began comparing everything and everyone to his omega. "What should I say?"

"Just tell me their names and a little bit about them. How long you've known them, what they mean to you. How they're there for you. It's important that we form a foundation to refer back to."

"Alright. I guess first there's my best friend Taehyung. Our mom's were pregnant at the same time and pretty much raised us together. I've never really known life without him."

"You mentioned him yesterday. He sounds like a very good friend."

"He is. He's been there through everything, you know? He knows it all." Taehyung was his earliest memory and his greatest gift. "Then there's Seokjin."

"That's your mate, correct?"

"He will be." His soul screamed at him that he already was, and everyone knew it. "I slip up sometimes and call him that though."

"That's alright."

"I haven't known him very long. Only since October. But I... I don't think I would still be here without him."

"And why is that?"

"When I first met him, I was still grieving the loss of my mate. I wasn't really living, you know? Just kind of going through the motions of being alive. But he made me feel like it was okay to start moving on. Then we - then I did an incredibly stupid thing and pushed him away."

"But the two of you found your way back to each other?"

"Yeah. The night this happened, Taehyung called him for me. He knew how much I was going to need him. I still don't know why he came, but he did."

"Have you tried asking him that?"

"I haven't. I guess I thought it didn't really matter."

"If it bothers you, then it matters. Perhaps knowing his motives could help you to build faith in the relationship."

"It doesn't.... okay, that's a lie. It bothers me a little. I guess I just don't think I deserve him after what I did. I know that the choice is his but I don't get the reasoning."

"Then it wouldn't hurt to open that line of communication between you."


"Is there anyone else you'd like to tell me about?"

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