Present - Yoongi & Taehyung

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Life wasn't fair.

But sometimes even the most unexpected things could be blessings in disguise.


There was an impossible amount of alpha pheromones floating through the air, forming a thick cloud from which there was no escape. Underlain with wave after wave of omega reaction, an opposite answer for every seeking question.

Despite how desperately he tried not to keep himself from being affected, there was no denying that Jungkook was a powerful alpha, and he felt himself growing weak around the edges. How every single omega within a five mile radius wasn't suddenly knocking on their door so they could drop to their knees in offering before this man was beyond him. Because he had never once in his entire life had the smallest desire to submit to anyone, let alone an alpha, and he was ready to risk everything just to it now.

Which would have been embarrassing for a plethora of reasons he didn't even want to think about. But strong hands had landed on his hips, had tugged him back into reality the moment he began making some lame attempt to give in to what his instincts were telling him. Had pulled him back against a solid chest and he could feel the familiar beating strength of a heart against his own. Felt the way his feet seemed to go out from under him as he was lifted and he actually just allowed it to happen. Gave in without complaint or protest because there was distinct hint of fresh melon cutting through the heavy waves of sea breeze and sweet vanilla and he clung to it like a life line.

Clung to Taehyung in a way he would absolutely never admit to in a hundred, million years. Buried his face in this throat and just let himself be moved and taken. Barely even heard the sound of the door opening or closing, suddenly far too focused on embedding his scent into every single part of this man.

There was, in theory, absolutely no reason for him to suddenly feel the insane amount of possessiveness that he currently did. Realistically, there was also no reason for him to feel at all threatened by the way he could make out under currents of that beautiful vanilla clinging to what was his. If he were being rational, he would know that of all the omegas in all the world, Seokjin was the one who should have made his instincts go haywire the very least.

But he wasn't feeling exceptionally realistic or rational at the moment. All he was feeling was intense need to claim, to mark what was his and keep it safe. Because suddenly it seemed like there were dozens of scents all around them, threats surrounding them on all sides, and he had never fekt such an intense need to keep them away.

That he should feel this way towards a beta seemed like some strange twist of fate he had never anticipated. That he would ever feel this distinct desire towards someone who wasn't Hoseok seemed like an idea he couldn't even begin to fathom.

But he did. And it was impossible to deny how much he wanted to bite down upon the scent gland that was directly below his lips. How much he wanted to smell that fresh melon blooming intensely over the mixture that currently filled his senses. Nothing seemed to dampen that desire, to make it recede and fade. All any of it did was make it grow more intense until his entire body was vibrating with the need of it.

"Taehyung." He didn't even know where they currently were, because everything except for the beta was a complete blur. Colors had dulled and mixed and all he could see was dark hair and all he could feel was arms around his waist and he felt like he was going to die if he didn't do something about it. "Mate me."

"You don't really want that." That voice was so deep and so beautiful and it made his entire being shudder. That there should also be a sadness contained within it seemed out of place, and his omega reacted almost violently. "It's just -"

"It's not." Seokjin's pheromones should not have made him feel threatened. Jungkook's should not have made him feel this desperate need to belong to his mate. They were exceptionally strong, yes, powerful and desperate and they filled the air in a thick cloud. But they were growing weaker with each passing second, until the cool breeze of night air was playing over his skin and he still wanted. "Please."

"Yoongi." It wasn't as if this wasn't something that he wanted. Yoongi was the absolute perfect omega down to his very core. Even the surface flaws faded away into something softer and more brilliant once you managed to press past them. Beneath lie a soul so beautiful and bright and he could never bring himself to believe that he deserved to be within that presence. "I'm gonna take you home, okay? And if you still feel this way in the morning then -"

"I will." All of those months spent in Hoseok's presence, all of those days and weeks spent crying over him, there had never been this much desperation welling up inside of him. Even when he had been pregnant and that desire should have been at it's strongest, he had never once wanted this as much as he did right now. "I'll still want you as my mate."

"We should -" Talk about it. Discuss it. But what was there to truly talk about or discuss? What was there to figure out between them? Taehyung knew it all already. Had accepted everything without hesitation. Knew his truth and his lies and promised to keep them both.

"No." It came out as a whimper, one he would be entirely embarrassed of at any other point and time. One that he would later deny until the ends of the earth. "Please. I'll die if you make me wait."

"Such a needy omega." It was meant to sound amused, but it just sounded ragged and desperate, like his resolve was slowly wavering. Like he was seconds away from giving in and actually doing it.

"Only for you, beta." The dynamics between them were different than that of an alpha and an omega. Beta's didn't exactly have that same commanding aura around them, couldn't give direct orders and simply make an omega obey. But they were still the dominate of the two, and maybe that was what had drawn Yoongi in so completely. Taehyung could give him everything that his omega longed for, while still allowing him the same sense of self and independence that he craved. Things that he would never be allowed should he mate an alpha.

"Morning will come, little one. We'll see how you feel then."


They didn't make it until morning.

They had barely made it past the front door.

How could they when his omega was ready to break down at any second into a crying, sobbing mess and actually beg upon hands and knees for his beta to give in and mate him? He needed it like he needed oxygen to keep breathing, like he needed water to stay alive. Needed it so completely and so desperately that there was no way he was going to make it through the night to the sun rise without falling into a pit of utter despair without that mark upon his neck.

Surely there was some strange sense of irony that he should become mated on the exact same night as his son, but fate had always worked in mysterious ways, playing havoc with his life before bringing about the biggest blessings he could ever hope to receive. Once, Seokjin had been that blessing, a gift from the heavens brought to him to ensure he stayed alive. To give him something to fight for.

Now that blessing was Taehyung, given to him right when he needed it most. When his entire reason for being didn't need him in the same way anymore. When the culmination of the last eighteen years had finally come to fruition and the entire goal of his life had been seen to it's end.

Now there was a new chapter unfolding, a beautiful beginning, a picture perfect match to a bittersweet ending.

That it would bring the first hint of cherry blossoms carried along the edges of the wind to settle over them, bright and floral, was an unexpected reaction to it's opposite action.

But the unexpected blessings were always the most beautiful. 

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