Past - Jimin & Jungkook

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To say that Jimin was an absolutely perfect omega was like saying the sky was blue or water was wet. It was simply a fact of life that everyone seemed to willingly accept upon first meeting. Jimin was beyond any text book definition. In fact, it seemed like they had all been written about him.

Everything he did was perfect. Even on the rare, off chance that he made a mistake, the outcome would still somehow transform into something nearly magical, an unrealistic expectation that no one else could ever manage to live up to.

Despite how insanely amazing he always seemed to be, he never allowed such a thing to go to his head. His ego remained tiny, practically not existent, instead of giving way to self doubt and questioning everything he did endlessly, striving constantly for perfection despite the way everyone else claimed that he had already achieved it.

Jimin would never see in himself what everyone saw.


"There's my pretty baby." Jungkook was, alternatively, an actual perfect alpha. He was the type who didn't even have to actually try. "I was hoping I'd get to see you before I left."

"I wish you didn't have to." Working alternative schedules felt like leading two completely different lives. Even on the rare occasions when their days off would align, it wasn't as if they would get to spend vast amounts of time together. Jimin was awake and asleep with the sun, while Jungkook was a creature of the night. "Stay, alpha. Please?"

"Baby, you know I can't." It wasn't like he didn't want to. He did. Incredibly desperately. But his world couldn't stop for one single person. Even when it revolved around them.

"Please?" It sounded like a soft whine, low and deep inside his throat. "I miss you so much." He didn't intend to sounded needy, but it was so difficult to keep the emotion out of his voice. There was one card that he always held up his sleeve, only pulling it out when chips were down and the odds weren't in his favor. "Alpha, your omega needs you."

"Jimin." That his alpha would sound so frustrated in response was new, a factor he hadn't been anticipating, and it caused him to recoil slightly. "I can't."

"You could. You just don't want to."

"I'm a police officer, Jimin, we can't just take days off whenever we feel like it."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"That if you want us to spend time together, maybe you should be the one to call in."

"I'm a teacher, Jungkook. We can't just take days off whenever we feel like it."

"Then don't ask me for things you can't do yourself."


Once, under the pale moon light, they had spoke desperate, passionate words of love and promise. Whispered them into each other ears, breathed them into each other's very souls until they were part of who each other were. Until there was no more Jimin and no more Jungkook. Until they didn't exist as individuals, but as mates. As a bonded pair that nothing would ever be able to break apart.

Nothing except themselves.


"Chim?" It was early, the first pale rays of the sun just beginning to peak through the dark of the night sky. Hours before he was meant to be home, but he had worked straight through all of his breaks in hopes he might make it home in time to actually see his mate.

"In here, alpha." The voice sounded strained, and he followed the trail it created, through the living room and into their tiny little kitchen, watching for a moment as the omega stumbled through the act of trying to make coffee.

"There's my beautiful baby." Jimin was always the most beautiful like this. During those moments when he stopped trying to be so perfect and allowed himself to simply be instead.

"Not feeling so beautiful right now." Deep brown eyes were puffy and rimmed in bright red, cheeks swollen and light pink, signs of far too many tears and not nearly enough sleep.

"Love." His heart clenched within his chest at the sight, and he moved forward without even thinking, wrapping strong arms around the little omega from behind, drawing him into his warmth. "You've never been more beautiful than you are right now."

"Kookie." Those eyes fell closed as his head tilted back and off to the side, baring his neck to his alpha in a sign of vulnerability and submission. "Your omega needs you so much."

"Don't worry baby boy, alpha is here." Slowly his lips trailed across the offered expanse, pressing against a pulse point before sinking his teeth into the scarred flesh, sighing as the scent of rose's bloomed fresh in the air.

"Alpha." A soft whimper, born of pain and pleasure, teeth sinking into that full bottom lip to keep himself from crying out. "We can't."

"Give me one good reason." Teeth scraped across corded muscle, before lips attached to an unmarked patch of flesh, sucking until it turned a deep, angry red.

"I have work." But at the moment he was exceptionally tempted to risk everything he had spent literal years working for and just allow his alpha to take him right there on their kitchen counter.

"Stay." Teeth attached to his ear lobe, before lips pressed against the shell and another whisper came. "Omega, your alpha needs you."

"Jungkook -" Something inside of him said that he shouldn't give in, shouldn't allow the alpha to get away with using the same dirty tricks against him. Shouldn't give him everything he wanted simply because he wanted it. Should be strong enough to say no. To teach Jungkook a desperately needed lesson.

But of course that was never going to happen, because all it took was those hands squeezing his hips to have him leaking rivers of floral scented slick.

Jimin's one weakness, the one whole in the entire facade of being the perfect omega, his Achilles heel was an alpha named Jungkook. And that was never going to change.


Right up until the very end, that never changed.

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