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"Kim Seokjin I know I did not drop you on your head as a baby."

"Hello to you too mom."

"Why the fuck do you not have any sense? Like, where did I go wrong?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you're with Namjoon and failed to tell someone about it."

"I told you about it this morning."

"And I'm so very glad you did. It made the whole situation where I had to tell Jungkook where you had disappeared to so much easier. Thank you so much for making me live through that experience."

"I don't -"

"Stop. Just stop right there. Before you say anything else fucking stupid because I know for a fact I raised you to be smarter than that. But since you've apparently lost all sense, I'm gonna spell it out for you, just this once. You are with another alpha right now, Seokjin. You're going to come back reeking of him, you know that right? And you can tell me all you want it's just because he hugged you, but I, unlike you, have common sense and know you don't get scented that strongly from a hug.

So you're gonna come back smelling to high heaven of this fucker. Which wouldn't be so bad if you had, I don't know, just had the intelligence to tell your alpha where you were going in the first place. But since you didn't, and he's been sitting there wondering for hours because you can't look at your phone and answer any one's text, I'm gonna tell you how this is gonna go.

You're gonna come back, and you're gonna smell like fucking mint instead of what you should smell of, and Jungkook is going to lose it. You're going to fight and no matter what, you're going to lose, based on the fact that you didn't tell him where you were going in the first place."

"Jungkook hangs out with Taehyung all the time." Seokjin's voice sounded on edge, hard and full of blossoming anger. "He comes back smelling like melon and I don't freak out."

"God, I really did mess up with you. Okay, let me see if I can get this to sink in. You are an omega, which means you're only threatened by other omega scents. A beta's isn't going to bother you, especially when you both know who Taehyung is and the nature of their relationship. It's why smelling me on Jungkook doesn't bother you either.

But let's imagine for a second you smelled some random ass omega on him one day, what would that make you think?"

"What does this -"

"It would make you think that he had obviously been close enough to that omega to pick up their scent. Now imagine you don't know that omega or what their relationship is your alpha. You would be pissed, Seokjin.

You're going to come back smelling like you've been all over some other alpha, and Jungkook is going to know. He's going to know you act like a little slut around every single alpha you meet without ever actually giving anything away because apparently I did just a good enough job to teach you that was meant to be for your mate.

And guess what? He doesn't fucking know Namjoon. He doesn't know that to you he's just your best friend. But I bet you he's gonna know that Namjoon would literally do anything to get you to be his mate instead. And he's gonna fucking lose it and you're gonna deserve it for being such an idiot."

"Why are you being like this? I didn't do anything wrong." His son's voice sounded broken, like he was on the verge of confused, angry, hurt tears. And despite how much he hated hearing that sound, he knew he was only doing what he had to. For so long he had just allowed Seokjin to do whatever he wanted. Maybe that's where he had gone wrong. Giving him so much freedom that he thought he could get away with anything.

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