Present - Jungkook & Seokjin

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Trying to recount the beautiful words Yoongi had strung together to form their story was almost impossible, and he wasn't entirely certain he was getting it all right. There was so much, and it was difficult even for him to keep all of the details where they were meant to go. It was strange, how he seemed to feel lighter as the story wore on, like a burden was slowly being lifted, like a weight that he hadn't known he'd been carrying was suddenly being shared.

Jungkook simply listened, took it all in silently, only spoke when he needed to ask a question, simply accepting when there was no answer and moving on. Those long fingers never left his own, remained tangled and intertwined, squeezing softly each time his voice would break and he'd need to stop, taking a deep breath to center himself, sighing as thick ocean air picked up and calmed his frayed nerves.

"When did you find out?" The tale had come to it's end, and they had sat for a while in silence, the heaviness of it all hanging like a tension between them.

"A couple months ago. On my birthday."

"Man, what a gift that must have been." It almost felt out of place, that little bit of light, but it was enough to snap him out of the terrible head space he had fallen into, to bring him back into the world of happiness and joy. To make him laugh, just a little.

"It was definitely something." But he had gotten his mother, finally, after all of this time. He had gotten to hold Yoongi and acknowledge him not as his brother, but as the person who had loved him enough to bring him into this world. Who had fought for him every single step of the way. "Remember your promise, alpha."

"I remember, little one." Despite the way it went against every single thing he had ever been taught. But there was something he had learned that didn't come from a classroom, wasn't born from all of his training. Sometimes things happened, and the lines of right and wrong suddenly weren't so clear anymore. And within that gray space, people made choices and carried out actions that they never would have otherwise. Weather they were right or wrong was subjective, entirely based on the individuals opinion.

To some, what Yoongi had done would be considered wrong. Certainly the law would think so. To most, he had done nothing more than take back what belonged to him. And how could Jungkook possibly look at this tiny little omega and not be grateful for that one choice, made out of desperation and pain? If Yoongi hadn't been forced into the gray area, hadn't been pushed into making that choice, then Seokjin wouldn't be at his side. Every single thing had aligned perfectly for fates design to weave an create magic. "Thank you for trusting me, baby. I promise to keep your secret safe."


"You never told me what the mistake was." Seokjin had kept his word of getting pizza for them. Two, because he was not even going to attempt to eat whatever concoction Jungkook dreamed up this time.

"Guess I got a little sidetracked. But I had to tell you that story to tell you this one."

"If this is gonna be another emotion roller coaster I'm gonna need another pizza. Or at least, like, five more kisses."

"Haven't I given you enough kisses today?"


"Such a needy alpha."

"Excuse me, but have you seen my omega lately?"

"Yeah, he looks like a hot mess."

"Baby, you are the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. Please don't talk about yourself like that." Those words were enough to make tears spring into his eyes, the reaction completely unbidden, blinking rapidly to try and clear them away as he shifted, brought himself up to stand so he could lean over and give all five of those kisses. Each one slow and lingering, heart skipping a beat with every single one. Jungkook smiled in between the fourth and the fifth, sighing as it came to an unwanted end. "I love your kisses."

"I love giving them to you." If he were capable of speaking his truth, he would realize that he loved everything about Jungkook.

He loved Jungkook. And that was the beginning and end of everything.

"Now, about this mistake of yours."

"Right." Taking a deep breath, he slipped back down into the chair, shifting around until he was comfortable. "I may found my dad on Instagram."

"Okay, I see how that could have been a bad idea." Considering he was the one person probably still in contact with the people who had caused all of this. "But you said he protected you, so..."

"It doesn't matter. Apparently both my grandparents are gone." There was no emotion in his voice, just a sort of expected detachment. He had never known them so they meant nothing. And all he did know what the pain they had caused his mother. Of course he likely wouldn't be devastated that they were no longer around to cause trouble.

"Well that definitely makes things easier." Or at least eliminated the people who were most likely to still attempt to do something about this whole mess. "Did you talk to him?"

"Yeah." Something seemed to light up in his face at that. "I actually messaged him right before..."

"Right before I messed around and got shot?"

"Right before my gorgeous, brave alpha did an incredibly heroic and stupid thing and got shot, yes."

"Can you do me a favor and put it that way to Taehyung?"

"You got it."

"So did he ever get back to you?"

"Yeah, we actually spoke a little."

"Really? That's great, Jinnie."

"Is it? Cause I'm not sure Yoongi is gonna think so."

"You haven't told him?"


"Well it was nice having you for an omega while it lasted. Hopefully the third time really is a charm."

"Wow, what ever happened to being there to save me if I ever needed it?"

"Uh, Yoongi is terrifying beyond all reason, that's what happened."

"Okay, true." By all accounts it made no sense that an omega should be that threatening. "But I kind of stopped responding."

"I mean, that's pretty understandable, Jin. Just explain. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"You really think so? It's been like a week."

"Babe, listen, just trust me on this. Want me to help you figure out what to say?"

"Yes." Namjoon had been gently guiding him as much as he possibly could, but it was different with Jungkook. All of his instincts told him to trust this alpha, to put his faith completely into him. "I need your help so much alpha."

"Come on then. Grab your phone and let's figure this out."

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